Web Tools™
USPS Web Tools™
Frequently Asked Questions
Version 2.3 (08/18/2022)
USPS Web Tools FAQs
Table of Contents
1.0 General Questions .................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Are the USPS Web Tools APIs free? ............................................................................................................ 3
1.2 How do I get access to Web Tools APIs and receive my user ID? ............................................................... 3
1.3 Why are my Web Tools credentials not working when I try to log in on www.usps.com? ............................. 3
1.4 Why did I not receive an email when I completed registration for USPS Web Tools? .................................. 3
1.5 I tried registering for USPS Web Tools but I’m receiving an error, what do I do? ......................................... 3
1.6 I have registered for Web Tools, what are the next steps? ........................................................................... 3
1.7 Service Level Agreements (SLAs)? .............................................................................................................. 4
1.8 How do I know if I am eligible to use eVS Shipping Label APIs? .................................................................. 4
2.0 API Technical Questions.......................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Why are the production server URLs I received not working when I click on them? ..................................... 4
2.2 The labels I am printing contain a “SAMPLE - DO NOT MAIL” watermark. How can I print actual labels?... 5
2.3 Does USPS have an Every Door Direct Mail® (EDDM) API available? ........................................................ 5
2.4 How do I obtain Tracking Service (i.e. API(s)= “PTS*”) API Access? ........................................................... 5
3.0 Troubleshooting Questions ..................................................................................................... 6
3.1 I am using a third-party ecommerce software to connect to USPS Web Tools APIs and I am having issues
integrating. Can USPS help me? .............................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 I have contacted my software provider and I still have questions for USPS, how do I proceed? .................. 6
3.3 Have there been any recent or upcoming changes to Web Tools APIs? ...................................................... 6
USPS Web Tools FAQs
1.0 General Questions
1.1 Are the USPS Web Tools APIs free?
Yes, we allow all customers who have registered for a Web Tools account and agreed to the terms
and conditions of use access to USPS APIs free of charge.
1.2 How do I get access to Web Tools APIs and receive my user ID?
The first step to gain access to USPS APIs is to register for a Web Tools user account located at
https://www.usps.com/business/web-tools-apis/web-tools-registration.htm. Note: USPS Web
Tools credentials are separate from www.usps.com login credentials (see 1.3). Upon successful
registration, you will automatically receive an email containing your assigned Web Tools user ID.
Upon receiving a Web Tools user ID, users can begin using the following APIs:
Address Information
Price Calculators
Package Pickup
Service Standards and Commitments
1.3 Why are my Web Tools credentials not working when I try to log
in on www.usps.com?
This is a common misconception with our users. There is no "login" functionality/user interface for
Web Tools APIs. Your user ID (i.e. “1234ABCD567”) will allow you to make API requests to the Web
Tools servers. Your credentials are only intended to be (or input into), 1) the login interface of your
third-party software or 2) incorporated into your back-end API programming within the XML request.
The login page shown on the usps.com website is not associated to Web Tools APIs. Please review
the technical documentation at https://www.usps.com/business/web-tools-
apis/technicaldocumentation.htm for additional integration information.
1.4 Why did I not receive an email when I completed registration for
USPS Web Tools?
The confirmation email containing your Web Tools credentials may have been moved to your spam
inbox or junk folders, so we recommend checking there first. If you still did not receive it, then contact
the USPS IT Help-Desk at https://usps.force.com/emailus/s/. Select ‘Web Tools’ and describe the
issue in detail.
1.5 I tried registering for USPS Web Tools but I’m receiving an error,
what do I do?
If you are experiencing an error message on the Web Tools registration page, please contact the
USPS IT Help-Desk at https://usps.force.com/emailus/s/. Select (Web Tools) and include the email
address you used to register as well as the date where you received the error message.
1.6 I have registered for Web Tools, what are the next steps?
For shippers using a third-party shipping software or shopping cart provider we recommend you
coordinate directly with your service provider for instructions to begin offering USPS services.
Registered users should take note of relevant information provided in the registration email and links
below. For developers integrating Web Tools into a custom application we specifically recommend:
USPS Web Tools FAQs
Step-by-Step Instructions for All USPS Web Tools (important information when getting
started): https://www.usps.com/business/web-tools-apis/general-api-developer-guide.pdf
API User’s Guides (API specific technical/integration information):
USPS Web Tools website: (contains all these resources and more):
1.7 Service Level Agreements (SLAs)?
All terms and conditions are listed on our microsite (www.usps.com/webtools). There are no service
level agreements. Web Tools APIs are always available. For more information, please visit our
Developers Guide.
1.8 How do I know if I am eligible to use eVS Shipping Label APIs?
Users interested in creating labels through our eVS APIs will need to first complete eVS
In general, eVS:
Requires 50 pieces or 50 pounds per mailing
Requires a permit imprint
Requires payment via ACH debit daily (no other forms of payment)
Handles origin entered mail (no destination entry or presort)
Requires enrollment and new Mailer IDs (MIDs) and permits
Will do domestic/international/apo/fpo/dpo/US Territories
Supports domestic/international/APO/FPO/DPO/PTFAS locations
Supports Priority Mail Cubic (Contact your Technical Integration Specialist for further details)
If you want to explore using eVS, please first contact the [email protected].
For registration please visit: https://www.usps.com/postalone/evs.htm
If that will not work for you, then you can follow up with sales@usps.gov (or your local Postmaster or
USPS Sales Manager) for additional solutions outside of the Web Tools APIs.
2.0 API Technical Questions
2.1 Why are the production server URLs I received not working
when I click on them?
The production URLs included in the email confirming your registration with Web Tools are not links
to a viewable website. These URLs must be included in the XML Request used to connect to our
APIs (please reference our technical documents for more information
https://www.usps.com/business/web-toolsapis/welcome.htm). If you are using a third-party
ecommerce software, it is possible that these URLs are not required and therefore do not apply to all
customers using our APIs. Contact your software provider directly for more details concerning your
specific integration requirements.
USPS Web Tools FAQs
2.2 The labels I am printing contain a “SAMPLE - DO NOT MAIL
watermark. How can I print actual labels?
The API containing "Certify" is our testing API which will only print labels with the sample watermark.
In order to generate actual labels, you must remove "Certify" from your Web Tools XML requests.
See below 2.3 for additional details. Integrators should note that our “Certify” test APIs are intended
for limited functional verification of API requests/responses. Any secondary processes, such as
creation of a SCAN Form or Shipping Services File, are not supported with “Certify” APIs. For
expanded functional testing support of Web Tools APIs, users should contact the USPS IT HelpDesk
at https://usps.force.com/emailus/s/ Select (Web Tools) and describe your testing needs in detail.
2.3 Does USPS have an Every Door Direct Mail® (EDDM) API
Please visit: https://eddm.usps.com/eddm/customer/routeSearch.action for information on EDDM
tools and offerings.
2.4 How do I obtain Tracking Service (i.e. API(s)= “PTS*”) API
To obtain Package Tracking API (API=TrackV2) access, users will need to follow the below steps.
1. Register for Web Tools at https://registration.shippingapis.com/.
2. Obtain a valid registered mailer identification number (MID). This is a 6 or 9-digit number
assigned to a customer through the USPS Business Customer Gateway (BCG). Please refer
to the following links for help.
o https://gateway.usps.com/eAdmin/view/knowledge?securityId=MID
o https://postalpro.usps.com/mailing/mailer-id
Important Note: Set up of your MID must be completed prior to requesting access or your
request will be rejected. Please contact the NCSC-Delivery Confirmation (email:
Delivery.confirmation@usps.gov; phone: 1-877-264-9693, Option 1) for assistance.
3. Once the above steps are completed submit your Package Tracking access request at:
https://usps.force.com/emailus/s/web-tools-inquiry and provide your user name (Web Tools
UserID), select “Tracking APIs”, select “Track API” and submit the following information
below in the “Additional Information” text box:
Web Tools UserID:
Mailer ID (MID):
Company Name:
Company Website:
Requester First and Last Name:
Requester Email:
Requester Phone number:
Mailing Address:
Mailing City:
Mailing State:
Mailing Zip Code:
PROD Registration Date:
USPS Web Tools FAQs
API access requested: Package Tracking (API=TrackV2)
Anticipated volume (daily, weekly, monthly, or annually):
Are you shipping with USPS? Please describe.
Any additional information from the customer:
Four service APIs are offered in conjunction with “Revision=1” of the Package Tracking “Fields” API:
Track and Confirm by Email (PTSEmail), Proof of Delivery (PTSPod), and Return Receipt Electronic
(PTSRre). The response data from Track/Confirm Fields request determines which services are
available for a tracking ID. Each request input to the Web Tools server for the tracking service APIs
is limited to one tracking ID. These APIs require additional permissions and in order to gain access
follow the above steps.
3.0 Troubleshooting Questions
3.1 I am using a third-party ecommerce software to connect to USPS
Web Tools APIs and I am having issues integrating. Can USPS help
USPS does not have insight into the specific requirements of third-party software tools and plugins.
We recommend customers first contact their provider directly to troubleshoot issues with third-party
3.2 I have contacted my software provider and I still have questions
for USPS, how do I proceed?
USPS will be happy to assist all customers provided the following information is included when
contacting USPS IT Help-Desk at https://usps.force.com/emailus/s/. Customers should select (Web
Tools) and provide:
Name of API
Detailed description of the exact issue you are experiencing
Sample API XML request and response resulting in the issue or error
Note: Without the above details provided, our USPS agents will not have sufficient information to
investigate Web Tools API issues properly.
3.3 Have there been any recent or upcoming changes to Web
Tools APIs?
In order to provide the very best API offerings, we periodically update our systems which may require
current customers to update their software or integrations. To determine if these changes/updates
apply to you, please refer to our most recent Release Notes posted in our “Announcements” section
on the Web Tools website: https://www.usps.com/business/web-tools-apis/welcome.htm. This
document contains all new changes and steps to resolve if you are impacted. Please remember to
first contact your software provider for any questions related to third-party shipping software or