Roku Q1 2023 Shareholder Leer
Fellow Shareholders, April 26, 2023
We delivered solid rst quarter results in a challenging macro environment, growing both Acve Accounts and
Streaming Hours year over year. Roku connues to delight viewers and partner with some of the biggest brands
and global entertainment companies. With unmatched scale and engagement, we are creang new
monezaon opportunies to reaccelerate revenue growth as the ad market recovers. At the same me, we are
managing investments and costs and execung on our plan to deliver posive Adjusted EBITDA for full year 2024.
Q1 2023 Key Results
Total net revenue was $741 million, up 1% year over year (YoY)
Plaorm revenue was $635 million, down 1% YoY
Gross prot was $338 million, down 7% YoY
Acve Accounts were 71.6 million, a net increase of 1.6 million Acve Accounts from Q4 2022
Streaming Hours were 25.1 billion, up 4.2 billion hours YoY
Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) was $40.67 (trailing 12-month basis), down 5% YoY
The Roku operang system was the #1 selling smart TV OS in the U.S. with 43% TV unit share
Roku Q1 2023 Shareholder Leer
Market-Leading Scale
In Q1, Roku grew Acve Accounts to 71.6 million globally. Sequenal net adds of 1.6 million were above net adds
in Q1 2022. In the U.S., our Acve Accounts are approaching half of all broadband households. This unmatched
scale is the foundaon of our business model, leading to signicant engagement and growing monezaon
Overall, smart TV unit sales in the U.S. were resilient in Q1, driven in part by lower TV panel and freight costs
and consumer spend of income tax refunds. Roku beneted from these trends along with a consumer focus on
value, parcularly in a dicult macro environment. In Q1, the Roku operang system (OS) was once again the
#1 selling smart TV OS in the U.S., achieving a record-high 43% of TV unit share, which was more than the next
three largest TV operang systems combined (according to Circana). We achieved YoY share gains across the full
range of TV screen sizes, parcularly in the larger-screen segment.
In Mexico, the Roku OS was the #1 selling smart TV OS for the second quarter in a row. And in Germany, we
expanded our Roku TV program with our third TV OEM partner, Coocaa. With more than 20 licensed Roku TV
partners globally, we connue to drive great results across the program.
Roku-branded TVs
Earlier this year, we announced the rst TVs designed and made by Roku: the Roku Select and Roku Plus Series
TVs. In March, we launched these Roku-branded TVs exclusively at Best Buy, the leading consumer tech retailer.
We oer 11 models ranging in size from 24to 75”, and key features of the Roku Plus Series TVs include QLED
Technology, 4K Dolby Vision® Picture, the Roku Voice Remote Pro, and of course our leading smart TV OS. Roku-
branded TVs also oer consumers the condence that comes with a product designed and built by Roku.
In creang Roku-branded TVs, we combined our extensive experse in TV hardware, easy-to-use TV soware,
and connecvity to deliver on our brand pillars of value, simplicity, and choice. Within consumer electronics,
third-party reviews can play a meaningful role in inuencing buyer decisions. Roku-branded TVs, like Roku TV
models and our streaming players, are receiving recognion within the industry.
Tom’s Guide awarded its Editor’s Choice award to the Roku Plus Series 4K QLED TV, stang, The fact
that the Roku Plus Series 4K QLED TV comes even remotely close to the best TVs for a fracon of the
price is remarkable.
TechHive noted the Roku Plus Series TV has “great color” and a “superior user interface.
Yahoo stated that the Roku Plus Series QLED 4K Smart TVs “simplicity and rock-solid hardware create a
mid-er TV that's very close to perfect.
Addionally, last month, Roku was recognized by Fast Company as one of its Most Innovave Companies for
2023, highlighng our work in both hardware and soware, including our Roku Voice Remote Pro and content
partnerships for The Roku Channel.
Driving Engagement
Globally, our users streamed 25.1 billion hours in Q1, represenng a record high of 3.9 Streaming Hours per
Acve Account per day. Cord-cung connues in the U.S., where more than half of households have eliminated
tradional pay TV (eMarketer, March 2023). In Q1, viewing hours on tradional TV in the U.S. were down 10%
YoY (Nielsen), while global Streaming Hours on the Roku plaorm grew 20% YoY.
Consumer Experience
There is more entertainment on streaming than ever before, and nding and discovering content is a challenge
for consumers. This challenge connues to grow as more live sports and news move to streaming, and TV shows
and movies switch from one streaming service to another. We are leaning into our unique role as the plaorm
to help viewers nd entertainment across the huge number of opons available in the streaming ecosystem.
Roku Q1 2023 Shareholder Leer
We added Sports to our Home Screen Menu (le-hand navigaon) in Q4 to aggregate sports programming across
the plaorm in a centralized locaon. For this year’s Super Bowl, Roku was the most popular streaming plaorm
with approximately half of all streams
. Of those viewers, 12% started the game through either our Sports
experience or a game-related ad.
For this year’s Super Bowl, Roku was the most popular streaming plaorm
with approximately half of all streams.
Within our Live TV feature (also located on our Home Screen Menu), we recently created a new Local News
category. Viewers can now select news channels from major cies across the U.S. in a centralized locaon. Using
machine learning, we are personalizing not only the order of the channels in the Local News category but also
the order of the top menu items on the Home Screen Menu.
It is even dicult for viewers to keep track of content they have already started watching. In a recent Roku survey,
50% of streamers said that they have abandoned a show or movie because they forgot what service it was on or
it was too dicult to nd. Our Connue Watching feature aggregates recently viewed content — not just from
a single service, but from nearly a dozen popular streaming services across our plaorm into a centralized
Our ongoing enhancements connue to increase the value that our Home Screen Menu provides to our viewers.
In Q1, the share of total Streaming Hours originang from the Home Screen Menu doubled YoY, as we connue
to expand our role in helping viewers nd content across our plaorm.
Roku viewers based on internal Roku data; total number of viewers that streamed the game from nScreenMedia
Roku Q1 2023 Shareholder Leer
The Roku Channel
The Roku Channel benets from its integraon with our plaorm, which has massive scale, deep engagement,
and the ability to surface content to viewers throughout the Roku OS experience. These unique advantages have
helped drive The Roku Channel’s incredible growth across the plaorm in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and the U.K.,
with Q1 Streaming Hours up 65% YoY. The Roku Channel remains a top-ve channel on the plaorm by both
Acve Account reach and Streaming Hour engagement, connuing its strong posion among the most popular
services in streaming.
We are successfully growing The Roku Channel internaonally. In Mexico, we are driving strong growth in
engagement through improvements such as combining over-the-air and streaming channels in the channel guide
(EPG, or electronic programming guide) to create a more seamless live TV experience. Within just six months of
launch, The Roku Channel is a top-ve channel in Mexico by Acve Account reach.
Plaorm revenue was $635 million in Q1, down 1% YoY, and ARPU was $40.67 (on a trailing 12-month basis),
down 5% YoY. We generate Plaorm revenue through adversing sales, the distribuon of streaming services,
the distribuon of FAST channels, Roku Pay, and our Media & Entertainment (M&E) promoonal capabilies.
The macro environment remained challenged in Q1 with the total U.S. adversing market down 7.4% YoY. Ad
spend decline was even more pronounced on tradional TV at 12.7% YoY, and tradional TV ad scaer was down
20% YoY (according to SMI). While ad spend on the Roku plaorm in vercals including nancial services and
M&E remained pressured, vercals such as travel and health and wellness improved.
We connue to innovate and create dierenated monezaon opportunies in areas such as Roku Originals
and the Sports experience, with premier brands such as TurboTax, GNC, and Hyundai. We are also expanding
our retail partnerships with industry leaders that include Best Buy, DoorDash, Walmart, and Kroger. Our recent
partnership with Best Buy illustrates how our whole business can provide unique benets to partners: Best Buy
Ads data for ad targeng and measurement on the Roku plaorm, the launch of Roku-branded TVs at Best Buy,
and an interacve Roku City experience featuring Best Buy at 2023 South by Southwest (SXSW).
Roku and Instacart announced a new partnership to help consumer-packaged goods (CPG) adversers measure
whether consumers are purchasing products on Instacart aer seeing an ad on the Roku plaorm. Across select
pilot partners, results showed that on average, people who saw an ad on the Roku plaorm purchased more of
the adversed products on Instacart versus the average customer. These partnerships allow us to enhance
targeng, aribuon, and measurement for our shared ad customers, which further dierenates our ad
oering from those without a direct relaonship with the consumer. In Q1, adverser spend leveraging rst- and
third-party data connued to grow YoY.
Roku Originals create exclusive value for brands and enable them to connect with consumers in authenc and
relevant environments. Coca-Cola is a new season-long sponsor of “Emeril Tailgates,” during which this premier
brand will reach consumers who are passionate about food, sports, and culture. Addionally, Roku will create
unique markeng integraons for Coca-Cola, such as on-screen ads with QR codes that consumers can scan to
access recipes throughout the show. Lawn-care brand Scos is sponsoring “Martha Gardens,” providing viewers
an inmate look at Martha Stewarts home garden in Bedford, New York. The markeng acvaon includes
Scos custom vignees, home screen banners, and tune-in reminders when new episodes are available.
Roku Q1 2023 Shareholder Leer
Lawn-care brand Scos sponsored Roku Original “Martha Gardens”
to connect with consumers in a relevant environment.
As noted last quarter, we are developing more and deeper relaonships with third-party plaorms, including
retail media networks, demand-side plaorms, and other partners. We have begun to access new parts of
adverser budgets with several large clients that have specic DSP needs by making certain ad inventory more
accessible. We are seeing posive early results with Q1 programmac sales represenng its highest share of
revenue of all me. Our rst-party and ACR data, along with our specialized ad products, will connue to remain
accessible only on the Roku adversing plaorm, allowing us to manage both demand and disncon.
Execuve Talent Update
We’re excited to welcome Dan Jedda to Roku as Chief Financial Ocer (CFO) on May 1. He is extremely familiar
with the power of technology to transform legacy business models. Dan previously served as CFO at Stch Fix
since 2020. Before that, he worked at Amazon for 15 years predominantly as Vice President and CFO for Digital
Video (including Amazon Studios), Digital Music, and the Adversing and Corporate Development organizaons.
Dan will report to Anthony Wood and will work closely with Steve Louden, who will provide advisory services to
the Company as an execuve advisor unl August 2023, to ensure a smooth transion. We deeply appreciate
Steve’s leadership and contribuons over the past eight years.
Similar to our viewpoint during our last earnings call, we expect macro uncertaines to persist throughout 2023.
Consumers remain pressured by inaon and recessionary fears, and thus discreonary spend is likely to remain
muted. Accordingly, we expect the adversing market in Q2 to look much the same as it did in Q1, with ad spend
from certain vercals improving (travel and health and wellness), while others remain pressured (M&E and
nancial services).
Against this backdrop, our outlook for Q2 is for total net revenue of roughly $770 million, total gross prot of
roughly $335 million, and Adjusted EBITDA of negave $75 million. We are execung against our plan to focus
investments on high-priority projects while slowing YoY operang expense growth. Given our ongoing work to
reaccelerate revenue growth and improve operaonal eciencies, we are commied to delivering posive
Adjusted EBITDA for full year 2024.
With the launch of the rst streaming player in 2008, we pioneered TV streaming on the belief that all TV will be
streamed. While the current economic cycle is challenging, we are not waing idly for recovery. We connue to
grow our signicant scale and engagement. And we are innovang and invesng in our plaorm to grow our
monezaon opportunies, while focusing on operang discipline. The combinaon of our scale, engagement,
and innovaon posions us — and our shareholders — to benet from the signicant opportunity ahead.
Roku Q1 2023 Shareholder Leer
Thank you for your support, and Happy Streaming™!
Anthony Wood, Founder and CEO; and Steve Louden, CFO
Conference Call Webcast April 26, 2023, at 2 p.m. PT
Roku will host a webcast of its conference call to discuss the Q1 2023 results at 2 p.m. Pacic Time / 5 p.m.
Eastern Time on April 26, 2023. Parcipants may access the live webcast in listen-only mode on the Roku investor
relaons website at An archived webcast of the conference call will also be available at aer the call.
Segment Reporng Change
Eecve as of the fourth quarter of scal 2022, we reorganized reportable segments to beer align with
managements reporng of informaon reviewed by our Chief Operang Decision Maker, our CEO, for each
segment. Our segment and related nancial informaon is recast to reect the following changes; we renamed
the Player segment to the Devices segment, which now includes licensing arrangements with service operators
and TV brands in addion to sales of streaming players, audio products, smart home products, and starng in
2023, Roku-branded TV sales. All nancial informaon, current and historical, is recast based on the reorganized
About Roku, Inc.
Roku pioneered streaming on TV. We connect users to the content they love, enable content publishers to build
and moneze large audiences, and provide adversers with unique capabilies to engage consumers. Roku TV™
models, Roku streaming players and TV-related audio devices, are available in various countries around the world
through direct retail sales and/or licensing arrangements with TV OEM brands. Roku-branded TVs and Roku
Smart Home products are sold exclusively in the United States. Roku also operates The Roku Channel, the home
of free and premium entertainment with exclusive access to Roku Originals. The Roku Channel is available in the
United States, Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. Roku is headquartered in San Jose, Calif., U.S.A.
Roku, the Roku logo and other trade names, trademarks or service marks of Roku appearing in this shareholder
leer are the property of Roku. Trade names, trademarks and service marks of other companies appearing in
this shareholder leer are the property of their respecve holders.
Investor Relations
Conrad Grodd
Stephanie Tackach
Roku Q1 2023 Shareholder Leer
Use of Non-GAAP Measures
In addion to nancial informaon prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounng principles in the
United States (GAAP), this shareholder leer includes certain non-GAAP nancial measures. These non-GAAP
measures include Adjusted EBITDA. In order for our investors to be beer able to compare our current results
with those of previous periods, we have included a reconciliaon of GAAP to non-GAAP nancial measures in
the tables at the end of this leer. The Adjusted EBITDA reconciliaon adjusts the related GAAP nancial measure
to exclude other income (expense), net, stock-based compensaon expense, depreciaon and amorzaon,
restructuring charges, and income tax (benet)/expense where applicable. We believe these non-GAAP nancial
measures are useful as a supplement in evaluang our ongoing operaonal performance and enhancing an
overall understanding of our past nancial performance. However, these non-GAAP nancial measures have
limitaons, and should not be considered in isolaon or as a substute for our GAAP nancial informaon.
Forward-Looking Statements
This shareholder leer contains “forward-lookingstatements that are based on our beliefs and assumpons
and on informaon currently available to us. Forward-looking statements include all statements that are not
historical facts and can be idened by terms such as ancipate,“believe, connue, could,“design,
esmate,expect,“may,‘plan,seek,should,” “will,” “would” or similar expressions and the negaves of
those terms. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertaines and other factors that
may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially dierent from any future results,
performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking
statements represent our beliefs and assumpons only as of the date of this leer. These statements include
those related to our ability to create and grow monezaon opportunies; the connued success of our Roku
TV program; our ability to innovate; changes in the ad market; the shi of TV and TV adversing to streaming;
our scale and ability increase market share; the funconality and benets of ongoing enhancements to our Home
Screen Menu, including by using machine learning; our ability to grow engagement; the advantages and
capabilies of, and content oering in, The Roku Channel; the growth and improvements of The Roku Channel
in Mexico; the expansion of our retail partnerships; the success and value of Roku Originals; the unique benets
we can provide to adversing partners, such as our partnership with Instacart; our relaonships with third-party
adversing plaorms; the benets of our rst-party and ACR data and specialized ad products; our CFO
transion; macro uncertaines and pressure on consumers; our belief that the current macro environment is
temporary; our nancial outlook for the second quarter of 2023; our ability to manage investments and costs
and achieve posive Adjusted EBITDA for full year 2024; our qualitave color on our business in 2023 and
beyond; and our overall business trajectory. Except as required by law, we assume no obligaon to update these
forward-looking statements publicly, or to update the reasons actual results could dier materially from those
ancipated in the forward-looking statements, even if new informaon becomes available in the future. Further
informaon on factors that could cause actual results to dier materially from the results ancipated by our
forward-looking statements is included in the reports we have led with the Securies and Exchange
Commission, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022. Addional
informaon also will be available in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2023.
All informaon provided in this shareholder leer and in the tables aached hereto is as of April 26, 2023, and
we undertake no duty to update this informaon unless required by law.
Roku Q1 2023 Shareholder Leer
(in thousands, except per share data)
Three Months Ended
March 31, 2023
March 31, 2022
Net Revenue:
$ 634,618
$ 643,707
Total net revenue
Cost of Revenue:
Platform (1)
Devices (1)
Total cost of revenue
Gross Profit (Loss):
Total gross profit
Operating Expenses:
Research and development (1)
Sales and marketing (1)
General and administrative (1)
Total operating expenses
Loss from Operations
Other Income (Expense), Net:
Interest expense
Other income (expense), net
Total other income (expense), net
Loss Before Income Taxes
Income tax expense
Net Loss
$ (193,604)
$ (26,306)
Net loss per share — basic and diluted
$ (1.38)
$ (0.19)
Weighted-average common shares outstanding — basic and diluted
(1) Stock-based compensation was allocated as follows:
Cost of revenue, platform
$ 339
$ 236
Cost of revenue, devices
Research and development
Sales and marketing
General and administrative
Total stock-based compensation
$ 96,472
$ 69,580
Roku Q1 2023 Shareholder Leer
(in thousands, except par value data)
As of
March 31, 2023
December 31, 2022
Current Assets:
Cash and cash equivalents
$ 1,630,052
$ 1,961,956
Restricted cash
Accounts receivable, net of allowances of $22,436 and $40,191 as of
March 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively
Prepaid expenses and other current assets
Total current assets
Property and equipment, net
Operating lease right-of-use assets
Content assets, net
Intangible assets, net
Other non-current assets
Total Assets
$ 4,055,404
$ 4,412,601
Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity
Current Liabilities:
Accounts payable
$ 86,879
$ 164,800
Accrued liabilities
Current portion of long-term debt
Deferred revenue, current portion
Total current liabilities
Deferred revenue, non-current portion
Operating lease liability, non-current portion
Other long-term liabilities
Total Liabilities
Stockholders’ Equity:
Common stock, $0.0001 par value
Additional paid-in capital
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)
Accumulated deficit
Total stockholders’ equity
Total Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity
$ 4,055,404
$ 4,412,601
Roku Q1 2023 Shareholder Leer
(in thousands)
Three Months Ended
March 31, 2023
March 31, 2022
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net Loss
$ (193,604)
$ (26,306)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash from operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization
Stock-based compensation expense
Amortization of right-of-use assets
Amortization of content assets
Foreign currency remeasurement (gains) losses
Change in fair value of Strategic Investment
Impairment of assets
Provision for doubtful accounts
Other items, net
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses and other current assets
Content assets and liabilities, net
Other non-current assets
Accounts payable
Accrued liabilities
Operating lease liabilities
Other long-term liabilities
Deferred revenue
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities
Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchases of property and equipment
Purchase of Strategic Investment
Net cash used by investing activities
Cash flows from financing activities:
Repayments of borrowings
Proceeds from equity issued under incentive plans
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities
Net increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash —beginning of period
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash —end of period
$ 1,670,765
$ 2,236,724
Roku Q1 2023 Shareholder Leer
Three Months Ended
March 31, 2023
March 31, 2022
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at end of period:
Cash and cash equivalents
$ 1,630,052
$ 2,235,092
Restricted cash, current
Restricted cash, non-current
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash —end of period
$ 1,670,765
$ 2,236,724
Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:
Cash paid for interest
$ 867
$ 656
Cash paid for income taxes
$ 1,452
$ 511
Supplemental disclosures of non-cash investing and financing activities:
Unpaid portion of property and equipment purchases
$ 10,492
$ 3,413
Three Months Ended
March 31, 2023
March 31, 2022
Reconciliation of Net Loss to Adjusted EBITDA:
Net loss
$ (193,604)
$ (26,306)
Other (income) expense, net
Stock-based compensation
Depreciation and amortization
Restructuring charges
Income tax expense
Adjusted EBITDA
$ (69,082)
$ 57,576
Restructuring charges of $31.3 million include severance and related charges of $25.2 million, assets impairment charge of $4.3
million, and facilities exit costs of $1.7 million.