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International Journal of Serious Games Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2021
ISSN: 2384-8766
Developing a novel psychographic-behavioral qualitative mapping
method for exergames
James Smith
, Matthew D. Lee
, Louise A. Ellis
, Kiran Ijaz
Kathleen Yin
Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science, Australian Institute of
Health Innovation, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, [email protected]u,
School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA,
Centre for Health Informatics Australian Institute for Health Innovation, Macquarie
University, Sydney, Australia,, kathleen.[email protected]
Location-based augmented reality games, used in several smartphone devices, have
the potential to improve health outcomes by transforming gaming from a sedentary
leisure pursuit to an active leisure pursuit thus having positive physical, psychological
and social implications. We consider two games, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite and
Pokémon GO, by qualitatively mapping both psychographic and behavioral data to
profile groups of players to fully understand how we can better design location-based
augmented reality exergames to improve exercise and health. Data was collected
through an online open-ended, text-box survey (proforma) hosted on Qualtrics, with
participants reached via virtual snowballing. The proforma was posted on four
subreddit forums dedicated to Harry Potter: Wizards Unite and Pokémon GO for two
weeks, and 1052 participants responded. Our study aligns with a deductive category
application, with all highlighted excerpts coded using a predetermined coding scheme.
Overall, three themes were identified: 1) player loyalty, 2) player involvement and 3)
player constraints. We conclude that psychographic constraints experienced can
negatively influence player preference and behavior. However, psychographic
enablers such as player involvement with the franchise and player loyalty toward the
brand can act to sustain continued gameplay across different player types and should
not be underestimated as a powerful influence in decision-making, choice behavior,
and behavior change (to improve exercise and health).
Keywords: Augmented reality, Exergames, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, Pokémon GO,
Player typologies, Psychographics
1 Introduction
Serious games have a multiple purpose that attaches at least one characterizing goal such
as education or health-related benefit (e.g. games for health) to a digital game without
compromising player experience [1, 2]. Exergames are a prominent area of serious games
as they include exertion (physical activity) plus video game aimed to increase player’s
physical activity [3]. Augmented Reality (AR) can enhance engagement by bringing the
wonders of a fantasy world to life by altering how players view their physical realities, with
the hope for more profound and long-lasting player involvement [4].
Due to the rise of social networks and mobile computing technology, exergames
can now incorporate the user’s physical location to influence the game world [3, 5]. These
location-based games as exergames are AR games because they augment a virtual world on
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ISSN: 2384-8766
top of our real-world environment to create a hybrid space, giving the illusion of playing in
the context of the real world [3, 5, 6]. Smartphone devices make exergames easily
accessible and therefore have the potential to increase physical activity across multiple
populations [3, 7-12]. With the potential link to attaining multiple health-related benefits,
exergames can transform gaming from a sedentary leisure pursuit to an active leisure pursuit
having positive physical, social and psychological implications [7, 12-14]. Harry Potter:
Wizards Unite (HPWU) and Pokémon GO (PGO) are ideal exergames to compare [3, 12]
as these two popular games were designed by the same company called Niantic Inc [15,
16], that incorporated AR by designing and packaging it alongside the same AR digital
points of interest (PoIs: represent real-world objects) [3, 10] for easy experiential
consumption [17].
According to Laato et al. [3] typical examples of location-based AR exergames
include HPWU, PGO, Ingress (Prime) and The Walking Dead: Our World. Laato et al. [3]
reported HPWU’s having a similar effect to PGO on increasing mild player exercise. Other
previous research found that playing PGO increased mild exercise, can be a gateway for
exercise for inactive individuals, and provided multi-layered motivation for exercise,
including in-game rewards and social features [18]. The authors also highlight that PGO
can be integrated into a daily commute, and during other travels, and have the potential to
provide other health-related benefits, such as social well-being [18]. More recently, Ellis et
al. [12] identified that HPWU and PGO exergames have the potential to promote physical
and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
PGO and HPWU currently dominate the location-based AR exergame market [19]
by successfully creating a magical and extraordinary player experience that encourages
healthy outdoor exploration and social gameplay [5, 6, 20]. In PGO, players take on the
role of adventurers on a quest to travel across the land, searching far and wide for fictional
creatures called Pokémon, who will appear on the game map once a player is within a given
distance of them. Once a Pokémon is found, players may attempt to capture items called
Pokéballs (thrown using a simple flicking motion), which they can restock by visiting PoIs
called gyms or Pokéstops [3]. HPWU players are made to feel like part of a complex story
set in the Wizarding World, with players taking on the role of members of a special Task
Force investigating the truth behind a mysterious phenomenon known as the Calamity,
which is causing chaos around the world. To do this, players seek out objects displaced
from the proper places and times, on which traces of the Calamity’s magic may yet be
found. To extract these traces (and return these objects to where and when they belong),
players must quickly and accurately trace the pattern of a spell on the screen, with many
traces requiring multiple successful casts to fully extract. Each spell attempt successful
or failed consumes a certain amount of spell energy, a limited resource which can only
be restored at PoIs [3].
It is important to note however, that AR design factors for exergames and
commercial ends are not always aligned, which can create tension between aspects of AR
games designed for health-related benefits and those intended to promote commercial
success. This provides an interesting and complex dynamic that is highly dependent on how
both affect player preference and behavior [1, 3, 4]. As such, there is a pressing need to
better understand the influencing factors that hinder or enable player preferences and
behavior for different player groups, as this can influence player choice behavior and
behavior change (e.g., improving health-related outcomes).
2 Theoretical background
2.1 Segmentation Theory
Traditionally, researchers have used Segmentation Theory (dividing participants into
segments to understand preferences and behaviors) to inform serious game design [21-24].
Demographic segmentation (descriptive features) using gender or age, etc. were found to
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International Journal of Serious Games Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2021
ISSN: 2384-8766
be too simplistic as well as problematic in the gaming literature, with some researchers
suggesting that a focus on such descriptive features is insufficient to determine pertinent
differences between game players [24-26]. Consequently, demographic aspects have not
been of interest in research on player typologies [21].
Turning to behavioral descriptors in segmentation, these can include current and
former players [27, 28]. However, more detailed behavioral descriptors exist and have been
used to segment different player behaviors based on behavioral engagement typologies [24,
27]. Initially, this started with behavioral segmentation of two explicit groups consisting of
casual and hardcore players [19, 24]. This casual/hardcore binary is also expanded upon in
the game literature to provide a more comprehensive player behavioral range by including
both mid-core players (that lie in-between the two extremes of casual and hardcore players)
[12, 29], and those who are yet to establish any type of player identity (no-identification)
[12, 27, 30].
However, immediate questions remain: what factors underlie player preferences
and behaviors, and how can we harness this knowledge to improve AR game design?
Running parallel to this work is a complimentary body of literature on health-related
benefits based on psychographic variables consisting of constraints, involvement, and
loyalty. This work provides important types of barriers and enablers for attaining health-
related benefits [31-33]. Given serious games goal for players to attain health-related
benefits [1, 3], researchers in this field should seriously consider how constraints,
involvement and loyalty impact upon player preference and behavior. Furthermore, few
studies in the serious games literature have applied qualitative methods to Segmentation
Theory [22], despite qualitative methods potential benefit to provide a deeper understanding
of player preference and behavior [24].
3 Methodological contribution
A good method or tool is currently lacking in the literature on studying different player
typologies [21]. As shown in Table 1 and Table 2, we introduce a novel qualitative mapping
method to segmentation in our paper for the first time, that utilizes both behavioral
descriptors (player typologies and player status) and psychographic (constraints,
involvement, loyalty) aspects of player populations to explore the different factors that
interact to either enable or hinder player preferences and behavior. We also recognize that
players are heterogeneous in their levels of constraints (structural, interpersonal &
intrapersonal) [32-35], involvement (attraction, sign-value, centrality, & risk) [32-36], and
loyalty (attitudinal and word-of-mouth) [32-35] (See Table 1-2). Therefore, our combined
psychographic-behavioral mapping method to segment and sort different player profiles
into meaningful homogenous subgroups is an important endeavor for developing tailored
AR game design strategies to promote health-related benefits [33, 37].
At present, in-depth internal psychographics, including player constraints,
involvement, and loyalty, remains hidden from game designers and health practitioners
alike [31-33, 35, 38-41]. Yet, this information is highly useful in AR serious game design
with the goal for people to attain health-related benefits. Constraints that people are exposed
to during play can negatively influence player behavior and their preferences [35, 38, 41,
42]. Likewise, enablers such as involvement is “an unobservable state of motivation,
arousal, or interest towards an activity” (p.246) [43], that has a well-established relationship
to loyalty in the maintenance of strong attitudes toward resistance to change preferences
[31, 35, 44, 45] (See Table 1). Together, an understanding of constraints and enablers (such
as involvement and loyalty) can provide game designers and other stakeholders a better
understanding of how to implement design changes or modifications to enhance player
perceptions and help players attain health-related benefits.
Accordingly, the following aim is formulated: To develop a novel psychographic-
behavioral qualitative mapping method to understand patterns between how player
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International Journal of Serious Games Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2021
ISSN: 2384-8766
preference and play behavior is affected by perceived constraints, involvement and loyalty.
Our study is providing a novel methodology for studying the pattern of play. We are
overlaying self-defined behavioral patterns (such as hardcore’ and ‘casual’) with
constraining and enabling factors, thus providing a possibility of targeting player subgroups
by identifying specific constraints and enablers, which could improve future serious
exergame use and design. To our knowledge, the factors we are assessing have not been
combined in this context. Our novel qualitative mapping method will therefore help to
identify what different player identifications experience in relation to constraints,
involvement, and loyalty, thus providing valuable insight into player behavior and
Table 1. Definitions from studies establishing key behavioral features used in serious
Behavioral descriptors
Hamari &
Tuuunanen [27];
Tseng [28]
Player status
Current player of either (or
both) HPWU or POGO
Dunham et al.
[19]; Ellis et al.
[12]; Ip & Jacobs
[24]; Kirman &
Lawson [30];
Loporcaro et al.
[23]; Manero et al.
[22]; Tuunanen &
Hamari [21];
Yee [29]
Player self-
Those who invest a
significant amount
of their recreational
time and resources
to gaming, and who
also have more
knowledge and
skills in games
Those players
that exist in-
hardcore and
casual players
Those who
play games
casually, in
sessions or
Those players
who have not
yet established
a clear player
Table 2. Definitions from studies establishing key psychographic factors from the health-
related benefits literature
Psychographic factors
Alexandris et al.
[32, 33]; Jun et al.
[38]; Smith &
Smith [35]; Smith
Constraints external
to an individual
(e.g., distance, cost)
Inability to find
partners to
(e.g., lack of
other players)
Internal psychological
constraints (e.g., confidence,
lack of interest)
Alexandris et al.
[32, 33]; Havitz et
al. [31]; Smith &
Smith [35]; Smith
Symbolic value an
individual can
express their
identity through the
The degree to
which the
activity is
central to one’s
and hedonic
The perceived
or actual risk of
switching to
other games
Howat et al. [45]
[39, 40] Mahony
et al. [40];
Smith & Smith
[35]; Smith [41];
Tsiotsou et al. [39]
The affection held
toward the brand
Word-of-Mouth recommendation:
Behavioral intention of word-of-mouth
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International Journal of Serious Games Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2021
ISSN: 2384-8766
4 Methods
A qualitative approach was used by applying a combined psychographic-behavioral
qualitative methodology to explore both psychographic domains (constraints, involvement,
and loyalty) [32, 33, 35, 41] and behavioral descriptors (player status and player self-
identification) (see Table 1). Ethical approval was obtained from the Macquarie University
Human Research Ethics Committee for Medical Sciences (Reference No:
4.1 Sample and recruitment
We conducted a qualitative proforma in 2020 (2 February 1 March 2020 inclusive) as part
of a larger study to examine PGO and HPWU use and player experience. Participant
recruitment was conducted online via four subreddit forums dedicated to PGO or HPWU
(r/WizardsUnite, r/PokemonGO, r/harrypotterwu, and r/TheSilphRoad). A recruitment post
was pinned to the top of each subreddit from 2 February to 1 March 2020, directing
individuals to the participant information page via Qualtrics. Participants were informed
that participation was voluntary, that they could withdraw at any time before submitting
their final responses, and that to be eligible they needed to be 18 years or older and have
played the English versions of PGO or HPWU for at least a week. Those who consented to
participate were directed to the open-ended, text-box survey (proforma) which took 15 to
20 minutes to complete. No incentives were offered for taking part. Participants were
informed not to provide any identifiable personal information. IP addresses of participants
were recorded by Qualtrics to identify repeat visits. Duplicate entries were not permitted
after the participant had submitted the proforma. The demographic information from 1052
participants is shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Demographic information
Sample characteristics
Number of participants
18-25 years old
26-35 years old
36-45 years old
46-55 years old
>55 years old
Country of residence
Other Americas
Middle East
4.2 Proforma (open-ended, text-box survey)
The proforma included a total of 25 open-ended questions. Proformas differ from structured
interviews or closed question surveys [46, 47] which are highly formalized and can be rigid.
Instead, the proforma is a qualitative data collection tool taking the form of an open-ended,
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ISSN: 2384-8766
text-box survey, containing several specific open-ended questions [48, 49]. Proformas are
designed to encourage expansive answers from participants. To collect additional
participant information, adaptations to traditional development and application of the
proforma allowed for the addition of categorical behavioral descriptor type questions such
as player self-identification groups (hardcore, in-between, casual, no identification) and
player status (current or former player).
4.3 Analysis
Players of PGO or HPWU were asked to categorize their gameplay style based on the
behavioral descriptors of hardcore, in-between, casual, with a fourth category for those
who had no idea how to identify themselves (no identification). Therefore, differences in
constraints, involvement and loyalty between each group were evaluated based on self-
reported behavioral descriptors. The second level of behavioral data was also used to
categorize participant profiles based on whether they were current or former players
(discontinued one or both games).
We extracted psychographic characteristics (perceived constraints, involvement,
and loyalty) [32, 33, 35, 41] from replies in the open-text proforma questions. The two
behavioral levels of 1) player status - whether the player is a current player or former player
of the game and; 2) player self-identification group - how the player self-identifies
themselves (casual, in-between, hardcore, no-identification) were juxtaposed with the
psychographic aspects of constraints, involvement and loyalty in the analysis, with the data
management facilitated by using NVivo 12 Plus (QSR International) [50]. Data were
analysed using Framework Analysis [51] which is a qualitative framework that is aptly
suited for mapping and coding framework domains. Our coding framework is based on
previous work [34, 35], and provide a clear coding structure to apply on data to specify and
examine loyalty, involvement, and constraint domains, forming our codebook. This
involved a five-step process (familiarization, identifying a thematic framework, indexing,
charting, mapping and interpretation) [51].
The research coders identified and categorized the factors (word-of-mouth,
centrality, distance, etc.) to their domains (constraints, involvement, loyalty) derived from
an analysis of answers from open-ended text-box questions. By assigning framework
component labels where appropriate, the initial coding scheme was reviewed,
contextualized and adapted. The coding process was validated by sharing the coding and
using the coding framework to code the text as well as by reporting coded text back to the
larger group. Our coding process included JS training ML and KY to use the coding
framework. Three questions were initially coded and cross-checked to determine if we were
all coding in the same way. We validated our coding process by coming together as a team
and discussing and reflecting on any discrepancies in our initial coding. Once the coding
framework was established, we progressed with the coding process for the remaining open-
ended questions. Discrepancies that we could not settle through our coding team were
resolved through the wider team with JS, KY & ML reporting findings back to the larger
team on a regular basis.
The research team regularly met to discuss data and as demonstrated above this
involved an iterative process until consensus was met. Data was sifted, charted, and sorted
that addressed key domains of the framework. Finally, the findings from the qualitative
mapping method were visually displayed [52, 53] by juxtaposing psychographic factors and
behavioral descriptors.
5 Results
A summary of the respondent’s player status and self-identification behavioral descriptors
of those participants responding to the open-ended, text box proforma are shown in Table
4. Themes and related sub-themes are outlined in Table 5.
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International Journal of Serious Games Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2021
ISSN: 2384-8766
Table 4. Player status and self-identification descriptors of the sample
Self-identification characteristics
HPWU current players
Player self-identification
Group one: No identification
Group two: Casual
Group three: In-between
Group four: Hardcore
HPWU former players
Player self-identification
Group one: No identification
Group two: Casual
Group three: In-between
Group four: Hardcore
PGO current players
Player self-identification
Group one: No identification
Group two: Casual
Group three: In-between
Group four: Hardcore
PGO former players
Player self-identification
Group one: No identification
Group two: Casual
Group three: In-between
Group four: Hardcore
Table 5. Key themes and related sub-themes
Theme 1: Player Loyalty
Attitudinal (attitudes towards the brand)
Word-of-mouth recommendations (adoption based on sources of recommendation)
Theme 2: Player Involvement
Sign-value (represents the symbolic value of playing PGO/HPWU)
Risk of switching sustainers (risk of making a bad choice in switching)
Centrality (how central the game is to one’s life).
Attraction (activity importance and pleasure gained)
Theme 3: Player Constraints
Distance (the distance one needs to travel to participate)
Lack of time (wait time between tasks and waiting for others)
Lack of access/opportunities to play (bugs, glitches, and faulty game mechanics)
External obligations/other priorities (competing obligations)
Costs (Cost to play)
Lack of knowledge and understanding (lack of understanding of game mechanics)
Lack of interest (boredom and the repetitiveness)
Lack of confidence (lack of confidence in ability to deal with the difficulty of the game)
Lack of significant others (lack of others to play with)
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ISSN: 2384-8766
5.1 Presentation of the qualitative mapping method
The final step was to visually represent a simplified account [52, 53] of player preference
and behavior, supported by the use of NVivo 12 Plus (QSR International) [50]. This is
demonstrated through the qualitative psychographic-behavioral summary of results Table
(See Table 6) highlighting patterns of relationships based on the different factors across
current and former player views and self-identification types. The summary of data on
player preference and behavior shown in our qualitative map (See Table 6) represent the
‘presence’ or ‘absence’ of constraints (showing constraints can be experienced in several
ways) and enablers (showing multiple enablers). The qualitative mapping method can
therefore be used to show patterns across different factors shown in the psychographic-
behavioral mapping method. For our qualitative mapping method, it is not about the number
of times something is mentioned, it is about hermeneutics and patterns of themes that Table
6 displays [52-54].
J. Smith et al., Developing a psychographic-behavioral mapping for exergames pag. 95
International Journal of Serious Games Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2021
ISSN: 2384-8766
Table 6. A psychographic-behavioral qualitative mapping method of current players and former players and the interaction across constraints and
Behavioral descriptors
Player Constraints
Player Enablers
Lack of time
Lack of access/opportunity
External obligations
Lack of knowledge/ understanding
Lack of interest
Lack of confidence
Lack of significant others
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International Journal of Serious Games Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2021
ISSN: 2384-8766
Behavioral descriptors
Player Constraints
Player Enablers
Lack of time
Lack of access/opportunity
External obligations
Lack of knowledge/ understanding
Lack of interest
Lack of confidence
Lack of significant others
J. Smith et al., Developing a psychographic-behavioral mapping for exergames pag. 97
International Journal of Serious Games Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2021
ISSN: 2384-8766
Behavioral descriptors
Player Constraints
Player Enablers
Lack of time
Lack of access/opportunity
External obligations
Lack of knowledge/ understanding
Lack of interest
Lack of confidence
Lack of significant others
KEY: : The extent to which factors were present; X: The extent to which factors were absent
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ISSN: 2384-8766
The different themes and related sub-themes are further explored in detail below.
5.2 Theme 1: Player Loyalty
5.2.1 Attitudinal
Only the current and former players in the no identification group reported no attitudinal
loyalty. In contrast, positive attitudes towards the company brand Niantic revealed that
attitudinal loyalty existed across all other groups of current and former players of HPWU
and PGO:
“[I am playing] to support Niantic (I’m a former ingress player).” (PGO game: current in-
between player)
5.2.2 Word-of-mouth recommendations
Most current and former players across the different player identifications (excluding
hardcore HPWU former players) were influenced by word-of-mouth (from friends, partner,
family, discord, etc.) resulting in the adoption of either HPWU or PGO games:
“I was playing Pokémon Go at the time and some friends from that community were talking
about it [HPWU].” (HPWU game: current no identification player)
5.3 Theme 2: Player Involvement
5.3.1 Sign-value
Sign-value was present across all current and former player groups. Across different player
profiles, sign-value was strongly influenced by the Harry Potter and Pokémon franchise.
Sign-value ties and connects people to identify themselves as a fan. For example,
participants expressed their preference for the games through a connection to either Harry
Potter or Pokémon as a long-term fan. The fantasy world promoted by AR connects the
individual to the larger franchise (experiential consumption). This converges across all
player groups of HPWU and PGO, for current and former players alike:
“being a loyal Potterhead” (PGO game: current in-between player)
5.3.2 Risk of switching sustainers
Interestingly, the no-identification player group did not report risk of switching sustainers.
Likewise, former players of PGO also did not report any type of risk of switching sustainers
contrasting with their counterparts (current players) who all reported the risk of switching
sustainers. For the current player group (hardcore, in-between and casual), switching was
offset by Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) or sunk costs accredited to their involvement, and
this was associated with play across both games. Moreover, former in-between and casual
players of HPWU mentioned that it was simply impossible to play both games at the same
“Sunk costs and a sense of obligation: if I leave my mod [game community moderator]
duties, it will be extremely difficult for anyone or even multiple people to take over what I
do.” (PGO game: current hardcore player)
5.3.3 Centrality
For the majority of players (excluding former hardcore players), playing HPWU and/or
PGO provides a sense of routine, accomplishment, and reason to go outside, making these
two games central to the players’ life and movement patterns. Besides the discovery of new
places, and plans to fit one’s vacation around PGO/HPWU for playtime (causal in-between
and hardcore self-identified player types), participants also reported feeling strongly
committed to accomplish in-game tasks:
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ISSN: 2384-8766
“I’m going to [City] because of Pokémon go. I’ve been there before, but this trip is
specifically because of Pokémon go and I would not have gone otherwise.” (PGO game:
current hardcore player)
5.3.4 Attraction
Attraction was present across all current and former player groups. Both games were
perceived as fun and enjoyable, with player preference geared towards enjoyment and
pleasure, a finding that has consistently been shown across current and former player groups
alike. It was reported (across different self-identifications of current and former players) by
those playing HPWU, that play was largely brought about by having played and enjoyed
PGO initially:
“I already loved playing Pokémon go, and Harry Potter therefore seemed perfect.” (HPWU
game: former casual player)
5.4 Theme 3: Player Constraints
5.4.1 Structural Constraint: Distance
For HPWU (current in-between and current and former casual players) and PGO players
(current in-between players), our study found that a need to travel long distances (e.g.,
beyond comfortable walking distance) to game-associated locations often necessitated the
use of personal transportation. Beyond acting as a constraint to gameplay, this also
negatively impacted social interactions, as players who had access to transport often chose
to stay in the comfort of their car whilst carrying out collaborative in-game activities.
Interestingly, the majority of former HPWU and PGO players did not report distance to be
an issue, with one exception of a HPWU casual player reporting that there were not many
nearby PoIs around where they live:
“Not much is available within walking distance.” (HPWU game: current casual player)
5.4.2 Structural Constraint: Lack of time
For current and former players of HPWU, lack of time as a game design issue was mostly
related to aspects of wait time between tasks and waiting for people to join for group play,
which was a barrier across all HPWU player identifications except for current hardcore
players who did not report lack of time as a constraint. Lack of time was only reported by
former casual players of PGO, it was stated that getting more out of PGO would have
required a significantly larger time investment than they were willing to give:
“Getting more out of the game would require exponentially more time investments” (PGO
game: former casual player)
5.4.3 Structural Constraint: Lack of access/opportunities to play
Lack of access was a strong and consistent constraint across all player identities of both
games. Bugs, glitches, and faulty game mechanics combined with a lack of Foundables for
HPWU or the impossibility of obtaining regional Pokémon were mentioned as barriers to
engagement across all player types:
“Dislike regional Pokémon - the idea is fun, but realistically most people will never be able
to legitimately obtain regionals from all over the world, and as a completionist, this does
bother me” (PGO game: current hardcore player)
5.4.4 Structural Constraint: External obligations/other priorities
Although family or work obligations were important factors that affected how much
different player identifications could engage, players were also unwilling to invest any
additional time in gaming, because of this particular constraint. Players across the different
player identifications also specifically reported having to choose between the two games or
prioritize one over the other, as it was just too difficult to play both games at the same time,
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ISSN: 2384-8766
with their choice of which game to stay with determined by which of the two games that
they enjoyed most:
“It was also hard to combine with Pokémon Go and I preferred that game, so I deleted WU
[Wizard Unite HPWU]” (HPWU game: former in-between player)
5.4.5 Structural Constraint: Costs
Cost to play was an important factor for current and former players of both games. Neither
the hardcore players of PGO nor the no-identification group of former HPWU and PGO
groups reported cost to be an issue:
“Super limited spell power resource means you don't do much until you start paying for
upgrades to this.” (HPWU game: former hardcore player)
5.4.6 Intrapersonal Constraint: Lack of knowledge and understanding
Lack of knowledge and understanding was not reported by current HPWU or PGO players.
Only former players of HPWU (in-between and no identification players) and some of the
former players of PGO (in-between, casual and no-identification) reported a lack of
understanding and comprehension of game mechanics:
“Constant changes with no easy way to know how to utilize the new system. i.e., appraisal
changes”. (PGO game: former casual player)
5.4.7 Intrapersonal Constraint: Lack of interest
Across the different player identifications, for current and former players of PGO and
HPWU alike, the boredom and the repetitiveness of the HPWU or PGO games were raised
as issues. For many HPWU and PGO former players, boredom was often reported as a
reason to why they switched over to the other Niantic game (selecting either HPWU or
PGO). This type of decrease of interest in play or switching behavior was consistent across
all different player groups:
“I realized I liked Pokémon Go a great deal more and WU was taking time away from it.”
(HPWU game: former casual player)
5.4.8 Intrapersonal Constraint: Lack of confidence
For HPWU and PGO player identifications, players across the majority of groups
(excluding current hardcore HPWU players and former no-identification PGO players)
raised concerns over the difficulty of the game as a game design issue. Many players
generally had a lack of confidence in their ability to deal with the difficulty of the game,
stating that it was too complicated and presented too much information to process. Many
former players of both games echoed these sentiments, as they noted that the games were
just too complex and felt it was impossible to progress or win:
“Needs some here’s what you do, and why” (POGO game: former in-between player)
5.4.9 Interpersonal Constraint: Lack of Significant others
Current players of both games and across different player identifications reported a lack of
significant others playing the game, an inability to play with friends living in other
countries, and a requirement of having to play with strangers, spoofers (i.e., players who
alter their GPS data to ‘travel’ in the world without physically moving), or toxic local
players who negatively influence player perceptions which impacted their play experience.
For former players of PGO in the no identification group, a lack of significant others playing
was also a reason to switch to HPWU where they had existing playing companions. The
need or desire for virtual teammates to replace strangers was also reported, echoing the
issues related to group play (waiting time, etc.). Also, for both current and former players,
a lack of community and lack of linking with local players were considered problematic:
“Lack of local players (compared with PGO).” (HPWU game: current no identification
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6 Discussion
6.1 Key Findings
Our study considered player preference and behavior in two location-based AR exergames
- PGO and HPWU, using a combined psychographic-behavioral qualitative mapping
method. Our study reports three themes consisting of player loyalty’, player involvement’
and player constraints’. Our approach allowed us to gain an enhanced understanding of the
similarity and variation between player preferences (based on psychographic-behavioral
mapping) for both current players and former players of HPWU and PGO. Through this,
we identified factors (sub-themes, e.g., sign-value, word-of-mouth) that related to multiple
constraints and enablers that inhibit or allow player preference and behavior to be sustained.
Our findings highlight that constraints do not always result in instant defection (quit or stop
playing the game) as displayed by the current players who are constrained by a series of
barriers, but yet still maintain their preferences and behavior towards PGO and HPWU.
Although constraints are those aspects that hinder preferences and behavior, we have also
identified important enablers, those aspects that sustain player preferences and behavior.
Thus, the practical application of our study is that game designers could borrow from the
strength of our qualitative study and utilize our qualitative mapping method in a diagnostic
manner to design involvement type strategies within exergames to help support different
player identifications [5, 6, 20].
6.2 Implications of Findings
In terms of player typologies [12, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30], psychographic criteria juxtaposed
with behavioral descriptors was a useful way to highlight player preferences and behavior
across different player identifications of HPWU and PGO. Our qualitative mapping method
therefore goes further than psychographics or behavioral descriptors alone. We extend
segmentation theory by revealing the importance of qualitative research in our novel
psychographic-behavioral mapping method, illuminating not only how the theory is of use,
but also how theory can be used in a practical manner to show game designers how
preferences and behavior is maintained despite players encountering constraints. If we can
harness this type of knowledge by promoting involvement as a game design strategy as well
as addressing some constraints directly within the game itself, it could help to prevent some
players who may otherwise quit the game as per the former player group. Game designers
should therefore focus on ways to enhance player involvement through ‘attraction’,
‘centrality’, ‘symbolic value’ and ‘risk of switching within exergames, since these
involvement factors are linked to loyalty (strongly held attachment) to the brand.
Confirming prior studies [35, 55, 56], player constraints were experienced in several
ways for both current and former players and across different player identities. In line with
this principle, we also found a similar pattern suggesting constraint factors interacted in
several different ways. Smith and Smith [35] state that interactions between constraints are
important to identify due to the potential for several (structural, interpersonal intrapersonal)
different constraints to interact and operate at the same time, and this can inhibit player
preference and behavior. Recently, the role of brand loyalty in HPWU and PGO games
were identified as a way to understand player engagement [3]. Our study adds to this
literature by showing that despite constraints Niantic manages to maintain loyal players to
its brand (brand loyalty), since many players who drop one Niantic game (HPWU or PGO)
were shown to do so to prioritize another Niantic game (HPWU or PGO). This was shown
in the following constraints reported in our study: external obligations (due to competing
demands, a choice between the two games was made), and a lack of significant others (a
lack of significant others playing was a reason to switch from PGO over to HPWU).
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6.3 An Actionable Game Design Strategy using Player Involvement
For most self-identification types (excluding no-identification), player involvement (self
expression through symbolic value and positive attitudes toward the franchise) was inter-
related with attitudinal loyalty (brand loyalty). Involvement reported in the extant literature
is said to positively influence loyalty to maintain preference and behavior [35, 57]. In
contrast to this finding, for some player identities, player preference may solely be related
to the fun or symbolic and emotional experiences attained. For example, this finding was
demonstrated in the no identification group, since this was the only player group not to
report any type of attitudinal loyalty or attachment to the Niantic brand. Instead, player
preference for this group directly related to a strong attachment to the symbolic elements
of play and the pleasure reflected by the hedonic value of play (attraction and sign-value)
[4]. Moreover, unlike other player identities, the no-identification players did not report any
risk of switching sustainers (FOMO, or sunk costs accredited to their involvement). Game
designs that develop opportunities for the no-identification players to connect the franchise
(Harry Potter and Pokémon) to the Niantic brand will help to develop a strong brand image
for this specific player identification group to establish brand loyalty. This could be further
reinforced by Niantic having an online quality presence that continually visibly associates
the franchise to the brand, as well as promoting the Niantic brand and its mission at
forthcoming sponsored HPWU or PGO events.
AR in both HPWU and PGO provides an altered reality making it a memorable
experience [17, 58], but this can be experienced differently by how a player may wish or
desire to be viewed or portrayed to others [5, 20, 59]. For example, patterns between
involvement factors, show sign-value and attraction to be interesting findings to discuss
together in more detail. Some in-between and hardcore player identities refer to themselves
as ‘Potterheads’ (a devoted Harry Potter fan) showing sign-value is operating, as these
games seem to serve as an extension of how some groups of players want to be perceived
as more serious players of the game and is also reflected in the informal label of
‘Potterhead’ that these groups chose to describe themselves with. Player responses indicate
that through AR, fun experiences with the characters can also be reinforcing one’s player
identity in terms of what they expect and desire from an AR interaction - other player groups
refer to having a fantasy of becoming a Pokémon trainer in real-life’. This has connotations
that player preference and continued behavior is linked to affective and emotional
attachment. For example, an individual may feel that they have had or gained something
extraordinary as a result of being part of the Harry Potter or the Pokémon world, and are
therefore less likely to change their preferences despite potential constraints encountered
[35]. Applying this principle to AR serious game design with an understanding of what
different player groups expect to experience matched with what they actually experience
from an AR interaction may be an avenue of future research to encourage and sustain
physical activity potentially leading to further long-term health benefits (7).
Our study indicates that player involvement is one potential game design strategy
that is linked to loyalty and therefore can sustain interactive preferences across player types
something with clear implications for health-focused serious games [1]. These rich
findings as discussed above, cover several direct AR serious game design implications [6].
In addition, player involvement was also shown to play a central role across current and
former players, with some individuals even going so far as to organize their holidays around
their gameplay (centrality). For most player identities (excluding former hardcore PGO
players), gaming was both central in their lives with gaming experiences being fun and
enjoyable. Linking this evidence to AR serious games and its additional element of health-
related benefits, shows the health-related goal of serious games can and does successfully
avoid interfering with the fun elements of the exergame [1]. The idea we pose is an
extension of this, by focusing on increasing player involvement (attraction, sign-value
centrality and risk of switching sustainers) we can ultimately increase player loyalty to the
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brand, and this indirectly influences health-related outcomes such as maintaining physical
activity [1].
6.4 Future Directions and Limitations
Our findings suggest that current players of PGO and HPWU who attain enjoyment,
symbolic value, risk of switching and centrality maintain their preferences and behavior
towards PGO and HPWU despite encountering several constraints. Given that serious
games have a hidden agenda of promoting health-related benefits such as physical activity
(in HPWU and PGO), if we can keep players loyal, we can keep them physically fit.
However, this is an area that needs further exploration in terms of future research in testing
different ways to enhance player involvement directly through game design to mitigate
against defection and sustain health-related outcomes. This could be further examined by
considering its impact on long-term outcomes such as weight-loss when compared to a
reference group.
While models of player typologies are ubiquitous in the study of games, these models
are often based on the context of players engaging with traditional video games. As such,
further research should be done to specifically examine what design factors and gameplay
elements could enhance involvement and appeal to the different subgroups within the AR
player base [5, 6, 20]. For example, the Player Experience of Needs Satisfaction (PENS)
model, that investigates autonomy, competence, intuitive controls, and player’s sense of
presence during the game play predicts game enjoyment and persistence in video games
[60]. Notably, authors argue that usability, game narrative, mechanics, sound, and
environment etc. improves players experience and needs satisfaction [61]. A recent work
in immersive Virtual Reality exergames suggest PENS validity for designing and
evaluating various design features to fuel player’s motivation; and further show pronounce
differences among those who are focused on physical activity or entertainment [62]. How
game design features and usability relate to experiences of AR games is an area that needs
further investigation. Our qualitative mapping method to assess preferences and behavior
of two exergames through a psychographic-behavioral lens could therefore be translated
across other location-based AR exergames. However, a caveat to our findings include the
involvement factor called risk of switching sustainers, as this finding showed that FOMO
and sunk costs were commonly reported by participants as perceived sustainers of their
play, but such aspects could be linked with problematic playing (addiction, manipulation
etc.) as reported in the contentious revenue model of free-to-play games (gaining income
through voluntary purchases) [63]. As such this also needs to be considered, as the industry
requires much needed regulation on this matter with some authors arguing this should come
from outside of itself (academic and industry expertise) [63].
6.5 Conclusion
Our study provides a novel psychographic-behavioral qualitative mapping method for
exergames using real-world research. We identify real-world obstacles that players of
HPWU and PGO exergames face and how player involvement can help to shape and create
strong attitudes toward resistance to change preferences despite players encountering
several significant constraints. Player involvement can enhance our level of understanding
as to why players of these two games still participate when they are continually constrained
by other factors, such as the lack of other players or time etc. Our qualitative mapping
method may also fit the needs of a rapid implementation approach [64]. Our novel method
demonstrated here may be translated on a wider basis to other location-based AR
exergames, with player involvement potentially providing a mechanism through which we
can better understand potential audiences, allowing improvements in the design of health-
focused serious games to better improve health-related outcomes.
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