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DIBBS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. How do I know if DLA has seen and reviewed the bid* I submitted?
A user must be registered and logged into the secure section of DIBBS in order to submit quotes. After
finding a solicitation on which you would like to submit a quote using the "RFQ Search", click on the Red
icon. If you are not already logged on, you will be prompted to do so. Once you have
completed all the required fill-ins, check your quote for accuracy and then click on "Submit" after
completing the quote form. The system will provide a message that the quote submittal was " Successful
" or " Unsuccessful ." All " Unsuccessful " quotes will need to be corrected and re-submitted. Your quote
is not recorded until you get a " Successful " prompt. You may want to print a copy of the page that says
your quote was successfully submitted for your records. Submitted Quotes may be viewed through
"DIBBS Services" until such time that the requirement is awarded/cancelled.
The supplier can confirm their quote has been successfully uploaded and received in DIBBS by logging
into DIBBS and going to “My Account on the upper right-hand corner. Next click either “Search
Submitted Offers” or “Search Submitted Quotes”. A list of recent offers or quotes will come back for the
CAGE code selected. This screen shows the offer or quote was successfully uploaded and ready for
review by the automated system or a manual buyer.
The supplier may follow up with the buyer of record, at any time, located in block 5 of the solicitation.
*Bid, quotation, and quote have the same meaning and are used interchangeably in this FAQs.
2. When I bid on a DIBBS solicitation, how soon should I expect DLA to
Per the DLA Master Solicitation for Simplified Acquisitions, which is found here
RETURN DATE AND TIME: The time for receipt of quotations is 3:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, or
when applicable, Eastern Daylight Savings Time on the return date. If a return date falls on a Saturday,
Sunday, or federal holiday, the return date will be extended to the next business day. Quotations
submitted using EDI/DIBBS are subject to electronic interface latency which can result in transmission
delays. Suppliers must consider transmission delays in the EDI/DIBBS system when submitting
quotations and assume the risk of late transmission/submission. As an alternative, the direct entry of
quotation information into the DIBBS website is a method that precludes transmission delays and will
ensure the quotation is evaluated. Except as provided herein, awards will not be made prior to the
solicitation return date/time.
3. How do I know if/when my bid was accepted or rejected?
The supplier will receive either a notice of award or a notice of unsuccessful offer by e-mail to the award
e-mail address registered in your account.
4. Why do some solicitations remain available for bids after the close date
has passed? Should I still bid on it? When should I expect DLA to respond if I
On Request For Quotes (RFQs), the solicitation return date/time is not a firm closing date. The quote
button will remain available after closing unless solicitation has been awarded or cancelled. Quotes
received after the closing date will only be considered if the contracting officer determines that it is in
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DIBBS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
the best interests of the Government and that accepting the late quote would not unduly delay the
award. Note: If a return date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, it will be deemed extended
to the next business day.
Each company must weigh the benefits of submitting a quote on a solicitation past the closing date.
5. I submitted a bid, and the solicitation is now past the close date. Why is
DLA still accepting bids?
*See answer to question 4
6. Why are some solicitations awarded before the close date?
Fast Auto Evaluation solicitations are solicitations estimated to be less than the micro-purchase
threshold. They may be awarded prior to the solicitation return date/time. Solicitations for items with
documented urgency may be awarded prior to solicitation return date/time. Solicitations may also result
in award prior to the solicitation return date when the response date is 30 days or greater and a
responsive quotation is received prior to the 30 days but at least 11 days after issuance. Therefore,
suppliers are advised to submit quotations as quickly as possible.
Per the DLA Master Solicitation for Simplified Acquisitions, which is found here
FAST AUTO EVALUATION SOLICITATIONS: A Fast Auto Evaluation icon on the DIBBS “search results”
screen identifies Fast Auto Evaluation solicitations. These solicitations are estimated to be at or less than
the micro- purchase threshold and are not set-aside. They may be awarded prior to the solicitation
return date/time. A quotation valued less than the micro-purchase threshold that is submitted in
response to a solicitation that has an estimated value equal to or greater than the micro-purchase
threshold and was not originally marked, may result in an early award as a result of being evaluated as a
Fast Auto Evaluation quotation. Fast Auto Evaluation commences at 3:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 3
business days after the issue date, and continues every day thereafter at 3:00 P.M. Eastern Standard
Time until the return date. The automated evaluation program for an early award evaluates all
quotations not exceeding the micro-purchase threshold.
7. Why did DLA make an award on a bid that was higher than what I
There are several factors for why a quote is not considered. Suppliers should review section 3,
automated award evaluation information, in the DLA Master Solicitation for automated simplified
acquisitions which is found here https://www.dla.mil/Acquisition/Policy-and-Directives/ This
information is also listed below.
(a) AUTOMATED EVALUATION: Acquisitions (excluding automated solicitations with first article test
requirements (see paragraph (c) below) may be candidates for automated award under DLA
Automated Evaluation program. The program uses price reasonableness logic and other
automated filters to make fully automated and buyer assisted automated awards valued at the
SAT or less. The Automated Evaluation program begins the evaluation process at the time and
date set for receipt of quotations and only considers “qualified quotations” for award. Qualified
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DIBBS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
quotations are in exact compliance with the solicitation requirements (bid type equal to “bid
without exception”) and are submitted on the DIBBS.
1) The following are not considered exceptions to the solicitation requirements and will not
make a quotation ineligible for an award:
(i) Quoting delivery days different than the required delivery days.
(ii) Quoting a superseding or previously approved part or correction to a CAGE/part
number cited in the procurement identification description (PID) for an item described
by manufacturer’s CAGE and part number.
(iii) Quoting a used, reconditioned, remanufactured item, or unused former Government
surplus property.
(iv) Quoting other than a domestic end product on an unrestricted solicitation.
(v) Quoting a hazardous item.
(vi) Quoting “Other” when the solicitation states a Higher-Level Quality requirement.
2) The following are considered exceptions to the solicitation requirements and will make a
quotation ineligible for an automated award:
(i) Quoting an alternate product or otherwise taking exception to the solicitation’s item
(ii) Exceptions to packaging requirements.
(iii) Exceptions to FOB terms.
(iv) Exceptions to inspection requirements.
(v) Exceptions to required quantity.
(vi) Quoting a quantity variance greater than specified on the solicitation.
(vii) Quoting “None” when a Higher-Level Contract Quality Requirement is required.
(viii) Quoting the use of Child Labor.
(ix) Quoting Remarks.
3) The following are qualifications (when cited in the solicitation) that are required to be eligible
for an automated award:
(i) Export Control (as cited in the item description) requires the applicable certifications
to be current for both the quoter and manufacturer. The offeror and any source(s) of
supply it will use for contract performance must have an active United States/Canada
Joint Certification Program (JCP) certification and DLA controlling authority approval
to access export-controlled data. DLA does not intend to delay award in order for an
ineligible offer or its source(s) supply to apply for and receive DLA controlling
authority approval to access the export-controlled data.
(ii) The quoted manufacturer must be on the specific Qualified Product List or Qualified
Manufacturers List.
(iii) The quoter must be on the specific Qualified Suppliers List of Distributors or on the
Qualified Suppliers List.
(iv) When Trade Agreements is cited (DFARS 252.225-7020) when offering the product of
a Non-Designated Country when other quotes received are not offering the product of
a Non-Designated country.
(b) AUTOMATED EVALUATION FACTORS: The automated evaluation program evaluates all qualified
quotations on the basis of price alone and does not consider quantity price breaks. Price evaluation
factors are added to the total quotation price in the following instances:
(1) $200 for offers of surplus for unused former Government surplus material.
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DIBBS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
(2) $600 for CSI evaluations of surplus by each ESA. The evaluation factor may be applied if the
contracting office cannot determine acceptability of quotations for other than CSI items and
requires ESA coordination.
(3) When the solicitation is subject to the Buy American statute or the Balance of Payments Program
(see DFARS 225.502(c).
(1) Solicitations with FAT/PLT requirements are not candidates for automated evaluation or award.
All quotations received for solicitations with FAT/PLT requirements shall be manually evaluated
and manually awarded.
(2) For solicitations with FAT testing by the Government, the contracting officer will apply an
evaluation factor that reflects the cost of the testing.
(3) When FAT is waived, the contracting officer may negotiate for revised delivery since the original
delivery requirement may have been based on prior production deliveries with first article
(d) TIE QUOTATIONS: If evaluated quotations result in a tie between qualified quotations, the award
decision will be based on the following order of precedence:
(1) A domestic end product quotation over a qualifying foreign country end product quotation.
(2) Small business quotation over a large business quotation.
(3) Quotation with the shortest delivery. (If a quotation contains different deliveries for multiple
line items the automated evaluation program uses the average of the delivery periods).
(4) First quotation submitted.
(e) MANUAL EVALUATION: When automated evaluation is not used, as in the case of FAT and PLT
requirements, or if the system is unable to make a fully automated award, quotations will be evaluated
and awarded manually. When a quotation is manually evaluated, the contracting officer may consider
quantity price breaks quoted without further discussion. When manually issued awards reference the
Master Solicitation, all mandatory and conditional provisions, clauses, and procurement notes are
incorporated by reference with the same force and effect as if set forth in full text.
(f) MANUAL EVALUATION FACTORS: If the requirement is evaluated manually, price, delivery, and past
performance will be considered in accordance with the terms in the solicitation. Since delivery is an
evaluation factor, there may be an evaluation preference for quotes/offers of fewer delivery days than
the number of delivery days requested by the Government. Quoting/offering a greater number of
delivery days than requested may result in the quote/offer not being considered.
(g) ALTERNATE OFFERS: Alternate offers will not be considered for automated award. Alternate offers
may be submitted for evaluation for future procurements to the location identified in the solicitation.
8. What types of small business set-asides are available via DIBBS? How do I
know what I qualify for?
Small Business, HubZone, SDVOSB, WOSB, & EDWOSB set-asides can all be found on DIBBS. It is the
responsibility of each CAGE to know what set-aside(s) they qualify for and if any additional certification
requirements are necessary.
9. Is “Return By” date the same as the date the solicitation closes?
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DIBBS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
10. Why do solicitations stay on DIBBS past the “Return By” dates?
*See answer to question 4
Suppliers should also know that Auto Evaluation may extend the solicitation return date for three
business days for price negotiations for “qualified” (see paragraph 3(a)) in master solicitation which is
found here https://www.dla.mil/Acquisition/Policy-and-Directives/ quotations in the competitive range.
Notice of the extension will be provided by email to suppliers in the competitive range (bids without
exception) inviting them to revise their quotation. DIBBS sends an email notification to the email
address registered for the person who submitted the quotation. If a third party submitted the quotation,
DIBBS sends the notification to the email addresses of the third party and the super user CAGE.
Suppliers are responsible for the accuracy of the email addresses in DIBBS. Suppliers who have
submitted their best quotation do not need to resubmit.
11. Should I include price breaks when I quote?
Submission of price breaks with quotes is typically left up to the vendor. Price breaks are not required
on automated solicitations and usually not required for manually issued solicitations unless specifically
Price break options are displayed on "T" and "Q" stock solicitations. Enter price break ranges and unit
prices in the blocks provided. Although price break ranges are not used by the automated evaluation
program, the buyer may use the ranges if it drops for manual evaluation. For "Q" solicitations, suppliers
may input quantity price breaks, etc. in the remarks section. Utilizing the remarks block for quantity
price breaks on "T" and "U" stock solicitations will preclude you from receiving an automated award.
AUTOMATED EVALUATION FACTORS: The automated evaluation program evaluates all qualified
quotations on the basis of price alone and does not consider quantity price breaks.
12. How do I register for cFolders? Should I?
Technical data (i.e., technical drawings) for open DLA solicitations is posted to DLA’s Collaboration
Folders (cFolders). To access cFolders, suppliers will need to first obtain a DLA Internet Bid Board
(DIBBS) account. Upon creation of a DIBBS account, suppliers can then establish a cFolders account.
To establish a cFolders account, go to the DIBBS Home Page, select the DLA Collaborations Folder link
https://pcf1x.bsm.dla.mil/cfolders/ and follow the instructions for establishing a cFolders password and
user ID. Upon cFolders account creation, suppliers should have access to non-restricted tech data.
Vendors will need to evaluate for themselves if cFolders access is required to conduct business with
DLA. For example, if vendors are only seeking opportunities for CAGE Code and part numbered items,
there may not be a need for cFolders access. For solicitations posted on DIBBS if there is a drawings icon
next to that part, then a drawing will be on cFolders. If no icon is present, then there are no drawings
available in cFolders.
13. What is JCP? Should I get enhanced JCP or is basic JCP enough? Where
can I find more information about how to apply?
The DoD Joint Certification Program was established in 1985 to allow United States (U.S.)/Canadian
contractors to apply for access to Department of Defense/Department of National Defense (DOD/DND)
unclassified export controlled technical data in accordance with DODD 5230.25, “Withholding of
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DIBBS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Unclassified Technical Data and Technology from Public Disclosure,” and Canadian Technical Data
Control Regulations. The DLA Enhanced Joint Certification Program (EJCP) complements the JCP and
was established to allow DLA contractors to apply for accessing DLA-managed export controlled
technical data for DLA procurement opportunities.
If you are interested in DLA procurement opportunities that also include export-controlled technical
data, you, and any source(s) of supply that you will use for contract performance, must have an active
JCP certification and an active DLA EJCP certificate. DLA will not delay award in order for an ineligible
offer, or its source(s) supply to apply for and receive a JCP certificate, or EJCP approval.
The DLA EJCP certificate is valid for three years from the date of approval and DLA suppliers must
reapply to renew their EJCP certificates. To renew their EJCP certificate, DLA suppliers should follow the
instructions at the EJCP link below or contact the JCP/EJCP Team at jcp-[email protected]. To avoid a gap in
their EJCP certification, DLA encourages suppliers to submit their EJCP renewal documentation 30 days
prior to their EJCP expiration.
More information on the JCP and instructions for obtaining a JCP certification can be found at
https://www.dla.mil/logistics-operations/services/JCP/. Information and instructions for obtaining or
renewing a EJCP approval can be found at https://www.dla.mil/logistics-operations/enhanced-
If you have questions about the JCP or the EJCP please e-mail the JCP/EJCP Team at jcp-[email protected].
14. What is SPRS and why should I care?
Supplier Performance Risk System (SPRS) “...is the authoritative source to retrieve supplier and product
PI [performance information] assessments for the DoD [Department of Defense] acquisition community
to use in identifying, assessing, and monitoring unclassified performance.” (DoDI 5000.79)
SPRS supports DoD Acquisition Professionals with meeting acquisition regulatory and policy
requirements by providing:
On-time delivery scores and quality classifications (DFARS 213.106-2)
Price, Item and Supplier procurement risk data and assessments
Company exclusion status (debarments, suspensions, etc.)
NIST SP 800-171 Assessment results
National Security System Restricted List
Supply chain illumination
Supplier Performance Risk System (SPRS)
15. How do I find my SPRS score?
Visit and register here: Supplier Performance Risk System (SPRS)
16. Why are some of DLA’s solicitations so old?
*See answer to question 3
17. Who do I talk to if I notice something missing from a drawing?
Vendors should contact the cFolders Help Desk when technical data packages are incomplete.
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DIBBS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Technical Data Customer Support
For Technical Data Packages/Bidset discrepancies such as illegible or incomplete documents, missing
data, lag time errors, empty technical data files on cFolders, additional access (license agreement)
issues, you must complete a customer service request at DLA Product Data Management Division
(PDMD) Customer Service .
cFolders System ACCESS ISSUES (Log In Problems, Password Resets and the like)
Contact the DISA Global Service Desk: 1-844-347-2457, Press 5, and then speak or enter D-L-A
General Questions
For additional questions call the DLA Product Data Customer Service Help Line at 1-804-279-3477. Leave
a message and a representative will get back with you as soon as possible.
If you require additional Technical Data that was not supplied with the original solicitation or contract,
you must contact your contracting specialist.
18. How does DLA decide if the price I quoted is fair and reasonable?
DLA utilizes several methods in determining prices fair and reasonable. These include but are not limited
to the techniques listed in FAR 13.106 and FAR 15.404.
19. DIBBS asks if I am quoting surplus. What does surplus mean?
Government surplus material is material that was once owned by the government and can be traced
back to a previous government contract.
Per procurement note C04 Unused Former Government Surplus Property (SEP 2021): To be considered
for award, the supplier submitting government surplus material via web quote on DIBBS should be filling
out surplus certification with their offer. The surplus certification is available on DIBBS on the web quote
input form. It is located on the DIBBS Quote Input Form under the Material Requirements (See FAR
Clause 52.211-5). After selecting Yes, a drop-down menu will appear. Select New/Unused Surplus. You
must complete C04 Unused Former Government Surplus Property (SEP 2021) form on-line with your
quote. Any supporting documentation, including labels, will have to be provided off-line to the buyer.
Note that price evaluation factors are added to the total quote price. A $200 evaluation factor is added
for quoting surplus material on non-critical items; $700 for quoting surplus material on critical items
(see DLAD 52.211-9003). For additional information regarding Surplus Offers, refer to the DLA Master
Solicitation for Automated Simplified Acquisitions .
Additional supporting documentation to demonstrate the surplus material offered was previously
owned by the Government and meets solicitation requirements must be provided within 24 hours of
request by the contracting officer.
This only applies to offers of Government surplus material. Offers of commercial surplus, manufacturer
s overruns, residual inventory resulting from terminated Government contracts, and any other material
that meets the technical requirements in the solicitation but was not previously owned by the
Government will be evaluated in accordance with the DLAD procurement note L04, Offers for Part
Numbered Items.
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DIBBS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
20. Why does DLA only sometimes publish Tech Docs with their solicitations?
How do I get the information if it is not posted?
DLA publishes Tech Docs when they are available for a NSN or Part Number being solicited. If Tech Docs
are unavailable, it means DLA does not have approved Tech Docs applicable to the solicitation for the
NSN or Part Number being acquired.
21. When am I required to be an approved source? How does a new vendor
become an approved source?
The solicitation will provide details when approved sources of supply are required. For example,
solicitation procurement notes L04 (Offers for Part Numbered Items SEP 2016) and M06 Evaluation of
Offers of Alternate Product for Part Numbered Items (SEP 2016) apply
when items are identified in the item description only by the name of an approved source (CAGE code),
a part number, and a brief description. In addition, procurement note M06 provides details on how
vendors can become an approved source of supply for part numbered items.
If you think you are approved to supply the item but are not listed on the solicitation as a supplier, select
Previously Evaluated and Awardedunder the Part Number Offered Fill-In on your quote. Enter the
approved CAGE code and part number; and submit your quote as Bid Without Exception.
22. Will I get notified about who won a contract if it’s not me?
The supplier will receive either a notice of award or a notice of unsuccessful offer by e-mail to the award
e-mail address.
NOTICE OF AWARD: Purchase orders are based on a submitted quotation. Suppliers are requested to
notify the administrative contracting officer, within 14 days after receiving the notice of award, when
they will not perform in accordance with a purchase order. Failure to provide prompt notice will
adversely affect your past performance evaluation if the purchase order is later cancelled at other than
the Government’s request.
AUTOMATED EVALUATION DISTRIBUTION: The automated award will be posted to the DIBBS web site
and distributed via email notification with a Web link to an electronic copy of the DD Form 1155, Order
for Supplies or Services. Orders will be transmitted via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to contractors
who are EDI capable. Contractors that are not EDI capable will receive their orders via email award
notification containing Web links. Delays in the receipt of awards that are caused by email interruptions
and Internet access are not excusable delays and will not extend delivery schedules
23. Can I and when should I revise my quote?
Suppliers may revise quotations on DIBBS up until the time the solicitation is awarded. Quotation
revisions overlay previously submitted quotations on the same solicitation.
Quotes may be withdrawn by submitting a revised quote (as explained below) and choosing No-Bid
under the drop-down menu for Bid Type. Make sure you Submityour quote and get the message
Your Quote has been successfully submitted.
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DIBBS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
To revise your quote:
Option 1: – RFQ Searching:
You must me logged in
Find the solicitation via RFQ searching.
On the RFQ Search result screen, click the Green Checkmark icon.
Make the necessary changes and Submityour quote again.
Option 2:
Log In
Go to My Account
Our Quotes
Search Submitted Quotes
Once you find the quote you want to Revise, hit the Blue Q Triangle Revise Button to revise your
24. Can I and when should I contact the buyer listed in block 5 of the
solicitation? What if I don’t get a response? Who else can I contact for help?
The contact in block 5 of the solicitation is the buyer of record. You can contact them at any point before
award. If an award has been made, suppliers will need to contact the local administrator listed in block 6
of the award.
25. Where can I find information about packaging and labeling?
Packaging and labeling requirements should be annotated on each solicitation/contract. Section B
usually has the prep for delivery and Section D will contain packaging and marking requirements.
DIBBS homepage has links for several different areas. DLA packaging information is under technical data.
DLA Packaging
26. Where can I find information about shipping/transportation?
Shipping/transportation requirements are annotated on each solicitation/contract. Section B has the
shipping addresses. Specific Procurement Notes are referenced such as C16 (First Destination
Transportation (FDT) Program, Government-Arranged Transportation for Manual Awards AUG 2017) and
C20 (Vendor Shipment Module (VSM) SEP 2021).
27. Are there stock classes that DLA needs more help with than others?
Suppliers can use the SRVA tool on the DIBBS homepage to see DLAs forecasted data by FSC or NIIN.
Suppliers must be logged into DIBBS to use this tool. Supplier Requirements Visibility Application
28. Are there solicitations DLA needs more help on (i.e., no other vendors
DIBBS notices, found on the DIBBS homepage, is updated with current information and important
supplier information. “The Link” newsletter is also published quarterly with important information that
includes “hot” items list. Currently DLA Land Supply Chain has posted a list of items that are urgently
needed at: https://www.dla.mil/LandandMaritime/Business/Selling/DLA-Land-andMaritime-
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DIBBS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Procurement-Initiatives/. Suppliers are urged to keep checking back on the DIBBS homepage for updates
on new materials needed.
29. What is a PAR? How do I submit one?
A PAR is a Post Award Request. On the DIBBS homepage, under the “Awards” section is a link to where
suppliers can submit their PAR. When logged into DIBBS, the PAR hyperlink on the DIBBS homepage will
take you to where suppliers can either select “New PAR” or “PAR Status”. “New PAR allows users to
make requests on contracts and modifications for their CAGE code. “PAR Status” allows users to review
the status of previously submitted PARs Post Award Request (PAR)
30. Why is the wait time so long to get a response from a PAR?
Each PAR is reviewed on an individual basis. The resolution timeframes vary depending upon the reason
and complexity of the PAR submitted along with current contract administrator workload. DLA is
working to improve its PAR response metrics through continuous process improvement events and
exploration of capability enhancements.
31. Do I need to upload an invoice after I ship material to DLA? How do I do
Contractors should comply with the invoicing instructions in their contract as they could vary between
contracts. Most contracts require electronic submission of invoices and usage of Wide Area Workflow
(WAWF) in accordance with clauses DFARS 252.232-7003 (Electronic Submission of Payment Requests
and Receiving Reports) and DFARS 252.232-7006 (Wide Area Workflow Payment Instructions).
32. How long until I get paid after DLA receives my order?
DLA contracts are typically paid within 30 days from receipt of a proper invoice in accordance with
Prompt Payment Act requirements. Prompt Payment policies are cited in FAR Subpart 32.9. The first
page of the contract specifies any payment discount terms available to DLA (e.g., Block 12 on DD1155
and Block 9 on SF-26)
33. Are there any taxes on orders I sell to DLA?
Each contract action stands alone and should be reviewed for tax applicability.
34. What is traceability?
In accordance with procurement note C03 Contractor Retention of Supply Chain Traceability
Documentation (JUN 2020), submitting a quotation or offer, the contractor, if it is not the manufacturer
of the item, is confirming it currently has, or will obtain before delivery, and shall retain documented
evidence (supply chain traceability documentation), as described in paragraph (2) of this procurement
note, demonstrating the item is from the approved manufacturer and conforms to the technical
requirements. (2) At a minimum, the supply chain traceability documentation for the item shall include:
basic item description, part number and/or national stock number, manufacturing source,
manufacturing source’s Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code, and clear identification of the
name and location of all supply chain intermediaries between the manufacturer to the contractor to
item(s) acceptance by the Government. The documentation should also include, if available, the
manufacturers batch identification for the item(s), such as date codes, lot codes, or serial numbers. (3)
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DIBBS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Contractors can find examples of acceptable supply chain traceability documentation at the Counterfeit
Detection and Avoidance Program (CDAP) website
The contractor shall immediately make documentation available to the contracting officer upon request.
The contracting officer determines the acceptability and sufficiency of documentation. The contractor
shall retain supply chain traceability documentation for six years after final payment under this contract
for audit and other valid government purposes. If the contractor fails to retain or provide the
documentation, or the contracting officer finds the documentation to be unacceptable, the contracting
officer may take corrective action, including, but not limited to, cancellation of undelivered orders or
rejection of delivered supplies.
35. Can DLA ask me for traceability documentation?
36. Do I need to show my cost breakdown to DLA if they ask?
In accordance with FAR 15.403-3, Other Than Certified Cost or Pricing Data is required upon request.
Any offeror who does not comply with a requirement to submit data is ineligible for award unless the
Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA) determines that it is in the best interest of the Government to
make the award to that offeror.
37. What if I disagree with an award decision?
Contact the post award administrator cited in block 6 of the award to discuss the situation.
38. Can I speak to an actual person for DIBBS help?
When experiencing problems, DLA requests users contact the DIBBS Helpdesk by submitting a DIBBS
Feedback form or sending an email to DI[email protected] for assistance.
39. If I get locked out of DIBBS, how long does it take to get unlocked?
Unlock requests are made using an automated system. Suppliers can click the “forgot my password”
hyperlink on the login screen to request an unlock. Unlocks should happen within 30 minutes of the
request. Suppliers can email the DIBBS Helpdesk at [email protected] or use the DIBBS Feedback Form
if they are having any issues getting unlocked.
Date: 11.3.2022