January 2022
Hi everyone,
Im Yoran Grant-Greene, the Country Director for the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) office here in Haiti. Bonne
année! I hope you all are staying safe and healthy, especially right now
as the Omicron variant continues to create a new spike in cases
globally, including in the U.S. and Haiti.
Fortunately, we all have the tools to fight Omicron. Get vaccinated and
boosted, wear a mask, and wash your hands frequently with soap and
water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer. If you have a fever, cough, or
other symptoms, get tested! You can find all the CDC guidelines and
recommendations here.
Im so proud of the work CDC and the U.S. government is doing in Haiti!
In partnership with COVAX, the United States just delivered almost
40,000 Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine doses to the Haitian people. This is in
addition to previous U.S. donations of over 100,000 doses of Moderna
and Johnson & Johnson. We work together with the Ministry of Public
Health and Population to protect Haitian communities and help control
the COVID-19 pandemic. Remember, you can get vaccinated in all 10
departments in Haiti.
Dont forget to stay up-to-date with the latest COVID-19 information in
Haiti and the requirements to fly to the United States. For example,
regardless of citizenship or vaccination status, everyone must have a
negative COVID-19 test one day before boarding their flight. The CDC
has a handy assessment you can use to find out what applies for each
traveler, including children, for a customized response to board a flight
to the United States.
Please continue to stay safe,
Dr. Yoran Grant-Greene
CDC Haiti
Cover Message
Ask the Consul
This Month
Travel &
Contact Info
Ask the Consul
This month, were answering all of your questions regarding
medical insurance for U.S. citizens overseas.
: What does medical evacuation insurance cover?
: Medical evacuation insurance pays for medical care and emergency transportation. If you
are traveling to a remote destination or to a place where care is not likely to be up to U.S.
standards, consider buying medical evacuation insurance.
: What does travel health insurance cover?
: Travel health insurance pays for emergency and/or routine medical services overseas. If you
have health insurance in the United States, find out if it covers emergencies that happen
abroad. More information is on the State Department page, Your Health Abroad.”
: What does trip cancellation insurance cover?
: Trip cancellation insurance covers your financial investment in your trip, such as the cost of
flights, cruises, or train tickets. This may not cover any medical care you need overseas, so
you may need a separate travel health insurance policy.
: What things should I consider when deciding on
my travel insurance?
: Travel insurance varies widely. Carefully read the
terms of an insurance policy to make sure it fits your
needs. For example, does it cover emergency medical
care, medical transport back to the U.S., a 24-hour contact
line, sufficient financial coverage, the regions youre
traveling to, the duration of your travel, pre-existing
conditions, or the activities you plan on engaging in?
Useful Links
Your Health Abroad
CDC Insurance Page
Medical Assistance
: Does the U.S. government cover my medical costs
when Im overseas?
: The U.S. government does not provide medical
insurance for U.S. citizens overseas. We do not pay
medical bills. You should purchase insurance before you travel.
Please remember that in general, Medicare and Medicaid do not
cover medical costs overseas.
This Month
President Joseph R. Biden Jr. proclaimed January 2022 as
National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. The White House
said, Since human trafficking disproportionately impacts racial
and ethnic minorities, women and girls, LGBTQI+ individuals,
vulnerable migrants, and other historically marginalized and
underserved communities, our mission to combat human
trafficking must always be connected to our broader efforts to
advance equity and justice across our society.
The U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline is
+1-888-373-7888. You can call this number to report a tip or
ask for help.
Naonal Human Tracking Prevenon
January 12, 2010 Earthquake
Health Resources & COVID-19
Useful Links
Embassy COVID-19 Page
Travel Requirements
Air Ambulance Services
Hospitals in Haiti
The CDC has issued a Level 4 health
advisory for Haiti. Avoid travel to Haiti. If you
must travel to Haiti, make sure you are fully
Haiti—Level 4:
Very High Level of COVID-19
Make sure you are current on your vaccines,
including tetanus and rabies.
Know where doctors and the closest emergency
room are in your area. Please visit the Embassy
website for a list of hospitals and medical
professionals in Haiti.
Always keep basic medications and supplies on
hand. Invest in a quality first aid kit and keep one
in your car and at home.
Always have medical insurance, including
medevac insurance. If you need to be medically
evacuated out of Haiti, you should contact a
medevac company or an air ambulance service.
Visit the Embassy website for a list of Air
Ambulance Services.
General Health Guidance
For updated information about COVID-19 in Haiti,
please visit the Embassy website. Youll find information about:
Where to get vaccinated
Where to get tested
Entry/exit requirements
Quarantine guidelines
Travel & Security
The U.S. Department of State has renewed the highest level
Level 4: Do Not Traveltravel advisory for Haiti due to
kidnapping, crime, civil unrest, and COVID-19.
Haiti—Level 4: Do Not Travel
If you are in Hai:
Sign-up for the Smart Traveler Enrollment
Program (STEP) to receive important
information from the Embassy about safety
conditions in Haiti, and help the Embassy
contact you in case of emergency. Enroll
Remember that demonstrations, tire
burning, and roadblocks are frequent,
unpredictable, and can turn violent at any
time. Emergency response, including
ambulance service, is limited or non-
Always carry your cellphone and ensure it is
charged before you travel. Ensure you have
important numbers programmed into your
phone. Consider using code names for
family or friends.
Avoid demonstrations and crowds. If you
encounter a roadblock, turn around and get
to a safe area.
Arrange airport transfers and hotels in
advance, or have your host meet you upon
Travel by vehicle to minimize walking in
public, and travel in groups of at least two
people whenever possible.
Always keep vehicle doors and windows
locked with valuables out of sight.
Exercise caution and alertness, especially
when driving through markets and other
traffic-congested areas.
Do not travel in areas unfamiliar to you and
be aware that navigation apps are highly
unreliable in Haiti.
Do not physically resist any robbery or
kidnapping attempt.
Always make sure your vehicle is in good
driving condition.
Travel at times when traffic is expected to be
lighter; avoid travel after dark in Port au
Ensure adequate spacing between vehicles
to provide options for evading a potentially
dangerous situation.
Patronize shops or restaurants that provide
secure, enclosed, and well-lit parking.
Always inform someone, such as a family
member or friend, of where you are going
and what time you expect to return.
Minimize broadly publishing your travel
plans on social media.
Contact Info
This newsletter is published by the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy in Port au Prince. Please
pass this newsletter along to other interested people. If you would like to receive your own copy
directly, sign up through the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). Comments and
suggestions regarding this newsletter are welcomed at [email protected].
U.S. Embassy Port au Prince
Boulevard 15 Octobre
Tabarre 41, Route de Tabarre, Port au Prince, Haiti
American Citizen Services:
American Citizen Services Website
U.S. Embassy Port au Princes Website
U.S. Embassy Facebook
U.S. Embassy Twitter
Haiti Travel Advisory
American Citizen Services Facebook
American Citizen Services Twitter
Smart Traveler Enrollment Program
Make an ACS Appointment
COVID-19 Information in Haiti
Useful Links