Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
This Manual does not establish a contractual relationship between
Christian Brothers University (“CBU”) and its faculty, administration, and
staff. This Manual only serves to highlight CBU’s general policies,
practices, and procedures for your personal benefit and cannot be
construed as a legal document of any kind.
Any procedure contained within this Manual is strictly intended to
provide all faculty, administrators, and staff with a general framework for
addressing and/or resolving various situations that may arise from time to
CBU reserves the right to change, alter, remove and/or amend all
procedures, policies, and regulations contained within this Manual at any
time, and at the sole discretion of the Administration, whenever such
changes are deemed necessary and without prior notice or cause.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Table of Contents
A. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 6
PROCEDURES FOR FORMULATING AND ADOPTING POLICIES ..................................................................... 10
MISSION ................................................................................................................................................. 11
INSTITUIONAL GOALS .............................................................................................................................. 11
CATHOLIC IDENTITY ................................................................................................................................. 11
CORE VALUES .......................................................................................................................................... 11
LASALLIAN EDUCATIONAL PRINCIPLES ...................................................................................................... 11
STRATEGIC PLAN ..................................................................................................................................... 12
B. COMMITTEES APPOINTED BY THE ADMINISTRATION........................................................................... 13
Admissions Committee .................................................................................................................... 13
Benefits Committee ......................................................................................................................... 13
Budget Committee .......................................................................................................................... 13
Calendar Committee ........................................................................................................................ 13
Mission and Identity Committee ...................................................................................................... 14
President’s Cabinet .......................................................................................................................... 14
Strategic Planning Committee .......................................................................................................... 14
Sustainability Committee ................................................................................................................. 14
Web Governance Committee ........................................................................................................... 14
C. ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ................................................................................... 16
A.1 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, HARASSMENT AND RETALIATION POLICY .................................................... 17
A.2 ALLOCATION AND MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES .......................................................................... 21
A.3 ALLOCATION AND USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES .............................................. 23
A.4 ANTI-HARASSMENT STATEMENT .................................................................................................... 24
A.5 PURPOSE, SCOPE, AND POLICY OF THE UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES......................................................... 32
B.1 COMMUNICATION WITH THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ........................................................................ 34
B.2 BROTHERS RECRUITMENT POLICY................................................................................................... 35
B.3 BULLETIN BOARDS AND INFORMATION DISPLAY ............................................................................. 36
C.1 POLICY FOR CHILDREN ON CAMPUS ................................................................................................ 38
C.2 COMMUNICABLE DISEASES ............................................................................................................ 39
C.3 CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY ....................................................................................................... 40
C.4 COPYRIGHT COMPLIANCE POLICY USE OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS ............................................ 43
C.5 COPYRIGHT AND PATENT POLICY ORIGINATORS ........................................................................... 44
C.6 CRISIS COMMUNICATION PLAN ...................................................................................................... 46
C.8 DETERMINATION OF CREDIT HOURS ............................................................................................... 49
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
C.9 COMPLIANCE WITH COMMISSION (SACSCOC) POLICIES ................................................................... 51
D.1 ACCOMMODATION POLICY FOR STUDENTS WITH A DISABILITY ....................................................... 53
D.2 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE POLICY .................................................................................................... 55
D.3 PERSONAL APPEARANCE AND DRESS.............................................................................................. 60
D.4 DISTANCE EDUCATION VERIFICATION OF STUDENT IDENTITY ....................................................... 61
D.5 DISTANCE EDUCATION PROTECTION OF STUDENT PRIVACY .......................................................... 62
D.6 DISTANCE EDUCATION ADDITIONAL COSTS .................................................................................. 63
ASSOCIATED WITH IDENTITY VERIFICATION .......................................................................................... 63
E.1 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................. 64
E.2 ENDOWMENT ALLOCATION POLICY ................................................................................................ 65
E.3 ENTREPRENEURIAL REVENUE SHARING POLICY ............................................................................... 67
E.4 EVALUATION OF STAFF PERFORMANCE .......................................................................................... 68
F.1 OFFICE OF ADVANCEMENT POLICIES ............................................................................................... 70
F.2 NAMING OPPORTUNITIES ............................................................................................................... 75
F.2.1 ADDENDUM FOR NAMING OPPORTUNITIES ............................................................................. 78
G.1 GIFTS TO CBU & CBHS DATED PRIOR TO 1965 ................................................................................. 79
H.1 HONORS AND AWARDS ................................................................................................................. 80
H.2 HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY .......................................................................................................... 81
I.1 IMMUNIZATION POLICY .................................................................................................................. 82
M.1 MEDIA POLICY OF THE UNIVERSITY ............................................................................................... 84
M.2 MISSION RELATED PAID TIME-OFF ................................................................................................. 87
M.3 ADVISOR POLICIES AND ORGANIZATION RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................ 88
O.1 OFFICE OR WORK SPACE ALLOCATION ............................................................................................ 89
ADMINISTRATION ............................................................................................................................... 90
P.2 PERSONAL COMMUNICATION ALLOWANCE .................................................................................... 93
P.2.1 PERSONAL COMMUNICATION ALLOWANCE REQUEST FORM .................................................... 96
P.3 POSTAL SERVICES ........................................................................................................................... 97
P.4 PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS............................................................................................................... 98
P.5 PURCHASE OF COMPUTERS ............................................................................................................ 99
R.1 EMPLOYMENT OF RELATIVES ....................................................................................................... 100
R.2 RESERVATION AND RENTAL OF CAMPUS BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS ............................................. 101
S.1 SALARY INCREASES....................................................................................................................... 104
S.2 SCHOOL CLOSING POLICY……………………………………………………………………………………………………………....105
S.3 SEXUAL ASSAULT POLICY .............................................................................................................. 107
S.4 SIGNAGE POLICY .......................................................................................................................... 110
S.5 TOBACCO USE POLICY .................................................................................................................. 112
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
S.6 SPEAKERS’ POLICY INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL ............................................................................. 114
S.7 STUDENT GRIEVANCE POLICY AND PROCEDURE ............................................................................ 115
S.8 SUBSTANTIVE CHANGE POLICY ..................................................................................................... 116
S.9 SWIMMING POOL ........................................................................................................................ 118
T.1 SPONSORED TRAVEL OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES ....................................................................... 119
EXPENSES, AND CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS .......................................................................................... 120
T.3 TUITION DISCOUNT POLICIES ........................................................................................................ 121
T.4 TUITION REMISSION POLICY ......................................................................................................... 123
V.1 VISUAL ARTS COLLECTION POLICY ................................................................................................ 126
V.2 VOICE MAIL & EMAIL POLICIES ..................................................................................................... 130
W.1 POLICY GUIDELINES FOR WORLD WIDE WEB HOME PAGES .......................................................... 132
W.2 WHISTLE BLOWER POLICY ........................................................................................................... 136
D. APPENDICES .................................................................................................................................... 137
I. Bylaws of the University.... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..138
II. Administrative Structure Chart………………………….…………………………………………………………………………….142
III. President and Vice President Position Descriptions..……………………………………………………………………….143
III. Revision Index…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………152
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
This manual contains policies and procedures that apply generally to all personnel, departments
and divisions on the Christian Brothers University campus. Specific policies relating to certain
segments of the campus are not found in this manual. The following supplemental handbooks
and brochures should be kept with the Policies and Procedures Manual in key places on campus.
1. Policies that apply only to faculty members are contained in the Faculty Handbook
and are not repeated in this manual.
2. Policies related to conditions of employment are outlined in the Employee
Handbook; these include such policies as “Jury Duty”, “Bereavement”, “Salary
Advance Policy”, “Drug Free Workplace” or “Short Term Disability.”
3. Student related policies are found in The Compass (Student Handbook).
4. Policies related to Security are contained in the Crisis Management Plan, the
Security Information Brochure, Streetwise How to be Safe on Campus, The
Earthquake Preparedness Guide, Red Cross Guidelines and the Traffic and Parking
Regulations brochures.
This manual will be available on the CBU Web and notification will be made to administrative
offices [President’s Office, each Vice President’s Office, the office of the Associate Vice President
for Student Life, the office of the Dean for Information Technology Services, each School Dean’s
Office, the Business Office, the Registrar’s Office, Student Financial Resources Office, the Human
Resources Office, the College of Adult Professional Studies Office, and the Library] as changes
occur to make administrators aware of updates.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
I. Procedures governing the formation of policies which relate solely to one administrative
area and do not involve other administrative areas and/or the institution-wide
groups/organizations that are empowered to recommend University policy.
1. Any person or group may submit a proposed policy relative to the respective administrator in
charge of the area.
2. The administrator has the proposed policy considered by the person(s), committee(s),
organization(s), or group(s) affected with amendments and changes, if any, being suggested
for the proposed policy.
3. The administrator reviews the proposed policy with any additional suggestions, approving or
rejecting it.
4. A proposed policy becomes institutional policy relative to an administrative area when signed
by the appropriate administrator. Newly approved policies shall be promulgated to faculty,
staff, students, and other appropriate persons.
5. A current policy is considered unapproved when it is superseded by a more recently
approved policy, or when it is deemed outdated or no longer applicable to current practice in
the area and is removed from the administrative policy manual by the appropriate
6. Current and approved policies will be collected and indexed in the Office of the Vice
President of the particular area.
II. Procedures governing the formation of policies which relate to more than one
administrative area and/or institution-wide groups/organizations that are empowered to
recommend University policy.
1. Any person or group may submit a proposed policy to the administrators.
2. The administrators have the proposed policy considered by the person(s), committee(s),
organization(s), or group(s) considered to be affected, with amendments and changes, if any,
being suggested for the proposed policy.
3. The proposed policy is forwarded to the President’s Cabinet.
4. The President has the proposed policy considered by the person(s), committee(s),
organization(s), or group(s) considered to be affected, with amendments and changes, if any,
being suggested for the proposed policy.
5. The President’s Cabinet reviews the proposed policy along with any suggestions. The
proposed policy becomes institutional policy when endorsed by the President or, in the case
of substantive or administrative change to the University, by the Board of Trustees.
6. Newly approved policies shall be promulgated to faculty, staff, students and other
appropriate persons.
7. A current policy is considered unapproved when it is superseded by a more recently
approved policy, or when it is deemed outdated or no longer applicable to current practice at
the University by the President’s Cabinet.
8. Current and endorsed policies relative to the University (this manual) will be collected and
indexed in the Office of the President.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Christian Brothers University is a Catholic university in the student-centered tradition of the De La
Salle Christian Brothers. CBU fosters academic excellence in a range of programs to prepare
students from all faiths and backgrounds for careers and lives informed by the Lasallian values of
faith, service, and community.
Educating minds. Touching hearts. Remembering the presence of God.
Christian Brothers University is a Catholic university founded on the heritage of Lasallian
education. While large enough to provide educational opportunities in the arts, business,
education, engineering and sciences, the University is small enough to promote teaching as
ministry and to provide challenging student-centered learning and personal growth. Students of
diverse cultures and religious traditions are encouraged to grow in their own faith. The University
welcomes students into an educational community of faith and service, one that is committed to
academic excellence, the betterment of society and the care of God’s creation.
Faith: Our belief in God permeates every facet of the university’s life.
Service: We reach out to serve one another and those beyond our campus.
Community: We work to build better communities and a better society.
Respect for each individual as a unique person
An excellent education
A spirit of community
A Christian perspective
A life of service
A quest for justice and peace
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Faculty & staff
Increase high-
impact learning
compensation &
Invest in student
success programs &
improve retention
Assess &
Create a culture of
Multiply &
& storytelling
al Capacity
Recruit & retain
Expand vibrant
academic programs
& student
Need to add the administrative chart to the manual.
Where did the administrative position descriptions go?
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Admissions Committee
Committee membership is appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Life.
The Chair of the Committee is the Dean for Academic Services. The other members are the Dean of
Day Admissions, a representative of the Graduate and Professional Programs and one faculty
member from each of the four schools.
The committee works with the Dean of Day Admissions and the Vice President of Enrollment
Management to recommend new student admission standards, recommend procedures for hearing
challenges to new or returning student appeals, recommend students for admission, review special
applicants for admission and enlist faculty to act as liaisons between the Admissions Office and the
various schools. Decisions of the Committee regarding possible acceptance of students into the
University can be appealed to the Vice President of Enrollment Management or the Vice President
for Academic Affairs and Student Life.
Employee Appreciation Committee
Appointed by the President, the Committee is chaired by the Director of Human Resources.
Membership includes a representative from the Business Office, the Library, Information Technology
Services, Events Management, Academic Affairs, and the Christian Brothers Community. The
Committee will be responsible for planning, promoting, and conducting the annual employee
appreciation event each May.
Budget Committee
Committee membership is appointed by the President and will be chaired by the Vice President for
Administration and Finances. Membership will include the Budget Manager, representatives from
Admissions, Student Financial Resources, Student Life, Information Technology Services, the
President’s Office, and a representative from each of the four schools. The committee has the
responsibility for review of University needs in preparation for the following annual Budget. It
meets during the spring semester, as needed, and makes budgetary recommendations to the
Calendar Committee
The purpose of the Calendar Committee is to plan and recommend the University calendar utilizing
the academic semesters/terms as the basis for planning. The committee recommends to the
President’s Cabinet a proposed and detailed calendar for the upcoming academic year and basic
calendars for the ensuing four academic years.
The Calendar Committee is chaired by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Life
(VPASL) and includes representatives from the following areas: Office of the Registrar, Business
Office, Student Life, Athletics, Day Admissions, and the Graduate and Professional Programs. Other
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
members are the Vice President of the Faculty Assembly and the Vice President of the Student
Government Association.
The initial meeting of the Calendar Committee for each academic year is called by the Vice President
for Academic Affairs and Student Life in September to review the calendar for the upcoming
academic year and proposed calendars for the following four years. Each committee member is
expected to share the proposed calendars with their respective constituencies to allow for further
input. Calendars are reviewed by the Academic Council which sends the recommended calendars to
the President’s Cabinet for final approval. It is expected that this process be completed during the
Fall Semester.
Mission and Identity Committee
Committee membership is appointed by the President. Membership will include faculty and staff
members with experience in Lasallian workshops and conferences (Lasallian Leadership Institute,
the summer Buttimer Institutes, Huether Workshops, or the International Lasallian Conferences in
Rome). The Committee will review the Mission of the University in terms of how it guides the
operations of the University and make recommendation to the President.
President’s Cabinet
The Cabinet is chaired by the President and membership is appointed by the President.
Membership will include representation of each campus office with the addition of one faculty
member. The Cabinet will meet monthly to give advice to the President.
Strategic Planning Committee
The committee membership is appointed by the President and is co-chaired by the Vice President
for Academic Affairs and Student Life and a faculty representative. The committee has the
responsibility for oversight of the University’s Strategic Plan as approved by the Board of Trustees.
It meets quarterly to monitor the action steps and review progress being made by the persons
responsible toward the strategic targets and goals of the Plan. The committee will make
recommendations as needed for improvements and adjustments to the planning process. The
committee reports to the President.
Sustainability Committee
The committee is appointed by and is responsible to the President. Membership will include
representation from Aramark or Physical Plant, a student, and a faculty member from each school
with emphasis from environmental science and religion/philosophy and the behavioral sciences.
The committee will study and make recommendations about the present needs of the University
environment without compromising the future generations of CBU students. The committee will
recommend programs to provide the best outcomes for the human and natural environments both
now and into the future.
Web Governance Committee
The committee provides oversight of CBU’s online presence and digital initiatives, ensuring that they
align with the mission, values, and goals of the University. The committee gives broad-based input
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
on digital and web issues and functions as both an advisory and authorizing group. Responsibilities
include: maintaining digital and web guidelines and policies, reviewing new digital initiatives,
strategies, and requests for changes, providing input regarding digital design and branding standards
(ensuring that the guidelines follow the strategic direction set by Communications and Marketing),
and resolving non-compliance issues related to both internal and external requirements and
guidelines. The committee will include representatives from across the institution and will meet
quarterly (or more frequently if needed at the request of the chair).
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Christian Brothers University is an equal opportunity employer. In accordance with anti-
discrimination law, it is the purpose of this policy to effectuate these principles and
mandates. Christian Brothers University prohibits discrimination and harassment of any
type and affords equal employment opportunities to employees and applicants without
regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, mental or physical disability, national
origin, genetic information, or any other protected status, and any categories protected
by state and local law in its educational programs or activities, including employment and
admissions. Christian Brothers University conforms to the spirit as well as to the letter of all
applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, Christian Brothers University will take action
to employ, advance in employment and treat qualified veterans and disabled veterans
without discrimination in all employment practices. The University operates equal
opportunity and affirmative action practices for faculty, staff and students.
It is the obligation of every faculty and staff member of Christian Brothers University to
comply with this policy in both practice and spirit. All faculty and staff members are
expected to demonstrate the same commitment to the Equal Employment Opportunity
policy as to all other University policies.
The policy of equal employment opportunity (EEO) and anti-discrimination applies to all
aspects of the relationship between Christian Brothers University and its employees,
Working conditions.
Wages and salary administration.
Employee benefits and application of policies.
The policies and principles of EEO also apply to the selection and treatment of independent
contractors, personnel working on our premises who are employed by temporary agencies
and any other persons or firms doing business for or with Christian Brothers University.
Dissemination and Implementation of Policy
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
The officers of Christian Brothers University will be responsible for the dissemination of this
policy. All University leaders are responsible for implementing equal employment practices
within each department. The Human Resources Department is responsible for overall
compliance and will maintain personnel records in compliance with applicable laws and
Christian Brothers University administers our EEO policy fairly and consistently by:
Posting all required notices regarding employee rights under EEO laws in areas
highly visible to employees.
Advertising for job openings with the statement “An Equal Opportunity Employer
Advertising all required job openings with the appropriate state agencies.
Forbidding retaliation against any individual who files a charge of discrimination,
opposes a practice believed to be unlawful discrimination, reports harassment, or
assists, testifies or participates in an EEO agency proceeding.
Requires employees to report to a member of management or HR representative
any apparent discrimination or harassment.
Harassment is a form of unlawful discrimination and violates Christian Brothers University
CBU prohibits harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment, and will take
appropriate and immediate action in response to complaints or knowledge of violations of
this policy. For purposes of this policy, harassment is any verbal or physical conduct
designed to threaten, intimidate or coerce an employee, co-worker, or any person working
for or on behalf of CBU.
The following examples of harassment are intended to be guidelines and are not exclusive
when determining whether there has been a violation of this policy:
Verbal harassment includes comments that are offensive or unwelcome regarding a
person's national origin, race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, body,
disability or appearance, including epithets, slurs and negative stereotyping.
Nonverbal harassment includes distribution, display or discussion of any written or
graphic material that ridicules, denigrates, insults, belittles or shows hostility,
aversion or disrespect toward an individual or group because of national origin, race,
color, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, appearance, disability,
sexual identity, marital status or other protected status.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Prohibited sexual harassment, for example, is defined as unwelcome sexual advances,
request for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition
of an individual’s employment.
Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for
employment decisions affecting such individuals.
Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an
individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive
working environment.
Sexual harassment may take different forms. The following examples of sexual harassment
are intended to be guidelines and are not exclusive when determining whether there has
been a violation of this policy:
Verbal sexual harassment includes innuendoes, suggestive comments, jokes of a
sexual nature, sexual propositions, lewd remarks and threats; requests for any type
of sexual favor (this includes repeated, unwelcome requests for dates); and verbal
abuse or "kidding" that is oriented toward a prohibitive form of harassment,
including that which is sexual in nature and unwelcome.
Nonverbal sexual harassment includes the distribution, display or discussion of any
written or graphic material, including calendars, posters and cartoons that are
sexually suggestive or show hostility toward an individual or group because of sex;
suggestive or insulting sounds; leering; staring; whistling; obscene gestures; content
in letters, notes, facsimiles, e-mails, photos, text messages, tweets and Internet
postings; or other forms of communication that are sexual in nature and offensive.
Physical sexual harassment includes unwelcome, unwanted physical contact,
including touching, tickling, pinching, patting, brushing up against, hugging,
cornering, kissing, fondling, and forced sexual intercourse or assault.
Christian Brothers University encourages employees to report all incidents of harassment to
a member of management or the Human Resources department. Christian Brothers
University provides harassment prevention training for all employees through in2vate at
https://home.in2vate.com/, and maintains and enforces a separate policy on harassment
prevention, complaint procedure, penalties for violations and retaliation. Christian Brothers
University investigates all complaints of harassment promptly and fairly, and, when
appropriate, takes immediate corrective action to stop the harassment and prevent it from
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Christian Brothers University also prohibits retaliation. Prohibited retaliation includes,
intimidation, threats, harassment, or other act(s) that would discourage an employee from:
Reporting or filing an internal complaint of discrimination or harassment in good
Participating in an investigation of a report or complaint of unlawful discrimination
or harassment.
Reasonably opposing an employment practice that would constitute unlawful
discrimination or harassment.
Filing a complaint of discrimination or harassment with federal/state administrative
Violations of this policy, regardless of whether an actual law has been violated, will not be
tolerated. Christian Brothers University will promptly, thoroughly and fairly investigate
every issue that is brought to its attention in this area and will take disciplinary action, when
appropriate, up to and including termination of employment.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Budget Requests
As a result of planning at the department level and the cyclic goal setting, evaluation and
adjustment of the Institutional Effectiveness process, budget requests for the following fiscal year
are made by budget managers to Deans or Directors. Requests are reviewed and forwarded to the
appropriate Vice President (or President) who represents the area in budget planning and allocation
of funds for both the Operational Budget and the Plant Fund Budget.
Planning and Budgeting
The President’s Cabinet meets in November and in March each year to determine the following
fiscal year’s budget in light of the current needs and the Strategic Plan of the University. Both
operational needs and plant fund needs are discussed and budgets are developed.
Each Vice President, Dean, and Director will have an opportunity to present and explain its requests
to a Budget Committee established by the President. The Budget Committee will consist of the
following members: the VP/Administration and Finance, the Assistant to the President, and two
additional members of the administrative or instructional staff designated by the President. The
President and a representative of the CBU Board of Trustees will serve as ex-officio members as
The President, working in concert with the VPAF and the Budget Committee, will be responsible for
the final determination of the budget. Both the Operational and Plant Fund budgets will be
presented for approval to the Finance Committee of the Board, the Executive Committee of the
Board and, finally, to the full Board at their Spring meetings.
Approved area budgets are returned to the appropriate Department Chairs, Deans, or Department
Heads at the beginning of the fiscal year. Only the non-salary operational budgets are available at
these levels. During the fiscal year, the person in charge of the area must approve all expenditures
from the area’s budget.
Salary budgets and Plant Fund budgets are reserved to the Vice Presidents. By a Board decision of
January 21, 1994, the decision to increase campus salaries is made each year at the October meeting
of the Board of Trustees. Salary increases made in October take effect at the midpoint of the fiscal
Expenditures from the Operational Budget
Purchases from the operational budgets up to $500.00 require only the department chair’s or the
departmental budget manager’s approval and do not require the completion of a Purchase Order.
Purchases over $500.00 are approved by way of a CBU Purchase Order that must be submitted
before items are ordered.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Purchases over $500.00 and below $10,000.00 require the approval and signature of the School
Dean, Department Director, and the appropriate Vice President. Purchases beyond $10,000.00
require the signature of the President.
A summary of the approval level signatures for operational expenditures are identified below:
$0.01 to $500.00 Chair or Budget Manager Level
$500.01 to $10,000.00 Vice President Level
$10,000.01 to $250,000.00 President Level
Over $250,000.00 Board of Trustees Level
Expenditures from the Plant Fund Budget
Even though the funds have been budgeted and allocated, purchases from the Plant Fund Budget
must have the approval of the appropriate Vice President at the time that items are ordered and all
purchases require a Purchase Order.
Purchase Orders
For items which require approval, departments should submit to the VPAF a Purchase Order which
identifies the level of authorization as well as the account number the department wishes to charge
the item against. Upon receipt of the fully completed purchase requisition, the VPAF’s Office will
assign a Purchase Order Number and return the original back to the department. A copy will also be
forwarded to the Business Office which will wait for the vendor’s invoice before issuing payment.
The requested item will be charged against the departmental budget upon the execution of the
purchase order. Add-on items are not encouraged but will be allowed to the extent that such add-
ons do not require a higher approval level signature. Credit for items not delivered will be adjusted
at the time the invoice is matched with the purchase order at the time of payment.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
The allocation of information technology resources for Christian Brothers University is
predicated upon the policies that are set forth in the Strategic Technology Plan that is developed
and revised by the Strategic Technology Planning Committee (STPC). This committee establishes
the priorities for installation and replacement of information technology resources based on the
current Information Technology Services inventory of resources and the Life Cycle Replacement
Schedule that is depicted in the Total Cost of Ownership.
This policy is developed in concert with the academic and administrative staffs.
Each year the schedule for replacements for both academic departments and administrative
offices will be evaluated by the Strategic Technology Planning Committee (STPC), ensuring that
adequate resources, within budgetary constraints, are being provided for student laboratories,
faculty and staff.
The Strategic Technology Planning Committee is made up of representatives from both the
academic departments and the administrative offices. The Dean for Information Technology
Services is designated as chair of this committee.
Role of the Strategic Technology Planning Committee
Each year ITS and the user community will evaluate what microcomputers should be added or
deleted to the systems covered by the life cycle. This will usually be done during the budget
process for the next fiscal year. This will determine if computers for new faculty and staff
positions, new labs or possibly systems for part-time faculty and staff should be added to the
cycle and also what systems should be dropped because of reduced faculty and staff positions
or reduced student lab needs.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Discrimination and harassment on grounds of race, age, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation,
national or ethnic origin, or disability are all forms of misconduct that undermine the institutional
mission of Christian Brothers University and thus will not be tolerated. All members of the
University community are responsible for maintaining an environment of mutual respect for all
These procedures may be utilized by any student, employee, or applicant for employment who
believes he or she has been subjected to discrimination or harassment by a CBU student, CBU
employee or a third party on the CBU campus or at a CBU-sponsored event. Former employees
or students may file complaints concerning conduct which took place during the time of
employment or enrollment, provided the complaint is filed in a timely manner. For further
information regarding the University officials to whom complaints should be directed, please
refer to Complaint Reporting (See later section in this policy).
University Commitment
It is important that Christian Brothers University students, faculty and staff enjoy an
environment free from implicit and explicit behavior used to control, influence or affect the
well-being of any member of our community. Discrimination or harassment of any individual
based on race, age, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, or disability
is unacceptable and grounds for disciplinary action.
The University deplores such conduct, not only as a violation of the law, but also as an abuse of
authority and an infringement upon an individual’s right to a discrimination/harassment free
environment. Whenever CBU has knowledge that discrimination or harassment of any form has
occurred, prompt and remedial action will be taken (refer to steps for Initiating a Complaint later
in this policy). The University assumes full responsibility for investigating and adjudicating any
such complaint, including anonymous or third-party complaints.
Educational Programs
The University will take measures annually to educate and train students, faculty and staff
regarding conduct that could constitute a violation of this procedure. All employees, faculty
members, and students are expected to participate in such education and training and to be
knowledgeable of policies and procedures concerning harassment.
Disciplinary Action
All students, faculty and staff are subject to this policy. Any student, faculty or staff member
found to have violated this policy by engaging in behavior constituting discrimination/harassment
as stated below will be subject to disciplinary action which may include dismissal, expulsion or
termination, or other appropriate sanctions.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Responsibility of Employees
All faculty members and staff, particularly management and supervisory personnel, are
responsible for taking reasonable and necessary action to prevent and discourage harassment
and discrimination.
Harassment in the Educational/Working Environment
Generally, harassment is defined as unwelcome advances, requests for favors, and other verbal
or physical conduct when one of the following criteria is met:
submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly as a term or
condition of the individual’s employment or of the individual’s status in a program,
course or activity;
submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for
employment decisions, a criterion for evaluation, or a basis for academic or other
decisions affecting such individual;
such conduct is sufficiently severe, pervasive or persistent, as to deny or limit the
ability of an individual to participate in or benefit from the educational program,
thereby creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational or work
Not every act that might be offensive to an individual or group will be considered harassment.
Whether the alleged conduct constitutes harassment depends upon the record as a whole and
the totality of the circumstances, such as the nature of advances in the context within which the
alleged incident occurs. Harassment may not include verbal expressions or written material that
is relevant and appropriately related to course subject matter or curriculum.
Specifically, Sexual Harassment is:
unwelcome, gender-based verbal or physical conduct that is,
sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it,
unreasonably interferes with, denies or limits someone’s ability to participate in or
benefit from the
university’s educational program and/or activities, and is
based on power differentials (quid pro quo), the creation of a hostile environment, or
Examples include: an attempt to coerce an unwilling person into a sexual relationship; to
repeatedly subject a person to egregious, unwelcome sexual attention; to punish a refusal to
comply with a sexual based request; to condition a benefit on submitting to sexual advances;
sexual violence; intimate partner violence, stalking; gender-based bullying. Instances of sexual
harassment may be resolved with the full range of indicated sanctions.
Additional Applicable Definitions
Consent is clear, knowing and voluntary. Consent is active, not passive. Silence, in and of itself,
cannot be interpreted as consent. Consent can be given by words or actions, as long as those
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
words or actions create mutually understandable clear permission regarding willingness to
engage in (and the conditions of) sexual activity.
Consent to any one form of sexual activity cannot automatically imply consent to any
other forms of sexual activity.
Previous relationships or prior consent cannot imply consent to future sexual acts.
Force is the use of physical violence and/or imposing on someone physically to gain sexual
access. Force also includes threats, intimidation (implied threats) and coercion that overcome
resistance or produce consent (“Have sex with me or I’ll hit you. Okay, don’t hit me, I’ll do what
you want.”).
Coercion is unreasonable pressure for sexual activity. Coercive behavior differs from
seductive behavior based on the type of pressure someone uses to get consent from
another. When someone makes clear to you that they do not want sex, that they want to
stop, or that they do not want to go past a certain point of sexual interaction, continued
pressure beyond that point can be coercive.
Note: There is no requirement that a party resists the sexual advance or request, but
resistance is a clear demonstration of non-consent. The presence of force is not
demonstrated by the absence of resistance. Sexual activity that is forced is by definition
non-consensual, but non- consensual sexual activity is not by definition forced.
In order to give effective consent, one must be of legal age.
Sexual activity with someone who one should know to be -- or based on the
circumstances should reasonably have known to be -- mentally or physically
incapacitated (by alcohol or other drug use, unconsciousness or blackout), constitutes a
violation of this policy.
Incapacitation is a state where someone cannot make rational, reasonable decisions
because they lack the capacity to give knowing consent (e.g., to understand the “who,
what, when, where, why or how” of their sexual interaction).
This policy also covers a person whose incapacity results from mental disability, sleep,
involuntary physical restraint, or from the taking of rape drugs. Possession, use and/or
distribution of any of these substances, including Rohypnol, Ketomine, GHB, etc. is
prohibited, and administering one of these drugs to another student is a violation of this
policy. More information on these drugs can be found at http://www.911rape.org
Use of alcohol or other drugs will never function as a defense for any behavior that
violates this policy.
The sexual orientation and/or gender identity of individuals engaging in sexual activity is not
relevant to allegations under this policy. For reference to the pertinent state statutes on sex
offenses, please see [Tennessee Code 39-3703].
Other Misconduct Offenses that may be considered Discriminatory Misconduct
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Threatening or causing physical harm, extreme verbal abuse, or other conduct which
threatens or
endangers the health or safety of any person;
Intimidation, defined as implied threats or acts that cause an unreasonable fear of harm
in another;
Hazing (including its tolerance by advisors, coaches or other employees), defined as acts
likely to
cause physical or psychological harm or social ostracism to any person within the
university community, when related to the admission, initiation, pledging, joining, or any
other group-affiliation activity (as defined further in the University’s Hazing Policy);
Bullying, defined as repeated and/or severe aggressive behavior likely to intimidate or
intentionally hurt, control or diminish another person, physically or mentally (that is not
speech or conduct otherwise protected by the 1st Amendment).
Violence between those in an intimate relationship to each other;
Stalking, defined as repetitive and/or menacing pursuit, following, harassment and/or
interference with the peace and/or safety of a member of the community; or the safety
of any of the immediate family of members of the community.
Consensual Relationships
Intimate relationships between supervisors and their subordinates, between faculty members
and students are strongly discouraged due to the inherent inequality of power in such situations.
These relationships could lead to undue favoritism or the perception of undue favoritism, abuse
of power, compromised judgment or impaired objectivity.
Consensual Relationships Conflicts of Interest
Engaging in a consensual relationship with a student over whom the faculty member has either
grading, supervisory, or other evaluative authority (i.e., member of licensure committee, thesis
director, etc.) constitutes a conflict of interest. The faculty member must take steps to remove
the conflict, such as assigning a different supervisor to the student; resigning from the student’s
academic committees; or by terminating the relationship at least while the student is in his/her
Likewise, it is a conflict of interest for a supervisor to engage in a consensual relationship with a
subordinate over whom he or she has evaluative or supervisory authority. The supervisor must
take action to remove the conflict of interest by, for example, assigning another individual to
supervise and/or evaluate the subordinate or terminating the relationship.
Prohibited Conduct: Retaliation
Retaliation by anyone is prohibited by the University. Retaliation is defined as any adverse action
to a person who has exercised the right to file a complaint or make a report of harassment or has
participated in an investigation into allegations of harassment. Any retaliation is strictly
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
prohibited regardless of the outcome of the investigation and may, in itself, be grounds for
disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Complaint Reporting
The University seeks to encourage the prompt reporting of all discrimination and harassment and
its prompt resolution through University procedures. Where the charge of discrimination or
harassment is against a student, the Dean of Students, in collaboration with Campus Police &
Safety when appropriate, will conduct the initial investigation, after which the complaint will be
referred to the Special Review Board for further investigation, if needed, and adjudication, as
outlined in Section 8, in the Student Code of Conduct, in The Compass. If the charge of
harassment or discrimination is against University personnel or a third party, the Director of
Human Resources should be contacted immediately. The Director of Human Resources will
investigate all charges and make recommendations regarding their resolution.
Alleged Discrimination Harassment by Administrative Staff
When the allegation of harassment is against Administrative Staff, the next level of leadership
will investigate the complaint.
Alleged Discrimination/Harassment by Students
When the accused is a student, the Dean of Students and the Special Review Board will follow
the procedures for complaint reporting and investigation as stated in the Student Handbook,
Section 8, Code of Conduct: (D) Disciplinary Procedures and (F) Disciplinary Appeals Procedures.
This can also be found at https://www.cbu.edu/the-compass
All student documentation shall be subject to the provisions and protection of the Family
Educational Records and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Protection of Rights
The following procedures are intended to protect the rights of the aggrieved party (hereinafter,
‘the accuser’) as well as the party against whom the harassment complaint is lodged (hereinafter,
‘the accused’), as required by the state and federal laws. Each complaint must be properly and
promptly investigated and, when warranted, appropriate disciplinary action taken against the
In situations that require immediate action because of safety or other concerns, the University
may take interim action which is appropriate, e.g., temporary removal from the University in the
case of a student, separation of the students, or suspension with pay in the case of an employee.
Initiating a Complaint
Any current or former student, applicant for employment or current or former employee who
believes he or she has been subjected to discrimination/harassment at the University, or any
University-sponsored activity or who believes that he/she has observed
discrimination/harassment taking place may present the complaint to the Dean of Students or
Director of Human Resources, as appropriate.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Every attempt will be made to obtain a written complaint from the accuser. The complaint shall
include the circumstances giving rise to the complaint, the dates of the alleged occurrences, and
names of witnesses, if any. The complaint shall be signed by the accuser. However, when the
accuser refuses to provide or sign a written complaint, the matter will still be investigated to the
extent possible, and appropriate action taken. Complaints made anonymously or by a third party
must also be investigated to the extent possible.
Time Period for Filing a Complaint
While there is no formal deadline for filing a complaint, CBU encourages complainants to come
forward as soon as they have decided to report an incident. Evidence of many types is best
preserved immediately following an allegation.
Investigation Process
At the request of the Dean of Students, Director of Human Resources or the Special Review
Board, the Office of Campus Police and Safety may participate in the investigation of the
complaint. Activities in any investigation will include: interviewing the accuser, the accused and
other persons believed to have factual knowledge related to the investigation.
To the extent possible, the investigation will be conducted in such a manner to protect the
confidentiality of both parties. However, the accuser should be informed that the University has
an obligation to address harassment and that, in order to conduct an effective investigation,
complete confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Information may need to be revealed to the
accused and to potential witnesses. However, information about the complaint should be shared
only with those who have a need to know about it. The accuser may be informed that if he or
she wants to speak privately and in confidence about harassment, he or she may wish to consult
with a social worker, counselor, therapist or member of the clergy who is permitted, by law, to
assure greater confidentiality. Additionally, measures will be taken against the accused, or a
third party, should there be retaliation. Retaliation is prohibited and should be reported to the
investigator immediately.
Notification of Complaint
The Investigator shall notify the alleged harasser (hereinafter referred to as accused) in writing
within five (5) working days of receipt of the complaint. The accused shall respond in writing to
the complaint within two (2) working days of notification.
Informal Resolution
Informal resolutions are voluntary and are not available for in cases involving violence. (Please
refer to the section on Grievance Procedures later in this section).
Investigation Report
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
If informal resolution is unsuccessful, the Investigator shall draft a report summarizing the
investigation. The report shall be submitted to the Associate Vice President for Student Life, the
accuser and the accused within thirty (30) working days following receipt of the complaint. In
rare situations where more than thirty (30) working days are needed to complete the
investigation, such as difficulty in locating a necessary witness or complexity of the complaint,
additional time may be taken, and the parties will be notified accordingly.
Procedure for a Hearing
Student hearing procedures are outlined in the student handbook, The Compass. (See Section E,
for Formal Disciplinary Hearings). In the case of faculty or staff, information concerning
procedures can be located on the Human Resources Website.
At the conclusion of all the above steps, if an investigator finds the charges have merit, both the
accuser and the accuser will be informed in writing within two (2) working days of the conclusion
of the investigation. The accused student will be informed of the appropriate disciplinary action
that will be taken, if applicable. Both the accused student and the accuser will be informed of
the appeals process. These actions are outlined in The Compass in the case of a student, or the
Faculty and Staff Employee Handbook for faculty or staff. A faculty or staff member found guilty
of harassment will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Sexual Assault Response Options
It is the policy of Christian Brothers University to ensure, to the fullest extent possible, that any
student, faculty or staff member who is a victim of sexual assault committed on the campus or at
a university sponsored event, shall receive treatment, support and information. Victims of sexual
assault will be encouraged to make full use of these provisions. Referrals for treatment will be
provided, and ongoing support will be offered to victims. To protect the privacy of the victim,
confidentiality regarding the name of the victim, except on a need to know basis, will be
maintained. (See Anti- Discrimination/Harassment Policy above). Sexual assault may also be
viewed as sexual harassment. If a sexual assault is deemed not to have occurred under this
policy, the events may be considered under the sexual harassment policy above.
Confidential Reporting
If one desires that details of the incident be kept confidential, s/he should contact off-campus
rape crisis resources who can maintain confidentiality or the Counseling Center on campus. In
addition, individuals may speak off-campus with members of their clergy and chaplains, who will
also keep reports made to them confidential. Contact information for on and off-campus
resources include:
On Campus:
Director of Counseling, Thomas Center Lower Level (901) 321-3527
Off Campus: Shelby County Rape Crisis Center, 1750 Madison, 102 (901) 222-4350
Crisis Center, 24-hour telephone service (901) 274-7477
Christ Community Health Centers at the following locations:
Broad Avenue Health Center at 2861 Broad (901) 260-8450
Frayser Health Center at 3124 North Thomas Street (901) 260-8400
Third Street Health Center at 3362 South Third Street (901) 271-6300
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Orange Mountain Health Center at 6569 Douglas (901)271-6200
Union Avenue Health Center at 1211 Union (901) 271-0330
Women’s Health Center at 2400 Poplar, Suite 501 (901) 271-6041
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
The University archives serves two purposes: (1) functioning as a special collections unit devoted to
materials related to the history of Christian Brothers College and University, and (2) providing
records management of documents related to the conduct of University business. There may be
overlap between the two functions.
Records are primarily collected in physical form, but archival quality digital files (pdfs, jpgs, tiffs, etc.)
are acceptable. Once processed into the Archives, material is accessible only through the Archives.
It is not loaned, nor is it returned to the donating office unless said office is scanning material into
records management software. Requests for material that must be retrieved from the Archives
should be submitted a week in advance.
Special Collections
Published documents, histories, newsletters, etc. are collected for the special collections. Books,
articles and other materials published or printed by the University as well as published materials of
faculty and professional staff are collected and maintained. Memorabilia--print or material--is
especially sought.
Special Collections material may be made available for viewing to interested parties, used in
Library/Archives managed displays, or digitized for the web.
Records Management
Collected records reflect the internal development of the University, the conduct of its affairs as a
legal corporation, the lives of its members, and the people the Brothers have been called to serve in
their ministries. All accounts of functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations and other
activities which provide information about the University are to be deposited in the archives
Vital University records include the workings of the Board of Trustees, administrative councils and
offices, department, faculty, committee meetings, and legal and financial dealings of the institution-
-both drafts and finished copies. All administrative, historical and pertinent records and materials of
the general administration and similar materials for all departments and offices are maintained in
the archives.
All University departments and personnel should transfer appropriate records to Archives on a
regular basis to insure a functioning collection. Records still in use should remain in their respective
offices. Files used infrequently (less than once a year) should be transferred to the Archives, as
should fully inactive files. Administrators and directors, upon leaving appointed or elected offices,
should transfer files not required by successors to the Archives before departing. Files generated
while working at Christian Brothers University are the property of the University and must not be
removed from offices or destroyed or altered in any manner prior to transfer or deposit in the
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Records management material remains the property of the donating office, may only be retrieved
for that office, and viewed only with the permission of the donating office.
Duplicate records are evaluated by the Archivist* before being processed into the collections and
may not be retained.
*The Library Director serves as the Archivist; other Librarians may also be designated to serve in the role as needed.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
It is understood that communications to the Board of Trustees are always made through the
President of the University and/or a major administrator acting in his name. Any item that
involves counsel or approval by the Board should be submitted to Board committees only after
it has been discussed by the President’s Cabinet and approved by the President.
This is standard practice so that the distinction between administrative policies and Board
policies may be preserved. It also ensures that the President is the ordinary channel of
communication between the Board and University personnel.
In the case of specific committees charged to report to the Board (e.g., the Faculty Review
Committee), the committee chair should consult with the President as to the manner of
communicating with the Board.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
In order to increase the presence of Christian Brothers on the CBU campus, faculty and staff
openings will be publicized to every community of the Midwest Province of the Christian
Brothers, and to the other five (5) American District headquarters, as soon as the opening is
All Brothers who apply will be given full consideration, with attention paid to their credentials,
teaching or other experience, understanding of and interest in the mission of Christian Brothers
University, and other pertinent qualifications. Where there are a number of candidates with a
reasonable parity of qualifications, a Brother would be given first consideration.
It is understood that Brothers will be solicited for openings as they appear at Christian Brothers
University. There is no intention to recruit Brothers to replace present faculty or staff members
who are serving satisfactorily in their present positions, unless these were explicitly hired on a
temporary basis.
Departments and offices that have received applications from qualified Brothers but have not
been able to place them will keep such applications on file to consider for future openings.
A Christian Brother, if qualified, may be appointed to any administrative or staff position within
the University without a job announcement. With that exception and a limited number of other
exceptions (e.g., positions reporting directly to the President, internal promotions, staff
returning from leave, and members of other religious orders exempted by the President), the
general policy of the University is that all vacant positions shall be announced publicly.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
The official University activity bulletin boards (i.e. non-departmental) are located in various
places around the campus. The Director of Student Activities has sole responsibility for these
boards. All displays should be in good taste and in accordance with the mission of the university.
Guidelines for posters and displays
No poster or display may use profanity, obscene references (visual or verbal) or pictures
of alcohol.
Content shall be in good taste, being construed as neither libelous nor slanderous in
nature toward persons or groups.
Content should emphasize the activity or event. Alcohol may not be pictured or
described on the poster.
Posters and displays in languages other than English must have an English translation
The number of posters or displays approved is limited to 20 unless prior approval is
granted by the Director of Student Activities.
Rules for posting
All postings must be approved by the Director of Student Activities.
Posters without the appropriate stamp will be removed and sanctions may be imposed.
Posters will be hung and removed by the Office of Student Life, with the exception of
the maintenance of boards that belong to specified organizations, such as the Student
Government Association.
The President of a student organization that maintains a designated bulletin board will
be responsible for all placement, content and removal of posters.
Posters may only be posted on designated bulletin boards. No posters may be hung on
walls, doors, windows, railings, walkways etc.
The display and placement of larger banners must be approved by the Director of
Student Activities.
Posters are to be hung with masking tape (not Scotch tape nor duct tape) or tacked to a
bulletin board.
Posters and displays should be adequately secured to the board.
Posters and displays must be approved no later than Friday at 4 p.m. for inclusion in the
following week’s displays. They will remain up for no more than two weeks prior to an
On Monday mornings, new posters will be displayed and the old posters will be
Departmental or School posters and displays
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Posters and displays for School or Departmental bulletin boards must be approved by
the Dean, Department Head or Director of that area.
The guidelines cited above also apply to the content of these posters and displays.
A designated faculty or staff member will be responsible for monitoring placement,
content and removal of all School or Departmental posters and displays in the area.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
CBU recognizes that children under 18 years of age often accompany adults during visits to
campus. To ensure the safety and security of children and to safeguard the educational and
work environment of the University, no employee, student, or visitor may leave a child
This policy includes all CBU facilities, grounds, and vehicles located in the CBU parking lots.
Children are not permitted in classrooms except in emergency situations with permission of the
classroom instructor.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
The purpose of this policy is to provide protection and to insure the safety of all employees and
students in the Christian Brothers University community, while upholding the dignity and
integrity of each individual.
Any employee, student, or other associated personnel who has a potentially life-threatening
communicable disease is required to be under the medical supervision of his/her physician.
Such person or persons shall inform the staff nurse or staff doctor concerning his/her condition.
Each situation will be handled with absolute confidentiality and in an individual manner based
on the direction of the physician and in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal laws.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
The following policy applies to members of the Board of Trustees, officers, faculty and key staff
employees of the University. It is further intended to serve as guidance for all persons employed by
the University, regardless of position, and in particular for those persons who have an obligation to
implement the policies of the University and, in so doing, to faithfully exercise the utmost care, skill
and judgment for the benefit of the University and the furtherance of its mission. For purposes of
this policy, the term “key staff employee” refers to any administration employee who reports
directly to an officer, any vice president or any dean of the University.
All Trustees, officers, and employees have a responsibility to exercise the utmost good faith in all
transactions involving their duties to and for the University. In the performance of these duties they
can expect to be held to a strict standard of honest and fair dealing between themselves and the
University. They should not use their respective positions, or knowledge gained therefrom, in such a
manner that a conflict might arise between their interest and that of the University.
Disclosure of Conflicts
If a transaction or proposed transaction involving the University would financially or personally
involve any of the persons or organizations set forth below, the affected officer, member of the
Board of Trustees, faculty member or key staff employee shall, when first learning of the
transaction, fully disclose in writing the precise nature of his or her direct or indirect interest or
involvement. This policy extends to and encompasses transactions by the University acting through
its officers, Board of Trustees, faculty or key staff employees or any other properly authorized
employee or committee which also involves, financially or personally, any of the following persons
or organizations:
1. An officer of the University, member of the Board of Trustees, faculty member or key staff
employee or a member of such person’s family (which shall mean a domestic partner, child,
parent, step-parent, parent-in-law, sibling, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle or first
cousin); or
2. An organization with which the officer, member of the Board of Trustees, faculty member or
key staff employee, or a member of such person’s family as set forth above, is affiliated.
An officer, member of the Board, faculty member or key staff employee is considered to be
“affiliated” with an organization other than the University if he or she, or a member of his or her
family, as set forth above:
1. is an officer, director, trustee, partner, joint venturer or agent of such organization; or
2. is either the actual or beneficial owner of more than five percent of the voting stock or
controlling interest of such an organization; or
3. has any other direct or indirect dealings with such organization, from which he or she
knowingly is materially benefited (e.g., through receipt directly or indirectly or cash or other
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
property) in excess of $2,500 a year, exclusive of dividends or any other distribution made
pro rata to all holders of a particular interest in the organization.
The duty to disclose potential or actual conflicts of interest applies only to known potential or actual
conflicts and does not impose upon any individual a duty to make inquiry of relatives, particularly
distant relatives, except when the officer, Trustee, faculty member or key staff employee has reason
to believe that an inquiry will uncover relevant information.
Disclosure required by this policy is appropriate and required as often and as frequently as
necessary in the manner set forth below.
To Whom Disclosure Made
Disclosure by members of the Board of Trustees, including disclosures by the President, should be
directed to the Chair of the Board. Disclosure by the Board Chair should be directed to the
Executive Committee of the Board. Disclosure by all other officers of the University shall be directed
to the President. Disclosure by any faculty member, or key staff employee shall be directed to the
officer to whom he or she reports, who should then forward it to the Director of Human Resources
for forwarding to the appropriate decision-maker for inclusion in the disclosing individual’s
personnel file.
All signed documents from employees disclosing information in accordance with this policy shall be
maintained in the employee’s personnel file, available for the year-end audit. Information disclosed
shall be held in confidence and made available solely to officers of the University with a bona fide
reason to obtain such information and, when the best interests of the University would be served,
also to the Board of Trustees.
Restraint on Participation
Officers, members of the Board, faculty, and key staff employees who have, or who have been
found by the Board or by persons to whom the Board may have delegated this responsibility to
have, a conflict or possible conflict of interest in any matter to be decided upon by the Board or
otherwise, shall not participate in the consideration thereof. The participation of such person(s)
shall be limited to providing any information specifically requested. The person(s) involved not only
may not vote on such matters, but normally should not be present at the time of voting.
Advice on Determination of Potential Conflicts
Any person affected by this policy who is uncertain about the existence of a possible conflict of
interest may request the Board or the officer to whom such person reports for advice on whether a
conflict exists.
Determination and Review
Copies of this policy shall be given to all current officers, members of the Board, faculty, and key
staff employees. Copies shall also be provided to all new officers, members of the Board, faculty,
and key staff employees at the time of their employment, election, or appointment. The Finance
Committee of the Board of Trustees shall be responsible for recommending to the Board any
revisions or modifications to this policy.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Copyright law is media-neutral and applies to any copyrighted work whatever the format. Such
works can includebut are not limited totexts, images, audio, video, and software. Copying can
occur on photocopiers, scanners, printers, computers, or other networked devices.
1. All members of the Christian Brothers University community are expected to familiarize
themselves with and to abide by the terms of
a. the Copyright Act of 1976 (17 USC, Sec. 101 et seq., Public Law 94-553, and its
revisions), particularly with respect to Section 107 and its limitations on the
reproduction of protected works;
b. the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-304, 112 Stat. 2860
October 28, 1998); and
c. the TEACH Act (Subtitle C of Title III of HR 2215 November 3, 2002).
2. All members of the Christian Brothers University community are expected to use
copyrighted material in legal and ethical ways.
3. The use of copyrighted materialby individual students, researchers, and teachersmay
fall under the principle of fair use which allows the reproduction of copyrighted material
without the need for permission or compensation. Fair use can apply to individual study or
to teachers in the classroom at non-profit, educational institutions.
4. Fair use exceptions do not extend beyond the classroom, however; using copyrighted
material in meetings, public presentations, newsletters, webpages, etc., may be considered
infringements which are subject to civil and criminal charges. Civil copyright damages can
range from $750 to $30,000 per work infringed. Willful infringement can increase the charge
to $150,000 per work, and criminal charges can rise as high as $250,000 per infringement
and may include up to 5 years imprisonment as well.
5. If the use of copyrighted material does not fall under the principles of fair use, then written
permission from the copyright holder must the sought and received before it can be used.
Permissions should be kept in a perpetual file.
6. The Director of the Plough Library is designated as the campus resource person concerning
copyright questions. Should a particular situation not be resolvable with information at
hand, the University legal advisor will be consulted and his advice will be considered final.
See the Plough Library Subject Guide for Copyright (http://libguides.cbu.edu/copyright) for
further information.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
It is the desire of the Faculty, Administration, and Board of Trustees of Christian Brothers
University to establish a policy regarding copyrights and patents which will protect the rights of
all faculty, staff, and students (henceforth: “originators”) who create such copyrightable or
patentable material, while at the same time ensuring just compensation to the University for
any support of these efforts. It is especially to be hoped that the terms of this Policy shall
encourage originators not only to pursue profitable professional endeavors, but also to share
these profits voluntarily with the University.
1. Normally copyrightable materials and patentable inventions and processes developed by
originators working or studying at Christian Brothers University, whether on their own time or
during the course of their university-related duties, shall remain wholly their own property. This
is particularly pertinent in the case of one-time developments as opposed to continuing
2. Course materials, including but not limited to course web pages and web supplements,
developed by faculty members of Christian Brothers University shall remain the property of the
members with the provision that materials developed while working at CBU may be used
without charge by any other CBU faculty members when teaching at CBU. Exceptions to this
policy should be made in writing with the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Life.
3. Under certain conditions, the University may be entitled to share in the profits generated by
originators from copyrights and patents, e.g., if such activity is sponsored by the University
through a specific agreement for that purpose, in which case the terms of the agreement shall
govern the determination of ownership. Suggested terms of such agreements include the
a. The University may request 10% of net profits over $50,000 when earned from
copyrights or patents resulting from activity of an originator while on sabbatical leave.
b. The University may request a share of profits if the University expended funds (e.g.
release-time salary, operating budget, special funds) specifically for the purpose of
allowing the originator to develop the profit-generating project. Such sharing should not
ordinarily exceed 30% of net profits up to full reimbursement of the amount funded and
10% thereafter.
c. If no specific funds are allocated by the University but the originator makes substantial
use of University facilities and/or time normally devoted to university-related duties
during the development of the profit-generating project, the University may request
10% of the net profits as a condition for permitting such activities to continue.
4. If copyrightable materials and patentable inventions or processes are developed in the
course of an agreement (e.g. a research grant) between the originator and some outside
agency, the terms of such agreement shall determine ownership of rights to the proceeds. If
no ownership claim is asserted by the outside agency, the originator shall retain complete
ownership of rights, unless the University has made prior stipulations with the originator
during negotiations with the granting agency, as in Number 3.
5. All arrangements referred to in Numbers 3 and 4 should be made between the originator
and the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Life. It should also be noted that
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
originators may surrender their interests in their developments and/or share their proceeds
beyond those suggested in Number 3; any arrangements to that effect should also be made
through the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Life.
6. The University will honor past intellectual property rights and compensation agreements
relating to online and hybrid courses designed before May 15, 2009. After this date, the
University will compensate instructors who develop new online or hybrid courses in
accordance with a schedule agreed upon by the administration and the Faculty Assembly.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
1. Minimize Chaos and Confusion
A crisis cannot be planned, but it can be anticipated. Having a guidance team in place and
having a written plan of action ensures that the University will be able to handle the crisis
when it arises in both a quick and forthright manner.
Furthermore, having a plan will minimize the damage of potentially explosive situation. In
fact, with a little luck, a crisis can often be controlled and turned to advantage.
2. What is a Crisis?
A crisis is anything momentous, urgent, threatening, and unplanned. At a University, crises
could include a rape, suicide, major fire, allegations of improper conduct among employees,
investigations into mishandling of funds, or major student, faculty, or employee protests
about an administrative action that reaches the local newspaper.
3. Who Handles the Crisis?
At the time of a crisis, a control center should be activated, if appropriate, and an automatic
network of personnel should be involved. (It is understood that 9+911 will be called
immediately if there is fire, explosion, or personal injury.)
a. The President
b. The Vice President in charge of the area where the crisis occurs
c. The immediate administrator in charge of an area where the crisis occurs
d. The Vice President for Advancement and the Vice President for Communications &
e. A faculty member, staff member, or administrator selected by the President, where
appropriate, who can add insight and good judgment
f. The Director of Campus Police and Safety
g. A secretary in the Office of Advancement as needed
4. The Procedure
a. Whoever learns of the crisis first should immediately contact the President. The
President will designate a coordinator/spokesman
b. The coordinator will activate the control center
c. The coordinator will either serve as the spokesperson, or appoint one
d. The coordinator will determine facts
e. The control center group will establish a calm attitude about the facts.
f. An official statement will be drafted.
g. The control center group will determine whether/when to contact media if the
media representatives have not already contacted the University.
h. The control center group will determine who on the University campus needs to
know the facts related to the crisis.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
5. Communication
After the initial assessment of damage, a meeting will be held to share
information. Henceforth, a daily meeting to update information will be held at 9:00 a.m. It
will be conducted by the EOC Director or designated University official. All communication
regarding the situation/crisis should be shared with the EOC Director immediately.
Any information to be shared will be posted outside the Police & Safety Office.
All staff and faculty responsible for other employees should check with their immediate
supervisor within 24 hours of the crisis.
6. Five Step Campus Incident Communication Process
When a campus emergency, crime, serious incident occurs:
a. Campus Police and Safety Director inform and brief the Vice President for
Administration and Finance and Vice President for Communications &
Marketing. (NOTE: On any student related incident, Campus Police and Safety
Director will also call the Associate Vice President for Student Life with initial alert
and available information)
b. Vice President for Communications & Marketing calls President and each Vice
c. After further assessment is made, Campus Police and Safety Director will fully brief
Vice President for Communications & Marketing, Associate Vice President for
Student Life (student incidents) and Vice President for Administration.
d. Vice President for Communications & Marketing will update and further brief the
President and other Vice Presidents as needed and as information becomes
available. All news media inquiries will be directed to the Vice President for
Communications & Marketing, who will coordinate with the President any public
statements or media statements.
e. If necessary, the Crisis Communications Team (President’s Cabinet and any
appropriated staff as need) may be called to meet in person for further assessment
and crisis management. Meeting area: Barry Hall Board Room. Back up: Thomas
Center Conference Room.
7. Mass Notification Policy
If there is a need for mass communication due to an emergency situation, the Director of
Campus Police and Safety or an appointed designee will communicate via IRIS (Immediate
Response Information System), a mass notification system, which allows students, faculty
and staff, who have signed up, to receive emergency messages on multiple devices.
Individuals may identify as many as three telephone numbers and one email address (CBU
email is automatic) for receiving emergency notifications. Both voice and text messages can
be sent to cell phones. The documentation of all sent messages will be maintained with
date and time stamp.
As new members sign up for the system on the CBU Campus Police and Safety webpage,
their information will be uploaded each month to the ADT IRIS mainframe computer with
the 20 backup computers located throughout the United States. ADT Security Services and
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
CBU Information Technology Services department will oversee any troubleshooting
In addition, the Vice President for Communications & Marketing will send mass
communication via email and social media to students, faculty and staff. A posting to the
homepage of the official CBU Website will also be made. The Dean of Information
Technology Services will activate CBU telephone response messages.
Unless circumstances are of such dire emergency that they do not allow sufficient time, all
messaging will be coordinated between the Director of Campus Police and Safety and the
Vice President for Communications & Marketing prior to any dissemination.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
[Faculty Handbook, Appendix BB; SACSCOC Standard 9.2]
Christian Brothers University applies the federal definition of a “credit hour.” According to the Code
of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 600.2, “a credit hour is an amount of work represented in
intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an
institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than
(1) One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class
student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of
credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over
a different amount of time; or
(2) At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other
academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica,
studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.”
Christian Brothers University’s policy regarding the “credit hour” is also guided by the U.S.
Department of Education’s “Guidance to Institutions and Accrediting Agencies Regarding a Credit
Hour as Defined in the Final Regulations Published on October 29, 2010.”
Christian Brothers University further bases the length of its semesters on the Carnegie definition,
which calls for a minimum length of 14-16 weeks.
Christian Brothers University defines one hour of instructional time as 50 minutes clock time.
Traditional “Face to Face” Courses (UG)
1 credit hour = (1 hour of class time + 2 hours of homework each week) x 15 weeks
1 semester credit hour equals 2,250 minutes or 37.5 clock hours of work
2 semester credit hours equal 4,500 minutes or 75 clock hours of work
3 semester credit hours equal 6,750 minutes or 112.5 clock hours of work
4 semester credit hours equal 9,000 minutes or 150 clock hours of work
Hybrid and Online Courses (UG)
1 credit hour = (1 hour of direct engagement with course materials + 2 hours of out of class
work) x 15 weeks
1 semester credit hour equals 2,250 minutes or 37.5 clock hours of work
2 semester credit hours equal 4,500 minutes or 75 clock hours of work
3 semester credit hours equal 6,750 minutes or 112.5 clock hours of work
4 semester credit hours equal 9,000 minutes or 150 clock hours of work
Graduate Courses (All Modes of Instruction)
In general, Christian Brothers University’s definition of the undergraduate credit hour also applies at
the graduate level. However, in its “Guidance to Institutions and Accrediting Agencies Regarding a
Credit Hour as Defined in the Final Regulations Published on October 29, 2010,” the U.S.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Department of Education gives permission to institutions to adopt a flexible approach. Among other
things, the letter states
“A credit hour is expected to be a reasonable approximation of a minimum amount of
student work in a Carnegie unit in accordance with commonly accepted practice in higher
“The definition does not dictate particular amounts of classroom time versus out-of-class
student work.”
“In determining the amount of work the institution’s learning outcomes will entail, as under
current practice, the institution may take into consideration alternative delivery methods,
measurements of student work, academic calendars, disciplines, and degree levels.”
“The credit hour definition does not emphasize the concept of “seat time” (time in class) as
the primary metric for determining the amount of student work for Federal purposes.”
“…the 37.5-hour requirement relates to undergraduate programs subject to the clock-to-
credit-hour conversion requirements in §668.8(k) and (l). These requirements are not
relevant to degree programs of at least two academic years and graduate programs, and
would not apply to certain nondegree undergraduate programs. Further, similar to the
definition of a credit hour in §600.2, §668.8(l)(2) provides institutions with the flexibility to
take into account out-of-class student work in determining the credit hours that may be
used for Federal purposes.
Christian Brothers University expects that the total amount of classroom time and out-of-class
student work at the graduate level reflects the expectations for undergraduate courses. At the same
time, the institution sanctions greater flexibility in the relationship between classroom time and out-
of-class student work in graduate courses.
Condensed Formats
Christian Brothers University offers courses which meet for fewer than 15 weeks. The institution
expects that the time spent in the classroom (or online) and on out-of-class work is adjusted
accordingly to meet the university’s credit hour requirements.
Student Learning Outcomes
The university expects that the achievement of student learning outcomes is identical regardless of
the course timeframe.
Policy Review
This policy must be reviewed by the Vice President for Academics and Academic Council at least
every three years to ensure compliance with federal regulations and Commission standards.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
(SACSCOC Standard 14.5)
In accordance with Comprehensive Standard 3.13, it is the policy of Christian Brothers University to
comply with the policies of the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and
Christian Brothers University acknowledges that institutional integrity serves as the foundation of
the relationship between the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
(SACSCOC) and its member and candidate institutions.
Christian Brothers University complies with the following requirement:
PI 1.1 The institution operates with integrity in all matters.
Christian Brothers University agrees to document its compliance with the requirements of the
Principles of Accreditation; to comply with Commission requests, directives, decisions and policies;
and to make complete, accurate and honest disclosure to the Commission.
In addition to complying with the Principle of Integrity, Christian Brothers University further
complies with the Core Requirements, Comprehensive Standards, Federal Requirements, and
Commission policies and procedures, and agrees to provide information as requested by the
Commission in order to maintain membership and accreditation.
Christian Brothers University agrees that the president of the institution is obligated to review and
ensure the accuracy and integrity of materials submitted by the institution, such as the Compliance
Certification and Quality Enhancement Plan.
Christian Brothers University shall meet the following expectations:
1. Ensure that all documents submitted to the Commission are candid and provide all
pertinent information, whether complimentary or otherwise. With due regard for the rights
of individual privacy, every institution applying for candidacy, extension of candidacy,
accreditation, or reaffirmation of accreditation, as well as every candidate and accredited
institution, provide the Commission with access to all parts of its operations, and with
complete and accurate information about the institution's affairs, including reports of other
accrediting, licensing, and auditing agencies.
2. Respond in a timely manner to requests by the Commission for submission of dues, fees,
reports, or other information.
3. Ensure that information submitted to the Commission (such as that provided in the annual
institutional profile, institutional responses to visiting committee reports, and monitoring
reports) is complete, accurate, and current. An institution is obligated to notify the
Commission office of any bankruptcy filing.
4. Cooperate with the Commission in preparation for visits, receives visiting committees in a
spirit of collegiality, and complies with the Commission's requests for acceptable reports
and self-analyses.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
5. Report substantive changes, including the initiation of new programs or sites outside the
region, or new sites within the region in accordance with the Commission policy on
substantive change.
6. Report accurately to the public its status and relationship with the Commission.
7. Provide counsel and advice to the Commission, and agree to have its faculty and
administrators serve, within reason, on visiting teams and on SACSCOC committees.
8. Provide SACSCOC or its representatives with information requested and maintain an
openness and cooperation during evaluations, enabling evaluators to perform their duties
with maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
Policy Review
This policy must be reviewed by President’s Cabinet at least every three years to ensure compliance
with Commission standards.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
It is the policy of Christian Brothers University to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973 and with the Americans and Disabilities Act of 1990 in providing reasonable
accommodations to qualified students with disabilities.
Accommodation Procedures
A student who desires any type of accommodation based on a diagnosed disability should follow
the procedure outlined below before each semester begins. Since the process of providing
accommodations involves assessing the student’s needs for specific courses, it is necessary to
review and revise the student’s accommodation plan on a semester-by-semester basis. Any
change in disability during the semester should be brought to the attention of the Director of
Student Disability Services. All accommodation requests must be submitted in a timely manner
by the student; therefore, students should initiate the accommodation process as early as
possible in order for the accommodation to be made.
Step 1. Meet with the Director of Student Disability Services, located in the Rozier Center
Step 2. Provide current documentation (preferably within three years) of the disability and the
identified accommodation needs as determined by a qualified medical or other licensed
professional evaluator. If the documentation is not available, the student can schedule a
meeting and discuss the accommodation request with the Director of Student Disability
Services. The Director of Student Disability Services can provide temporary accommodation for
the student for six weeks pending the student providing documentation.
Step 3. In addition to the documentation, the students should bring to the appointments a class
schedule and the names of their professors. The Director also will require the student to
describe the educational history, past accommodations, and other information relevant to the
request for disability services.
Step 4. Once the application and documentation are reviewed by the Director of Student
Disabilities Services and/or the CBU Accommodation Committee, if necessary, and found to be
appropriate, the Director will schedule a second appointment to develop the specific
accommodation plan. The student will be given a form listing the accommodations that have
been determined to be reasonable in terms of the nature of the disability and supporting
Step 5. The student must take the letter and/or form to each faculty member concerning the
accommodation plan. The student and the faculty member will discuss how to carry out the
accommodation request so as best to satisfy the student’s needs without adversely affecting the
academic integrity of their courses. If the need arises, the student can request a revision to the
accommodation plan by contacting the Director of Student Disability Services.
Student Disability Grievances
Students, who have a grievance regarding disability accommodations, facilities, programs, or
services, should first seek assistance from the Director of Student Disability Services. If the
Director is unable to resolve the grievance to the student’s satisfaction, the student should
contact the Associate Vice President for Student Life, or then the Vice President for Academic
Affairs and Student Life. If the Vice Presidents are unable to resolve the grievance to the
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
student’s satisfaction, the student should follow the Student Appeal Procedure for
Discrimination as outlined in the Student Handbook.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, Christian Brothers University has a
longstanding commitment to provide a safe, quality-oriented and productive work environment
consistent with the standards of the community in which the University operates. Alcohol and drug
abuse pose a threat to the health and safety of Christian Brothers University employees and to the
security of the University’s equipment and facilities. For these reasons, Christian Brothers University
is committed to the elimination of drug and alcohol use and abuse in the workplace.
This policy outlines the practice and procedure designed to correct instances of identified alcohol
and drug use in the workplace. This policy applies to all employees, including student employees.
The Human Resource (HR) department is responsible for policy administration.
Substance Abuse Awareness
Illegal drug use and alcohol misuse have many serious adverse health and safety consequences.
Information about those consequences and sources of help for drug or alcohol problems is available
from the HR department, which has been trained to make referrals and to assist employees with
drug or alcohol problems.
Employee Assistance
Christian Brothers University will assist and support employees who voluntarily seek help for such
problems before becoming subject to discipline or termination under this or other Christian
Brothers University policies. Such employees will be allowed to use accrued paid time off, placed on
leaves of absence, referred to treatment providers and otherwise accommodated as required by
law. Such employees may be required to document that they are successfully following prescribed
treatment and to take and pass follow-up tests if they hold jobs that are safety-sensitive or require
driving, or if they have violated this policy previously. Once a drug test has been scheduled, unless
otherwise required by the Family and Medical Leave Act or the Americans with Disabilities Act, the
employee will have forfeited the opportunity to be granted a leave of absence for treatment, and
possible discipline, up to and including discharge, will be unavoidable.
Employees should report to work fit for duty and free of any adverse effects of illegal drugs or
alcohol. This policy does not prohibit employees from the lawful use and possession of prescribed
medications. Employees must, however, consult with their doctors about the medications’ effect on
their fitness for duty and ability to work safely, and they must promptly disclose any work
restrictions to their supervisor. Employees should not, however, disclose to Christian Brothers
University underlying medical conditions unless directed to do so.
Work Rules
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
1. Whenever employees are working, are operating any Christian Brothers University vehicle, are
present on Christian Brothers University premises or are conducting University-related work offsite,
they are prohibited from:
a. Using, possessing, buying, selling, manufacturing or dispensing an illegal drug (to include
possession of drug paraphernalia).
b. Being under the influence of alcohol or an illegal drug as defined in this policy.
c. Moderate consumption of alcohol at University sponsored events where alcohol has been
provided or approved, will be allowed under this policy. Moderate consumption of alcohol
during non-work time while traveling on University business or moderate consumption
while attending a meeting or conference approved by the University is also permitted.
However, being under the influence of alcohol as defined under the policy, even at a
University sponsored or approved event(s) will be considered a violation of the policy and
subject to the terms stated within.
2. The presence of any detectable amount of any illegal drug or illegal controlled substance in an
employee’s body system, while performing University business or while in a University facility, is
3. Christian Brothers University will also not allow employees to perform their duties while taking
prescribed drugs that are adversely affecting their ability to safely and effectively perform their job
duties. Employees taking a prescribed medication must carry it in the container labeled by a licensed
pharmacist or be prepared to produce it if asked.
4. Any illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia will be turned over to an appropriate law enforcement
agency and may result in criminal prosecution.
Required Testing
Employees are subject to testing based on (but not limited to) observations by the supervision of
apparent workplace use, possession or impairment. HR, the V.P. for Administration & Finance or the
President should be consulted before sending an employee for testing. All levels of supervision
making this decision must use the Observation Checklist to document specific observations and
behaviors that create a reasonable suspicion that the person is under the influence of illegal drugs
or alcohol. If the results of the Observation Checklist indicate further action is justified, the manager
or supervisor should confront the employee with the documentation or with another member of
management. Under no circumstances will the employee be allowed to drive himself or herself to
the testing facility. A member of supervision/management must escort the employee; the
supervisor/manager will make arrangements for the employee to be transported home.
Employees who have tested positive, or otherwise violated this policy, are subject to discipline, up
to and including discharge. Depending on the circumstances and the employee’s work
history/record, Christian Brothers University may offer an employee who violates this policy or tests
positive the opportunity to return to work on a last-chance basis pursuant to mutually agreeable
terms, which could include follow-up drug testing at times and frequencies determined by Christian
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Brothers University for a minimum of one year but not more than two years as well as a waiver of
the right to contest any termination resulting from a subsequent positive test. If the employee
either does not complete the rehabilitation program or tests positive after completing the
rehabilitation program, the employee will be subject to immediate discharge from employment.
Collection and Testing Procedures
Employees subject to alcohol testing should be driven to a Christian Brothers University designated
facility and directed to provide breath specimens. Breath specimens should be tested by trained
technicians using federally approved breath alcohol testing devices capable of producing printed
results that identify the employee. If an employee’s breath alcohol concentration is .04 or more, a
second breath specimen should be tested approximately 20 minutes later. The results of the second
test should be determinative. Alcohol tests may, however, be a breath, blood or saliva test, at the
University’s discretion. For purposes of this policy, test results generated by law enforcement or
medical providers may be considered by the University as work rule violations.
Applicants and employees subject to drug testing should be driven to a Christian Brothers University
-designated medical facility and directed to provide urine specimens. Applicants and employees may
provide specimens in private unless they appear to be submitting altered, adulterated or substitute
specimens. Collected specimens should be sent to a federally certified laboratory and tested for
evidence of marijuana, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines, PCP, benzodiazepines, methadone,
methaqualone and propoxyphene use. (Where indicated, specimens may be tested for other illegal
drugs.) The laboratory should screen all specimens and confirm all positive screens. There must be a
chain of custody from the time specimens are collected through testing and storage. The laboratory
should transmit all positive drug test results to a medical review officer (MRO) retained by Christian
Brothers University, who should offer persons with positive results a reasonable opportunity to
rebut or explain the results. Individuals with positive test results may also ask the MRO to have their
split specimen sent to another federally certified laboratory to be tested at the applicant’s or
employee’s own expense. Such requests must be made within 72 hours of notice of test results. If
the second facility fails to find any evidence of drug use in the split specimen, the employee or
applicant will be treated as passing the test. In no event should a positive test result be
communicated to Christian Brothers University until such time that the MRO has confirmed the test
to be positive.
Applicants who refuse to cooperate in a drug test or who test positive will not be hired and will not
be allowed to reapply/retest in the future.
Employees who refuse to cooperate in required tests or who use, possess, buy, sell, manufacture or
dispense an illegal drug in violation of this policy will be terminated. If the employee refuses to be
tested, yet the University believes he or she is impaired, under no circumstances will the employee
be allowed to drive himself or herself home.
The first time an employee tests positive for alcohol or illegal drug use under this policy, the result
will be discipline up to and including discharge.
Employees will be paid for time spent in alcohol or drug testing and then suspended pending the
results of the drug or alcohol test. After the results of the test are received, a date and time will be
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
scheduled to discuss the results of the test; this meeting will include a member of
management/supervision and HR. Should the results prove to be negative, the employee will receive
back pay for the times/days of suspension.
Information and records relating to positive test results, drug and alcohol dependencies, and
legitimate medical explanations provided to the MRO should be kept confidential to the extent
required by law and maintained in secure files separate from normal personnel files. Such records
and information may be disclosed among managers and supervisors on a need-to-know basis and
may also be disclosed when relevant to a grievance, charge, claim or other legal proceeding initiated
by or on behalf of an employee or applicant.
Christian Brothers University reserves the right to inspect all portions of its premises for
unauthorized drugs, alcohol or other contraband. All employees, contract employees and visitors
may be asked to cooperate in inspections of their persons, work areas and property that might
conceal a drug, alcohol or other contraband. Employees who possess such contraband or refuse to
cooperate in such inspections are subject to appropriate discipline, up to and including discharge.
Crimes Involving Drugs
Christian Brothers University prohibits all employees, including employees performing work under
government contracts, from manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, possessing or using an illegal
drug in or on University premises or while conducting University business. Christian Brothers
University employees are also prohibited from misusing legally prescribed or over-the-counter (OTC)
drugs. Law enforcement personnel should be notified, as appropriate, when criminal activity is
Christian Brothers University does not desire to intrude into the private lives of its employees but
recognizes that employees’ off-the-job involvement with drugs and alcohol may have an impact on
the workplace. Therefore, Christian Brothers University reserves the right to take appropriate
disciplinary action for drug use, sale or distribution while off University premises. All employees who
are convicted of, plead guilty to or are sentenced for a crime involving an illegal drug are required to
report the conviction, plea or sentence to HR within five days. Failure to comply will result in
automatic discharge. Cooperation in complying may result in suspension without pay to allow
management to review the nature of the charges and the employee’s past record at CBU.
“University premises” includes all buildings, offices, facilities, grounds, parking lots, lockers,
places and vehicles owned, leased or managed by Christian Brothers University or on any
site on which the University is conducting business.
“Illegal drug” means a substance whose use or possession is controlled by federal law but
that is not being used or possessed under the supervision of a licensed health care
“Refuse to cooperate” means to obstruct the collection or testing process; to submit an
altered, adulterated or substitute sample; to fail to show up for a scheduled test; to refuse
to complete the requested drug testing forms; or to fail to promptly provide specimen(s) for
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
testing when directed to do so, without a valid medical basis for the failure. Employees who
leave the scene of an accident without justifiable explanation prior to submission to drug
and alcohol testing will also be considered to have refused to cooperate and will
automatically be subject to discharge.
“Under the influence of alcohol” means an alcohol concentration equal to or greater than
.04, or actions, appearance, speech or bodily odors that reasonably cause a supervisor to
conclude that an employee is impaired because of alcohol use.
“Under the influence of drugs” means a confirmed positive test result for illegal drug use per
this policy. In addition, it means the misuse of legal drugs (prescription and possibly OTC)
when there is not a valid prescription from a physician for the lawful use of a drug in the
course of medical treatment (containers must include the patient’s name, the name of the
substance, quantity/amount to be taken and the period of authorization).
Reasonable Suspicion Testing Protocol
1. The employee will be advised that Christian Brothers University believes that there is reasonable
suspicion to believe that he or she is affected by illegal drugs or alcohol and that this test is being
offered to confirm or deny this suspicion.
2. The employee will be transported to any one of the University’s contracted testing facilities (e.g.,
health services, prompt care or the emergency department). One member of management or a
designated attendant will accompany the employee. Under no circumstances will the employee be
allowed to drive himself or herself to the testing facility.
3. Prior to leaving for the testing facility, supervision/management will contact the testing facility to
inform it that an employee from Christian Brothers University will be arriving and will need a drug or
alcohol test completed.
4. The employee should be provided water to drink prior to leaving the University premises.
5. The employee should be given reasonable timenot to exceed 15 minutesto secure photo ID in
the University of a Christian Brothers University representative.
6. The employee to be tested must present a photo ID (i.e., a driver’s license or state ID card) to the
testing facility staff before the specimen can be obtained. Ensure that the employee brings the
photo ID with him or her when leaving Christian Brothers University premises.
7. The employee to be tested must sign a consent form provided by the testing facility. Refusal to
sign is addressed under the “Consequences” section of this document.
8. A Christian Brothers University representative must sign as a witness to the collection procedure,
along with the tested employee.
9. After returning to the University or when leaving the testing facility, the supervisor/manager must
make arrangements to transport the person home (unless testing results are immediate). Under no
circumstances will the tested employee be allowed to drive himself or herself home.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Policy D.3
Christian Brothers University’s commitment to excellence requires standards of personal
appearance from faculty and staff that are consistent with departmental needs and with the
expectations of our customers. Discretion in style of dress and behavior is essential to the
image and the safe and efficient operation of the University. It is important that all CBU faculty
and staff project a professional image to the people with whom they interact internally and
The appropriateness of apparel will be judged by two standards: modesty and professionalism.
Faculty/staff members, in conjunction with their department head or dean, may use their
judgment regarding the appropriateness of their attire, including the days that they wear
“business casual” attire. Excesses in dress which tend toward immodesty or indiscretion should
be avoided. The vice president of each sector will have the responsibility for assuring these two
standards are maintained, and will have the authority to modify guidelines, or to specify dress
for any employee within his/her scope of supervision.
The following guidelines apply when “business casual” attire is deemed appropriate:
Appropriate business casual attire includes slacks, skirts no shorter than 3 inches above
the knee and shirts with collars.
Appropriate business casual attire does not include jeans, athletic attire (sweatshirts,
sweatpants, gym shoes and worn out sneakers), T-shirts, spandex, casual sandals, and
shorts, or items that are worn, ripped, frayed, torn or unkempt.
Slogans, pictures, and advertisements displayed on clothing should be in keeping with
the university’s philosophy.
The following guidelines apply when standardized uniforms are to be worn:
Employees who are required to wear uniforms are expected to wear them in their
Staff members must abide by safety policies and wear prescribed protective clothing
and safety equipment.
If a conflict arises between a supervisor and employee regarding proper attire that cannot be
resolved within the department or with the divisional vice president, the Director of Human
Resources should be consulted for resolution on the conflict.
In accordance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, CBU makes reasonable
accommodations for the employee’s religious beliefs.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
(SACSCOC Standard 10.6)
In compliance with Federal Requirement 4.8.1 and in adherence with best practice in higher
education, Christian Brothers University ensures that the student who registers in a distance
education course or program is identical to the student who participates in and completes the
course or program and receives the academic credit.
Christian Brothers University uses the secure login and passcode as the primary and preferred
method of verifying student identity.
Policy Review
This policy must be reviewed by the Vice President for Academics and Academic Council at least
every three years to ensure compliance with federal regulations and Commission standards.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
(SACS Standard 10.6)
In compliance with Federal Requirement 4.8.2 and in adherence to the Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act (FERPA), Christian Brothers University has a written procedure for protecting the
privacy of students who are enrolled in distance education courses or programs.
In order to protect the privacy and the confidentiality of the educational records of students
enrolled in distance education courses or programs, the institution has the following procedure:
1. Students must use the secure login and passcode to access course materials and submit
assignments in the learning management systems the university has chosen for distance
2. Access to postings to discussion boards, chat rooms, and class forums is limited to the
instructor, the other students enrolled in the course, and appropriate university officials
with demonstrable need-to-know.
3. Grades for course assignments and the final grade are accessible only to the instructor, the
student, and appropriate university officials with demonstrable need-to-know.
4. Vendors who provide services for Christian Brothers University’s distance education courses
and programs must comply with the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act to protect the confidentiality of student records.
Policy Review
This policy must be reviewed by the Vice President for Academics and Academic Council at least
every three years to ensure compliance with federal regulations and Commission standards.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
(SACSCOC Standard 10.6)
Christian Brothers University uses the secure login and pass code as the primary and preferred
method of verifying the identity of students enrolled in its distance education courses and programs.
The university does not charge for this method of identity verification.
The university has the following procedure to notify students of any projected additional student
charges associated with the verification of student identity:
Should it become necessary for the university to choose other federally approved methods
of identity verification and should such methods lead to an additional cost which will be
passed on to the student, then Christian Brothers University will notify its students in writing
at the time of registration or enrollment of the projected additional cost associated with
identity verification.
Policy Review
This policy must be reviewed by the Vice President for Academics and Academic Council at least
every three years to ensure compliance with federal regulations and Commission standards.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Any person encountering a potentially emergency situation (e.g., fire, serious accident, active
shooter or medical emergency) must determine immediately if it is an actual emergency. If it is,
call 911 immediately. For the “ON CAMPUS” phone system, dial 9+911. Then, immediately call
Campus Police and Safety at 3550. If you cannot leave the situation, if possible, send someone
who is nearby to call.
If other people are near, use them to contact additional campus personnel who may be better
trained to handle emergencies, such as the Campus Police, Campus Nurse, etc. However, it is
imperative that the primary concern always be for the emergency at hand. Do not expect
immediate help from others. Plan as if you have to handle the situation yourself. Never leave
the emergency until trained competent personnel relieve you.
You may be required to give your NAME, SPECIFIC LOCATION (ADDRESS), PHONE NUMBER (if
information about the emergency that is taking place (e.g., any description of suspect(s),
information about an injured person, etc.) . Allow the dispatcher to terminate the phone
conversation, thus assuring all essential information has been given. DO NOT HANG UP ON THE
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
It is the intention of this policy that investment returns shall equal or exceed the sum of
spending plus inflation. Therefore, the general spending policy of this University is to allocate to
the support of their respective programs, a share of investment returns that will provide a full
measure of current income consistent with the achievement of full long-term preservation of
purchasing power of the Endowment, as a minimum goal.
The policy of endowment savings and growth had tended to cause this generation of CBU
students, faculty, staff, trustees, donors, etc., to save for future generations by not spending
proportional amounts of the Endowment, but rather by letting it grow. Since CBU’s Endowment
is still relatively modest compared to the size of the school, CBU is still not ready to move to the
position of spending the full amount of real income generated by the Endowment. Rather, the
spending policy which follows is developed on the premises of spending only a portion of the
real (versus the nominal) growth of the Endowment on an annual basis.
Endowed Chairs
The investment value of the Endowed Chairs shall be allowed to accumulate, without any
spending from them, until the value of a Chair reaches $500,000 for an ordinary chair, or
$250,000 for a Brother’s Chair. At that time, the spending from the specific Endowed Chair shall
be at the rate specified by the donor, or in the absence of such specification, at the rate
specified in the Aggregate (see below) spending policy. (Note that this policy supersedes the
policy dated 1/20/87).
Endowed Scholarships
Scholarships may each have separate procedures which might be specified by the donor. In
some cases, endowment funds will be used to supplement existing scholarship monies of the
current operating fund of the school. In other cases, scholarship funds may accumulate until the
full value of the scholarship has been amassed before any funds will be taken from the
In the absence of specific instructions by the donor, endowed scholarships initiated after 2009
shall accumulate in value until such time as a minimum of $100,000 ($80,000 for scholarships
set up from 2005 to 2009 and $50,000 for earlier scholarships) accumulates in the scholarship
fund. Thereafter, the spending from that specific scholarship fund will be at the rate specified in
the aggregate spending policy.
The current spending policy shall be expressed as a maximum of 5% of a three-year moving
market value average (calculated as of the prior three fiscal year-ends) of its investable assets in
the quasi-endowments. Such a policy will allow for a greater predictability of spendable income
for budgeting purposed and for gradual steady growth for the support of operations by the
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
investable assets. In addition, this policy will minimize the probability of invading the principal
over the long-term.
Since there may occasionally be situations requiring a higher percentage of spending from the
investable assets, in order to assure the short-term economic viability of the school, the Finance
Committee is authorized to increase the spending rate, as necessary, on a temporary basis.
Such an increase should not be undertaken without clearly justifiable cause, and in no case
without explicit approval of the full Board of Trustees, since spending above this level will result
in an increased probability of erosion of the principal value of investable assets in real terms.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
In an effort to promote the entrepreneurial efforts of the deans of the four schools of study
throughout the campus, encourage educational initiatives by various departments and
individual faculty, and to generate additional revenues for the University, the administration
agrees that all net profits from such ventures will be shared and distributed on the following
a 60/40 percentage basis (60% for the School and 40% for the University) if any
portion of the program is held on the CBU campus, and
a 70/30 percentage basis (70% for the School and 30% for the University) if the
program is held off campus.
Only programs that offer additional classroom training, certificates, or continuing education
equivalencies will be included under this policy. No program that involves the awarding of any
academic credit, regardless of how small, will be included.
Prior to the approval and/or beginning of any program, the representatives of School involved,
the VP/Academics, and the VP/Administration & Finance will agree on and approve all budgets.
Prior to any additional funds being dispersed, the VP/Administration must agree and approve
any spending in excess of the already endorsed budget.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Christian Brothers University believes that an employee’s performance should be planned and
evaluated on an annual basis to achieve the highest levels of individual and organizational
performance. The University’s appraisal process forms a vital link between supervisor and
employee and should become an integral part of the overall departmental planning process.
Performance appraisals should take into consideration three areas:
Recognition and Feedback
Encourage good behavior with praise and recognition or discourage poor
performance with constructive criticism.
Provide the employee with guidance to strengthen weaknesses and to properly
utilize existing strengths.
Career Planning
Provide the forum to discuss potential or existing internal opportunities that
may be available in their field of expertise.
Performance criteria are a means of measuring performance and sharing the standards with
each employee being supervised at the beginning of the performance evaluation period. The
process for employee evaluations is automated using a cloud-based, third party performance
management system. Job standards give employees behavioral guidelines that are needed to
accomplish their tasks, as well as providing a basis for fair and objective evaluation. The
performance standards are again reviewed at the end of the evaluation period. Documentation
of the results of the performance against the job standards in conjunction with the Office of
Human Resources is what completes the cycle of the performance evaluation.
Level of Review
Once the evaluator has compiled information and completed the initial evaluation for an
employee it is recommended that the evaluator obtain a second level of validation from their
own supervisor for the feedback and rating he/she plans to cover with the employee. The
purpose of the higher review is to ensure that the evaluation is an accurate description of the
work performed by the employee and a check for accuracy, fairness, and objectivity.
It is recommended that all newly hired or transferred employees undergo a performance
evaluation during the first 90 days in their new position. After the initial performance
evaluation, annual reviews should be completed during the spring or summer and no later than
August 15
of each calendar year.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Categories for Non-Faculty Staff Management Review
1. Managerial
Staff having responsibility for the direction of one or more other employees. Employees
may also be defined as contract workers.
2. Administrative/Non-Managerial
Staff having primary responsibility of administration of department day to day routine
operation. Although lack responsibility of directing other staff, he/she may direct Work
Study Students.
3. Technical
Staff having responsibility largely of the management of information, internal
communication, and/or processes.
4. Hourly
Non-exempt staff who are paid weekly and subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Nonprofessional duties often may be repetitive, allowing little variance from assigned
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Fund Raising Policy
The primary purpose of Advancement at Christian Brothers University is to provide income for
the approved operating budget of the University and funds for the establishment of new
programs. The Office of Advancement will be regarded as the facilitator of fund-raising activities
for the University. Staff members are available to assist and encourage various University
organizations in special fund-raising projects.
1. All fund-raising activities, including grant proposals, will be coordinated through the
Office of Advancement.
2. Gifts received by all areas of the University, whether cash or in-kind, are to be
forwarded to the Office of Advancement for proper receipting and
3. Tangible recognition of gifts will be coordinated through the Office of Advancement.
Adherence to these policies will ensure prompt acknowledgement and recording of gifts, while
avoiding over-solicitation of the University’s supporters.
Indirect Cost Allocations for Private and Public Grants
Faculty members seeking sponsored (private or public) research and/or educational
opportunities should follow the procedures given in the Faculty Handbook.
Indirect costs generated by grants will be allocated as follows:
40% to the department generating the grant
20% to the school generating the grant
40% to the University’s general operating fund
Funds to be allocated to the department and school will be allocated upon the approval of the
appropriate school dean the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Life.
Gift Acceptance Policy of Christian Brothers University
1. Acceptance of Contributions
The Advancement Committee may accept, reject, or recommend contributions (hereinafter
referred to as “Gifts”) to, or to be managed by, CBU, according to the following guidelines and
pursuant to any such rules or standards as may be adopted by the Board of Trustees of the
No Gift shall be accepted if:
a. its value does not substantially exceed any liabilities attributable thereto, or if
its value does substantially exceed liabilities, it is not significant enough to
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
withstand reasonable estimates concerning possible declines in future market
b. it is subject to potentially burdensome liabilities or administration; or
c. the acceptance would be illegal, would result in unfavorable tax consequences
to the University, or would be contrary to University policies.
Unless there are actual returns such as dividends or rental income, only small expenditures
agreed to by the President and the Vice President for Advancement may be made for the
purpose of securing the Gift (e.g., legal fees, appraisals.) without the approval of the Executive
Committee of the Board of Trustees.
The donor may choose to advise CBU as to the purpose of the Gift. If the donor does not specify
a purpose, the net proceeds will be placed in the Unrestricted Annual Fund until such time as
the donor specifies a purpose. Such future specification, if any, must occur before the closing of
the University’s annual financial statements.
2. Tax implications
All Gifts over $250 will be acknowledged by written confirmation pursuant to IRS regulations. It
will be the responsibility of the donor to determine the value of donated items and to provide,
at the donor’s expense, a qualified appraisal required by the IRS in the case of gifts of tangible
personal property valued in excess of $5,000.
Christian Brothers University is not engaged in rendering legal or tax advisory services.
Individuals who wish to make a gift to the University should consult with their attorney or CPA
for any advice needed concerning their gift.
Gifts of Stock
Publicly Traded Stock
Stock gifts may either occur through the gift or transfer of actual certificates or by transfer from
the donor’s brokerage account to CBU’s brokerage account. If the stock is to be given through
transfer between brokers, CBU will coordinate in giving wiring instructions to the donor’s
brokerage firm to facilitate the proper transfer.
If the stock is to be given by transferring actual certificates, which bear the donor’s name as
owner, the donor needs to do the following:
a. Sign a Letter of Authorization;
b. On the back of the certificate, provide his/her signature and the date; and
c. Complete a separate Irrevocable Stock Power form with signature properly
It is CBU’s policy to immediately sell all shares of publicly traded securities unless donor
restrictions apply or unless the CBU money managers advise to the contrary. The value of the
donor’s gift will be established by using the mean of the high and the low selling price of the
stock on the day of the contribution.
Privately or Closely Held Stock, Partnership Interests and LLC’s
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Gifts of stock, partnership interests, and interests in limited liability companies for which there is
no ready market can be accepted, provided they meet all requirements set forth in this policy.
The value of the Gift will be the amount determined by a qualified appraiser acceptable to CBU.
For privately held stock gifts, CBU prefers having the shares reissued in the name of Christian
Brothers University as owner. The amount of the gift will be the latest market value as
determined by a qualified appraiser.
3. Gifts of Life Insurance
Christian Brothers University will accept gifts of life insurance ownership. In the case of policies
that are not fully paid, the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees will decide whether to
keep the policy in force or to surrender the policy for the cash amount provided for by the
policy. If the policy is to be surrendered, the proceeds are treated as “Gifts of Cash” with the
donor specifying a purpose of the Gift. If the policy is to be kept in force, the donor or the
University will identify the reasonable means by which the premiums will be paid. At the time
the gift is made, the donor will perform the necessary steps to transfer the ownership of the
policy to CBU. At the termination of the policy, the proceeds will be treated by the University as
a “Gift of Cash”.
4. Gifts of Personal Property
The University may accept donations of personal property. The University will not appraise or
assign a value to the gift property. It is the donor’s responsibility to establish a value for the gift
and to provide, at the donor’s expense, a qualified appraisal required by the IRS in the case of
gifts of tangible personal property valued in excess of $5,000. Unless another agreement to the
contrary is executed, a donor shall be required to release the University from liability regarding
the insuring or care of the donated object
Gifts of art are covered under a separate policy. See Visual Arts Collection Policy (V.1.)
5. Gifts of Real Estate
Before a gift of real estate is accepted, the University must receive a reasonably current, as
determined by CBU, appraisal of the fair market value of the property and interest in the
property that the University would receive if the proposed gift were approved. Such appraisal
shall have been made by a qualified appraiser.
All proposed gifts of real property must be accompanied by a Phase I environmental audit
performed at the donor’s expense by engineers acceptable to the University.
Once the property has been appraised, a survey obtained by the donor, an environmental audit
received and a title search showing any mortgages, deeds of trust, restrictions, easements, liens
or other limitations of record disclosed, the Vice President for Administration and Finance and
legal counsel must review the proposed gift. If the proposed gift is appraised over $1,000,000 it
must also be reviewed by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the Chairman of the
Finance Committee, and two members of the Advancement Committee must agree to submit
the property for consideration of acceptance to the full Advancement Committee. The
Advancement Committee shall then, upon consideration, determine whether to reject the
property Gift or refer the Gift to the Executive Committee of the Board. The Executive
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Committee may either elect to accept the Gift or have the full Board of Trustees vote on
approval. Gifts of an interest in an entity (other than a corporation) which owns real estate will
be treated as a gift of real estate.
If the real estate is held, the property shall be recorded as an asset of the University at its
appraised value at the time of the gift. If the property generates rental or other income, which
has a designated use, the funds shall be credited to the appropriate account or project.
6. Planned Giving Guidelines
The purpose of the Planned Giving Program of Christian Brothers University is to assist donors in
the distribution of their estates in ways that are beneficial to the donor as well as the University.
The following general guidelines shall govern the Planned Giving Program:
a. Christian Brothers University shall at all times honor the donor’s goals in the
utilization of his/her proposed gift.
b. Planned Giving documents (wills, trusts, etc.) should be reviewed by Vice
President for Administration and Finance of the University and must be
reviewed by legal counsel of both the donor and CBU. CBU shall not render
legal advice to prospective planned giving donors. For proposed planned gifts
exceeding $100,000, the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees must be
c. The President, the Vice President for Advancement, the Vice President for
Administration and Finance, the Director of Development, and the Director of
Planned Giving are the only University representatives who are authorized to
negotiate planned giving agreements. The President is the only representative
authorized to accept planned giving agreements.
d. It is the general policy of the University not to act in the capacity of Trustee for
gifts placed in trust; however, the University will consider acting as Trustee if
the donor makes such a request.
e. Donors are encouraged to notify the University in writing of all will or trust
provisions that benefit the University, as well as any changes which are made
subsequent to the initial document. This information shall be kept in strict
confidence unless the donor gives written authorization to the contrary.
f. For all undesignated gifts from bequests up to $500,000 the President will
determine whether to place the proceeds in the Endowment Fund or another
fund. For gifts in excess of $500,000 the Advancement Committee will make the
final determination upon recommendation of the President. All gifts
bequeathed for Endowment or another restricted purpose will be placed in the
fund as directed by the donor.
The University will not accept a charitable remainder trust or similar arrangement that provides for
a fixed or guaranteed income unless approved in each instance by the Executive Committee on
recommendation of the Vice President for Administration and Finance and counsel.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
The purpose of this policy is to develop university-wide guidelines for naming opportunities at
Christian Brothers University (CBU). This document describes the policies and procedures
governing the naming of University buildings or other physical properties, special programs,
academic units, scholarships or other facets of the University. The guidelines set forth in this
document are developed to support, coordinate, and manage the process to ensure consistency
and uniformity in naming opportunities on the CBU campus.
The administration of this policy is delegated by the President of the University to the Vice
President for Advancement and the Advancement Committee. For extraordinary gifts that are
substantial in amount and that reflect on CBU in perpetuity, naming opportunities, and the
terms and conditions associated with such naming, shall be subject to final approval by the
Board of Trustees.
1. All naming requests must be submitted in writing to the Vice President for Advancement.
Supporting documentation, including a Naming Request Form (Addendum A), a description
of the accomplishments of any proposed honoree, and a description and history of the
facility to be named, must accompany the request.
2. The naming of any physical facility, campus grounds, academic program or scholarship is
appropriate when a significant gift is received for the benefit of the University.
3. Gift levels for naming opportunities associated with a specific campaign (i.e. the science
building) may be recommended for approval at the start of such initiatives.
4. The merits of naming of any physical facility, campus grounds, academic program or
scholarship should be determined by carefully weighing the honoree’s scholarship, devotion
or distinguished service against the test of time.
5. The Office for Advancement will be responsible for maintaining a record of all named
facilities, grounds, programs and endowed funds.
6. Combinations of gifts, pledges, and irrevocable deferred gift arrangements are acceptable
for naming opportunities.
7. Proposed names will be held in confidence during the review and approval process.
8. The Planning and Grounds Committee will be notified and involved as appropriate.
9. A maintenance endowment fund should be considered when discussing gift levels for
buildings and other facilities.
10. Gifts should be paid in the amount of one-half prior to naming opportunity
taking effect. Any lesser amount must be approved by the Board of Trustees.
11. For approved facilities/programs, necessary signage and publication changes to reflect
naming opportunities will be implemented in a timely fashion and as a measure of good
12. Appropriate media recognition and ceremony will be held once naming opportunity is made
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
A proposal to name a building or physical space should be approved formally by the
President before the proposal is delivered to the prospective donor.
Following are minimum gift levels for naming opportunities with respect to facilities.
Specific amounts should not be discussed with donors without coordinating with the
Vice President for Advancement.
o School: Minimum gift level of $5 million.
o Building or major facility: Minimum gift range equal to one-third to one- half the
cost of the project or one-third to one-half the replacement cost of an existing
o Other facilities: Minimum gift equal to one-third to one-half the full approximate
cost of a new facility or the estimated replacement cost of an existing facility.
o Landscaping: A minimum gift equal to the approximate cost of the project.
Following are minimum gift levels for naming opportunities: Schools, Centers, Institutes,
and Departments. Specific amounts should not be discussed with donors without
approval from the Vice President for Advancement.
o Center or Institute: A minimum gift of $1 million.
o Endowed Chairs: A minimum gift of $1 million
o Endowed Professorship: A minimum gift of $250,000.
o Other Academic Appointments (i.e. Deans Chair): A minimum gift of $100,000.
o Endowed Scholarship Funds: Such funds require $100,000 as the corpus. The
establishment of a named endowed fund may be done with an initial
contribution of $20,000 and intent to fully endow within a reasonable period
o Annual Named Scholarships: Should always be reflective of current tuition rates.
In the event that a named building or space is demolished or given over to a new use, the
President of the University, the Vice President for Advancement and the Advancement
Committee shall review the circumstances and strive to find a solution that will enable a gift to
be used in a manner that coincides with the donor’s(s’) original intent as closely as possible.
The University reserves the right to withdraw from a naming agreement if the name of an
individual or organization bestowed upon a facility/program comes into disrepute in the
University or in the general community.
The Board of Trustees must approve removing a name from a building, school, program, institute or
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Naming Opportunity Approval Form
Christian Brothers University
This form should be used to obtain approval naming opportunities such as buildings, facilities
within buildings, external facilities, schools, endowed funds, etc.
A. Submitted by ___________________________________________________________________
B What is to be named? ____________________________________________________________
Proposed Name: ___________________________________________
C. Gift Amount: $___________________________
Payment Schedule: _________________________________________
D. Special Notes (attach any relevant documentation)
Approval Signatures & Date
Vice President for Advancement Date
Chair of Advancement Committee Date
President Date
Board of Trustees Chair Date
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
WHEREAS the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees acknowledges the decision
regarding the distribution of gifts, grants and bequests made when Christian Brothers High
School moved from Parkway to Walnut Grove Road, and
WHEREAS as that time the President, Brother Luke M. Grande, made the decision that CBC’s
gifts, grants and bequests would be divided according to the following ratio: the college two-
thirds (2/3) and the high school one-third (1/3), the ratio being chosen because this distribution
reflected approximately the tuition of each institution at the time of the separation,
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees ratifies the decision that all gifts, grants and
bequests dated prior to March 1965 (the date of Brother Luke’s memo) are to be shared by
Christian Brothers College/University and Christian Brothers (LaSalle) High School according to
the following ratio: two-thirds (2/3) to the college/university and one-third (1/3) to the high
This policy has been in operation and honored for the past ten (10) years and is endorsed by
both the President of Christian Brothers College/University and the Superintendent of Christian
Brothers (LaSalle) High School.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Criteria for Awards as Approved by the Board of Trustees of
Christian Brothers University
1. Honorary Degree (Trustees, October 12, 1985)
a. Outstanding contribution to humanity for which the person has achieved national, or
even international, recognition, or
b. Distinguished work in the field of education, or
c. Outstanding service to the good of the University or the community.
2. Maurelian Medal (Trustees, October 12, 1985)
a. Significant contribution through service to the good of the University or the
community, or
b. Distinguished and significant service in the field of education.
(The Maurelian Medal, which may not have the status of the Honorary Degree, could be
awarded to friends and benefactors of the University, to faculty, administrators, and
staff of the University, to other educators, and to prominent persons whom the
University would like to recognize.)
3. Bishop Carroll T. Dozier Peace and Justice Award
(Trustees, Religious Affairs Committee, February 23, 1999)
The recipients of the award, either persons or organizations:
a. Stand out prominently in our society with regard to the promotion of
Judeo/Christian principles of social justice and peace.
b. Exemplify the ideals set forth in Christian Brothers University’s motto:
RELIGION: acknowledges the importance of our relationship with God;
MORALS: is guided by caring concern for other people;
CULTURE: acknowledges the heritage of the past as well as contemporary
human achievements;
CITIZENSHIP: is active in shaping our society in the direction of liberty and
justice for all.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
All staff, clerical and managerial, positions to be filled should be directed to the Office of Human
Resources, which will advertise and screen applicants and coordinate appointments for
prospective employees for all departments.
The Office of Human Resources will also assist academic departments in the procurement of
faculty members as requested, especially in the areas of scarcity. Every prospective faculty
member visiting the campus for interviews should be scheduled to visit the Office of Human
Resources for details concerning insurance, retirement, etc.
Upon employment, every new faculty and staff employee must schedule an appointment with
the Director of Human Resources to ensure proper processing of administrative and insurance
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
There is an increase in the number of college-age students who are entering higher education
without having completed the recommended immunization and screening regime. Tennessee
state law requires all full-time students at Christian Brothers University to provide a completed
health form documenting receipts of all mandated vaccinations by the appropriate date as
determined by the University. The state’s immunization requirements follow the current
schedule published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and endorsed by
the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP).
Full-time status for all undergraduate students is 12 credit hours; while masters’ students are
considered full-time at 9 credit hours a semester.
All full-time students must have an up-to-date immunization record (i.e., health form) on file in the
Health Resource Center prior to registering full-time for the Fall and/or the Spring semester. If the
immunization record is not on file, then the student will not be allowed to register for full-time class
schedule/hours. CBU requires the following immunizations in order to be in full compliance.
Who must comply
Compliance Requirements
(Measles, Mumps,
All full-time students born after
January 1, 1957 who are taking
more than 12 hours as
undergraduates; 9 hours as a
master’s student.
Proof of vaccination with
2 doses of vaccine; or lab test
demonstrating immunity.
All full-time students born after
Proof of vaccination with
2 doses of vaccine; or lab test
demonstrating immunity
Skin Test
All international
Proof of negative test result
taken in the U.S. Test must
have been within one year of
All students
living on-campus in
student housing
Proof of vaccination
or signed declination
A CBU health form signed by a physician or a copy of an official immunization record is acceptable
form of vaccine documentation. Those who cannot prove immunity will need to be re- vaccinated.
Medical, religious, and personal exemptions are allowed by law. Requests for such exemptions
must be made in writing and addressed to CBU Health Services, Office of Student Life. Failure to
provide documentation by the appropriate deadline will prevent students not in compliance from
registering for full-time hours for the semester or having their full-time registration cancelled.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
1. The Office of Admissions will mail out health forms to all new students. In this mailing, the
new students and/or parents will be informed that these forms need to be completed prior
to the first day of classes and proof of such must be turned into either the Office of
Admissions, Office of Student Life, or the CBU Health Resource Center.
2. The Director of Health Resources will verify the new students who have returned completed
forms and those whose forms are incomplete and will communicate this information to the
Office of Admissions and the student’s Academic School. If the immunization records are not
completed properly by the 1
day of class, the Director of Health Resources will send out an
email correspondence to the student indicating that information is still needed. Also, the
Office of Admissions will telephone new students who need to return their immunization
information. The Office of Admissions will include an information release form in the
application for admission. The Director of Health Resources will communicate with the
returning students who do not have an up-to-date immunization record in the office.
Returning students will need to either obtain their immunization record, take the necessary
immunizations, or bring a doctor’s statement with rationale for need to exclude. Additional
questions regarding this requirement, please contact the Director of Health Resources at 901-
321-3260. Completed documentation may be submitted to:
Christian Brothers University
Office of Student Life
650 East Parkway South
Memphis, TN 38104
3. A student who does not have an up-to-date immunization record must have one
completed by their personal physician, the Memphis-Shelby County Health Department, or
any other qualified medical facility.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
News Media Policy and Inquiries
1. ALL inquiries from the news media should be coordinated through the Communications &
Marketing department. Although media calls should be returned promptly, staff and
administrators should inform the Vice President for Communications & Marketing BEFORE
returning any media calls.
Procedures for inquiries from the news media are as follows:
When a reporter calls, immediately advise the Communications & Marketing
department. In answer to a direct call from a reporter, please tell the reporter:
“Thanks for your call. As you may know, CBU’s Communications & Marketing
department coordinates inquiries from the news media. Let me transfer you to the
Vice President for Communications & Marketing, who will be glad to help you. The
direct line is (901) 321-4417.”
Then, transfer the call to ext. 4417 following the CBU telephone transfer policy. Be
sure to get the name and phone number of the reporter.
Advise the Communications & Marketing department of any message on your voice mail
from a reporter. The Communications & Marketing department will return the call and
determine what information the reporter may need if the interview and story being
requested are warranted and appropriate for CBU.
If a faculty member is contacted by a reporter and does not want to respond, he/she
should also advise the Communications & Marketing department as soon as possible.
No one is obligated to give an interview unless they wish to.
Visiting news media must check in with the Communications & Marketing department
when covering a story on campus.
The Communications & Marketing department will also advise Campus Police and Safety
department of media visits.
When encountering reporters or photographers, Campus Police and Safety officers
should cordially ask them how they can be of assistance and also ask the reporter if
he/she has advised the Communications & Marketing department of their visit.
Reporters should be asked to check in with the Communications & Marketing
department if they have not already done so.
Reporters and photographers will not be permitted to enter residence halls or
classroom buildings without permission from the Communications & Marketing
department and the Student Life office and only when accompanied by a
Communications & Marketing department representative.
Scheduled visits (day, date, time and location) by news media through the
Communications & Marketing department or through the Sports Information office
should be reported to the Campus Police and Safety department, prior to the visit.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
News media will display visible and appropriate professional credentials and
identification while on campus.
The Communications & Marketing department will coordinate media requests cordially,
professionally and promptly and will expect the same treatment from the news media in
2. The Letters to the Editor section in the newspaper is not the recommended venue for
providing expert opinion and analysis. CBU faculty and staff, who submit a letter to the editor
expressing personal views, should include their name and home address, and not include their
University affiliation.
3. Inquiries and questions from persons or individuals in the general public regarding: campus
security, campus incidents, student incidents, rumors of improper behavior or inappropriate
actions by students, faculty or staff or any personnel matters, including legal actions, should be
forwarded to the Vice President for Communications & Marketing.
University’s Advertising Policy and Sponsorship Guidelines
1. All paid advertising for CBU can be placed only with prior authorization of the
Communications & Marketing department. (Excluding classified or display advertising of
University job openings that are coordinated through the Office of Human Resources).
2. Groups or organizations holding events or programs at CBU and who wish to promote or
advertise the activity must allow the Communications & Marketing department the
opportunity to preview all relevant print and broadcast advertising and review and
approve all news releases.
3. The Vice President for Communications & Marketing and the Director of Creative
Services must also approve use of any university graphics, photos, logos or information
on any Website other than CBU’s. Organizations seeking to have a direct link from their
web information to CBU’s Website must get approval from Information Technology
Services and the Communications & Marketing department.
4. Non-university and external sponsoring organizations using campus grounds or facilities
are required to publish a brief disclaimer on all advertising materials stating:
“The (name of event or organization) is totally responsible for (name of event,
etc.) and is not affiliated with Christian Brothers University.”
5. Organizations or groups using CBU property and facilities who wish to invite news media
coverage must inform the Communications & Marketing department.
6. Any representation of CBU athletics teams, mascots, logos or emblems for advertising or
sponsorship of any kind must be pre-approved by the Director of Sports Information AND
the Vice President for Communications & Marketing. This includes graphic
representation on merchandise and apparel. CBU does not endorse or promote any
products or services.
Printing and Publications, Advertising Procedures
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
1. All publications for external audiences and the production and printing of those
publications are managed through and approved by the Director of Creative
Services. Please submit requests for printing or reprinting of any existing publications
for external audiences to the Director of Creative Services and not directly to print
vendors. A minimum 30-day lead-time is usually required for the production of a new
publication. Priorities are given to projects from the Admissions, College of Adult
Professional Studies, Advancement and the President’s Office.
2. The Director of Creative Services and the Vice President for Communications &
Marketing are the University’s official contacts and liaisons with printing firms and
media advertising representatives. The Communications & Marketing department is
available to offer ideas and assistance on University publication’s needs.
3. The CBU Graphics Standards Manual adopted by the President’s Cabinet in February
2004 states:
“University publications are defined as any external communications (brochures,
ads, newsletters, catalogs, flyers, programs, invitations, posters, etc.) that use the
University name and are produced with a University budget.”
4. Production of clothing, merchandise and signage for external audiences also falls under
these guidelines.
5. Invoices for publications or advertising projects, etc. not approved through the
Communications & Marketing department will not be honored for payment by the
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Consistent with the vision of St. John Baptist de LaSalle, Christian Brothers University encourages
its employees to live the University’s mission and core values of faith, community, and service.
The purpose of this policy is to allow staff members to voluntarily participate, with pay, in
University sponsored ministry activities or in pre-approved mission or core values related
opportunities that occur during regularly scheduled work hours.
Full-time staff members are eligible for a maximum of three working days (or 24 working hours)
per calendar year. If part-time, the staff member is eligible for paid time off on a pro-rated basis
and in accordance with the employee’s FTE status. Approval must be obtained from your
supervisor prior to participation in any paid time-off mission related activity.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Advisor Responsibilities for Campus Organizations
1. Help develop and review the organization’s constitution and bylaws, as needed.
2. Help the officers develop a strategic plan for service to the University and the
community. Assist the organization in fulfilling its purpose.
3. Stand ready to advise the organization on questions of University policy.
4. Be available as a resource person for information concerning the organization.
5. Advisors shall have the right, before accepting such an appointment, to state plainly to
the University administration and organization the conditions under which they will
serve as advisor without jeopardizing their faculty position.
6. Whether advisors shall choose to give their approval for events proposed by their group
shall be a matter within each advisor’s discretion in coordination with the Student Life
Office. Advisors are strongly encouraged to be present for the activities of their
organization or to see that they are appropriately supervised.
7. Advisors will abide by SGA allocation procedures and policies in accordance with those
set forward in The Compass and Business and Student Life offices.
Campus Organization Responsibilities
1. The organization must provide the following to the satisfaction of the Student Life
Bylaws and constitution
New member policies of the organization
Membership lists for eligibility verification
An advisor who is agreeable to serve
Recognized Greek social organizations (including all IFC, Panhellenic, and NPHC
groups chartered on campus) must be able to demonstrate liability insurance
coverage for the benefit of the advisor and membership that meets or exceeds a
minimum of $1 million.
2. The organization must obtain written approval from its advisor and the Office of Student
Life for all official activities.
3. The organization must make authorized use of University facilities.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
In the case of change in employees or construction of new offices or workspace the following
policies are in effect.
New Employees
If a new employee is replacing another faculty or staff member who had an office and who held
the same position, the new employee will normally occupy the same office space as the
predecessor. If the new employee is filling a newly created position, the President must
approve the office space.
Reduction in Staffing
If an office or workspace becomes vacant due to a change in staffing, one of two situations will
If the vacated office is space within a larger office suite, the vice president in charge of
that area may reassign the space.
If the vacated office is stand-alone space not contained within a suite, the President will
reallocate the space.
Disposition of Keys
Any person vacating an office should promptly return all keys to either the director of the area
or the Director of Campus Police and Safety.
Space Modification
The President must approve any modification in physical structure to an office or other space on
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
The Mission Statement of Christian Brothers University begins by stating that Christian Brothers
University derives its philosophy from that of the Christian Brothers. This philosophy, as can be
seen from the official documents of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, as well as from the
practice of the Brothers and their associates over the past 300 years worldwide, can be most
simply reduced to three elements:
1. quality education
2. religious impact
3. service to the disadvantaged
The key insight of St. John Baptist De La Salle, in founding the Institute of the Brothers of the
Christian Schools, was that these basic goals could only be achieved by a group of very special
people, i.e. educators who in their person as well as in their qualifications, are fitted to work
effectively for these lofty purposes. In doing so, they contribute mightily to the benefit of
individuals, of society, and of the Church.
Thus, basic to the philosophy of the Christian Brothers is the importance of the person of the
educator. The Christian Brothers were founded for the purpose of providing a high quality of
personnel for schools, by giving them the inspiration and the support of a career based upon
religious motivation and practice. It is generally agreed that this was the basic contribution of
St. De La Salle to education, although he added much practical organization and educational
wisdom to the task of carrying it out.
The Christian Brothers welcome the collaboration of people of varying backgrounds in carrying
out their educational mission in today's world. These colleagues -- lay and clerical, and of
varying religious backgrounds -- provide richness and diversity to the Brothers' schools. They
bring a necessary insight into the contemporary world, the Church, and ecumenical concerns, as
well as in practical, political, economic, and family matters.
The Christian Brothers, however, strive to maintain in all their institutions the unique
educational philosophy that is the core of their mission. Educators who become associates of
the Brothers do so freely, with the understanding that their professional and personal services
will contribute to the accomplishment of the Brothers' philosophy of educational excellence and
personal influence in the schools and universities in which they serve. For example, the
Christian Brothers University Faculty Handbook (Section 2.8) states that:
Each faculty member should endorse and adhere to the Statement of Mission and Goals
of the University. The faculty member should also be concerned with the educational
functions of the institution, contributing whenever possible to the improvement of its
academic stature.
This seems to mean that a level of academic and/or professional service is expected, along with
a striving for the personal influence and example that is implied in the notion of the ideal
educator as contained in the Christian Brother's philosophy.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
It is rather easy to examine academic professional credentials, and to consult references or
other sources to gain an idea of the pedagogical or professional competency of the applicants.
It is more difficult to try to indicate the dimensions of the person of the educator who comes to
Christian Brothers University, and how they contribute to the Mission of the University. While
not imposing unreasonable or arbitrary conditions for employment in this academic setting, the
Christian Brothers have the right to expect that their mission will be furthered by associates who
strive to model the qualities called forth by their philosophy. Universities with distinctive
religious mission like that of Christian Brothers University try to indicate the type of personal
witness and behavior expected of their personnel, while respecting to the fullest extent possible
the freedom of conscience of all who are employed.
Because of the primary role of the faculty in the University and because of the extent and depth
of the influence they wield upon the students, it is especially imperative that there be evident
unity among the faculty in working toward the goal of the University and in implementing its
basic philosophy. The rich diversity of background, training, and personality which exists among
the members of our faculty is necessarily complemented by a common sense of mission and
purpose, as well as a conviction of the importance of every individual faculty member's
sustaining role in his or her person as a prophetic witness to that common end.
The statement of affirmation at the end of this section reflects the growing awareness among
the leadership and personnel of institutions of higher education in American, that private and
church-related colleges must state clearly and explicitly the unique mission which they serve.
This understanding was articulated at the two national conferences of church-related colleges of
all denominations, held at Notre Dame in 1979 and 1980 as well as in the 1980 Pastoral Letter of
the Catholic Bishops of America on higher education. Numerous court cases have vindicated the
essential freedom of these colleges to state and pursue purposes -- even religious purposes --
even though they receive substantial government aid. Thus, clarity has developed both in law
and in the self-understanding of collegiate leaders, of the fact that private and religious colleges
are different -- that they both have the right and duty to be different -- and that their
differences should be clearly stated and well understood by everyone actually and potentially
connected with each institution.
Balancing the special mission and unique nature of an institution like Christian Brothers
University, with academic freedom as understood in the American higher education community
and explicated for us in the Faculty Handbook (Section 2.9.1) is a delicate and ambiguous
problem to be ever faced and patiently resolved in understanding and collaboration among
faculty, administration and trustees. The provisions for due process provide additional
protection against arbitrary administrative actions (Faculty Handbook, Section 2.9.4).
This statement, while taking for granted the Catholic sponsorship of the University, in no way
seeks to impose Catholic beliefs or regulations on those persons on campus who are of other
faiths, or does it allow anyone to intrude into the private lives of Catholic and Non-Catholic alike.
It assumes that the faculty in their activities on campus or in their capacity as Christian Brothers
University teachers will be professionally respectful of Catholic teachings.
The statement as presented can serve as a real force of unity as all members of the campus
community jointly pursue the implementation of the Mission which is the reason for the
existence of Christian Brothers University. The Mission Statement as well as this statement
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
represent an expression of ideals to which we are striving, a goal toward which we are ever
ascending. This goal will never be perfectly attained.
Christian Brothers University affirms that:
1. Faculty/staff/administrators act in accord with high standards of professional
integrity and personal responsibility, advancing their own reputations, those of their
colleagues and students, the institution, and their profession.
2. Faculty/staff/administrators appreciate and respect the influence that rests with
them in an academic setting. In the light of this influence they seek to avoid any
form of harassment and will seek to maintain relationships at all levels which
promote the dignity, self-worth, personal growth, and professional functioning of all
3. In the performance of their professional activities, faculty/staff/administrators
support their employing institution in its Mission and Goals and commit themselves
to direct and constructive resolution of problems that may arise.
4. Though faculty/staff/administrators support the public stance of the University,
each individual member of the University community should continue to exercise
his/her judgments of conscience, of enlightened opinion, and of prophetic calling in
light of the Christian gospel.
5. The faculty, in particular, participates in the University’s life in a special manner and
exercises its role and conduct within the accepted tradition of academic freedom.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Reason for the Policy
The IRS has recently become very interested in employee benefits provided by employers and IRS
representatives and tax professionals have strongly emphasized this area of review.
IRS Code section 274(d) provides that no deduction shall be allowed with respect to “listed
property”, unless a taxpayer substantiates such deduction by adequate records regarding the
amount, time, and business purpose. Listed property is defined in Code section 280F(d)(4) and
specifically includes “any cell phone (or other similar telecommunications equipment).
The current tax laws require documentation of all business and personal use of cell phones and
PDAs when paid for by the University. This policy will effectively remove this documentation
requirement when a taxable allowance is provided to the employee rather than the University
paying for these benefits directly. Accordingly, this policy will minimize the compliance risks
associated with state and federal tax laws and regulations.
The purpose of this policy is to: (a) define when an employee qualifies for payment of cellular
business expenses, either through a supplemental compensation allowance or direct
reimbursement; (b) discontinue departmentally-owned cell phones that are exclusively used by
one individual; (c) transfer the ownership and responsibility for contracts and equipment from
the University to the employee; and (d) reduce administrative burden associated with processing
these expenses.
Except for circumstances noted under “Special Situations”, the University will no longer
reimburse employees for on-going business expenses related to cellular devices (cell phones or
Personal Digital Assistants with cellular capability (PDA’s) such as Blackberry or Treo). Instead,
University employees who meet the eligibility requirements will be given a predetermined
amount of supplemental compensation to cover the approximate monthly cost of either cell
phone or cellular PDA but not both. The eligibility requirements will determine which
supplemental amount an employee will receive.
University employees who qualify for and receive supplemental compensation will be responsible
for acquiring and maintaining their equipment. In addition, contracts entered into by qualifying
employees will be personal contracts that are the responsibility of the employee, not the
For those who qualify, this policy authorizes a monthly supplemental taxable compensation for
cell phones or for cellular PDAs, such as Blackberry or Treo. The payments will be spread across
pay periods. Employees who receive monthly supplemental compensation many not also
received reimbursements for any cell phone or cellular PDA expenses.
Departments and schools are not allowed to establish policies that differ from this University-
wide policy.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Eligibility Requirements
The guiding principle for eligibility is that the use of a cell phone or cellular PDA by an employee
is for the benefit of the University rather than the convenience of the employee.
Specifically, University employees are eligible to receive supplemental compensation if they meet
ALL of the following criteria:
1. The employee’s job requires him/her to be readily accessible for frequent contact with
the public or with University faculty, staff or students after business hours or when
he/she is away from campus AND
2. The employee’s job limits his or her access to regular land-line telephones that would
satisfy the required business communications needs AND
3. Monthly usage for business purposes is consistently:
a. 67% or more of the total contract minutes for a cell phone; or
b. 90% or more of total contract minutes/data transfer for cellular PDA contracts.
The department should review prior billings to confirm monthly usage for initial and on-going
eligibility. Authorization for supplemental compensation must be reviewed and renewed
annually and must be authorized by a Vice President.
Special Situations
Departmentally Owned Contracts
Certain units may have special needs that justify departmental ownership of cell phones.
Maintenance staff, custodians, on-call personnel, and campus safety are examples, where
phones are assigned or rotated among employees. Employees should not use these
departmental cell phones for personal calls.
Some departments currently use pagers for their communication needs. Since the cost of pagers
is very nominal and because potential personal use does not pose a financial risk to the
University, it is recommended that departments pay for pagers directly therefore eliminating the
reimbursement of these expenses.
Employees who do not qualify for the supplemental compensation may submit an expense
reimbursement request for occasional, incremental business expenses. Incremental business
expenses are those calls that result in additional costs that are above and beyond the employee’s
normal calling plan (e.g., excess minutes, roaming charges).
When requesting reimbursement, the telecommunication expenses incurred by employees must
be additional (incremental) costs and must be substantiated and documented with a copy of the
bill in accordance with University policy and applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
Policy Statement
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
CBU provides a monthly allowance to those who have a business need for cellular phones and/or
Personal Digital Assistants with cellular capability (PDA’s) such as Blackberry or Treo). This
document establishes the University policy regarding eligibility and procurement of these
personal communication plans.
Guidelines & Eligibility
The guiding principle for eligibility is that the use of a cell phone or PDA by an employee is for the
benefit of the University rather than the convenience of the employee.
Specifically, University employees are eligible to receive supplemental compensation if they meet
ALL of the following criteria:
1. The employee’s job requires him/her to be readily accessible for frequent contact with
the public or with University faculty, staff or students when he/she is away from campus
2. The employee’s job limits his or her access to regular land-line telephones that would
satisfy the required business communications needs AND
3. Monthly usage for business purposes is consistently:
a. 67% or more of the total contract minutes for a cell phone; or
b. 90% or more of total contract minutes/data transfer for cellular PDA contracts.
Vice Presidents who have a business need for an employee to have a University subsidized cell
phone or PDA should fill out the form below and submit it, along with any supporting
documentation, to the Office of the President. Once the President has approved the allowance
and the form is returned to Human Resources, the employee will begin receiving a taxable
personal communications allowance each pay period.
The employee is responsible for acquiring a cell phone or PDA plan and maintaining service as
long as the allowance is given. CBU will periodically audit those who are receiving the personal
communication allowance to ensure that covered services are still in service. ITS will research
cell phone and PDA plans each year and made recommendations to the President’s Cabinet if
allowance amounts should be modified.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Employee Name: ID Number:
Type of Plan (check one):
Regular allowance ($60.00 per month, $30.00 gross pay per pay period)
Standard allowance for cell phone.
Extended allowance ($100.00 per month, $50.00 gross pay per pay period)
Available to those with job description requirements.
Employee’s Signature:
Vice President’s Signature:
President’s Signature:
HR/Payroll Use Only
Cell Phone Number: Entered by:
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
The campus mail system exists for the delivery of official interoffice/interdepartmental mail.
Correspondence from non-CBU entities such as corporations, companies, and non-profit
organizations must be processed through the United States Postal Service. Once processed, it
will be sorted and placed in the appropriate mailbox for pick-up.
Unless a person lives on the CBU campus in a building served by the CBU Post Office, personal
mail should not be regularly delivered to the person’s CBU address. Also, under no
circumstances may the postage for personal mail be charged to a CBU account.
It is the responsibility of each department to have its mail picked up daily. Should a person or
department having an assigned mailbox be unavailable for daily pickup, the CBU Post Office
should be notified beforehand or as soon as possible.
Anonymous mail and handbills will not be distributed in the campus postal system.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
The purpose of the acquisition policy is to establish guidelines for future expansion of real estate
of contiguous and nearby properties to the University campus at 650 East Parkway South.
The University is landlocked on all sides by city streets, railroads, residential properties, and the
Shelby County property. Future uses of any of these acquisitions might be: additional residence
for Brothers; additional residence for Sisters; additional residence for Clergy; additional
residence for students; fraternity/sorority houses; expansion of athletic facilities; relocation of
existing departments on campus, e.g. the maintenance department; development of seminar
center; expansion of parking, etc.
Christian Brothers University will take an active role to acquire any real estate contiguous to the
current University campus. Whenever this property is offered to the University, the University
will seriously consider acquiring it. A program will be established to actively solicit property
contiguous to the University under a name other than the University.
Nearby property that is not contiguous with the present University campus will be considered
for acquisition on a second priority basis.
Financing of these acquisitions for the expansion of the Christian Brothers University campus
would be from the following areas in the priority listed: 1) gifts, whole or partial from the
current land owners, 2) assumption of existing favorable interest rate mortgages, 3)
consummation of new favorable interest rate mortgages, 4) available funds from the
Endowment, 5) other as appropriate.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Before orders for computer-related software are made, the person purchasing the software
should hold consultation with the Chief Information Officer (CIO) (or a designee). The intent will
be to ensure the software is supportable by the ITS and is compatible with current ITS plans for
supporting the University network.
All orders for computer hardware must be coordinated with the CIO (or a designee) and have
the CIO’s approval. Approvals are given based on the budgetary resources at the time and also
based on the strategic and operational plans for information technology upgrades and
applications within the University. The CIO’s recommendations and decisions for purchasing
may be appealed to the Academic Vice President.
No new Apple purchases will be made at this time by ITS. If purchases are made independently
by any office, that office will be responsible for maintaining the hardware and software. The
exception is that technical support for Apple computers in Advancement, the Library, and the
Curriculum Lab will be referred to an outside source for service on a “per call” basis. Expenses
for such services will be borne by ITS.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Christian Brothers University wants to ensure that corporate practices do not create situations
such as conflict of interest or favoritism based on employment of relatives. This extends to
practices that involve employee hiring, promotion and transfer.
Close relatives, partners, those in a dating relationship or members of the same household are
not permitted to be in positions that have a reporting responsibility to each other. Close
relatives are defined as the following: husband, wife, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in
law, grandfather, grandmother, son, son-in-law, daughter, daughter-in law, uncle, aunt,
nephew, niece, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, step relatives and cousins.
Individuals will not be hired or promoted into a position that would create a conflict in Christian
Brothers University’s policy. If employees begin a dating relationship or become relatives,
partners or members of the same household, and one party is in a supervisory position, that
person is required to inform management and human resources of the relationship. The
employees will have 60 days to resolve the situation on their own. After 60 days, if the
employees have not yet resolved the situation on their own by means acceptable to Christian
Brothers University, such as a transfer or employment outside the company, the employees’
supervisors will work with human resources (HR) to determine the most appropriate action for
the specific situation. This may include transfer or, if necessary, termination of one of the
If there is a situation where an action of Christian Brothers University, such as reduction in force,
results in an involuntary circumstance in which two relatives, partners or members of the same
household may be reporting to each other, one of the employees will be reassigned within 60
days. During those 60 days, the supervisory employee will not have involvement or direct input
in the employment decisions of the other employee.
Christian Brothers University reserves the right to apply this policy to situations where there is a
conflict or the potential for conflict because of the relationship between employees, even if no
direct reporting relationship or authority is involved. In these situations, Christian Brothers
University will reassign one of the employees within 60 days.
Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the area’s Vice President and the Director of
Human Resources and the VP for Administration & Finance/CFO. Written justification for the
exception must be submitted to the area Vice President and Director of HR prior to any
employment decisions.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Campus spaces and reservations are listed on the CBU Website so that persons anywhere can
see immediately the days and hours when and by whom the campus spaces are reserved.
Reservations and rental of campus spaces are made through the Office of Events Management
at telephone extension 3525 or via e-mail at [email protected]. In addition, Facility Request
forms are available online at https://www.cbu.edu/events-management.
Facility Scheduling Policy
All meetings and events held on or off campus (i.e., school, departmental, committee, staff, club
or other activities) are to be recorded on the master events calendar by the Office of Events
This will assist in achieving and maintaining the University’s goals of (1) keeping the campus
informed of all activities on the University campus, (2) enabling campus offices to direct and
relate needed information, and (3) printing an accurate weekly Campus Activities Calendar.
An external facility request form must be completed for all external groups requesting event
space to verify that the proposed event will align with the University’s mission and Catholic
Reservations by faculty and staff for external groups are made at the listed rental rates
maintained by the Office of Events Management. Any exceptions to the standard rental rates
must have the written authorization of the Vice President of Administration & Finance or the
President. Contact the Office of Events Management to obtain the Non-Profit/Sponsorship
Approval form.
Student groups may be scheduled into Montesi Executive Classroom. Spain Auditorium and the
University Theatre only with the written permission from the Office of Student Life. Student
groups may not be scheduled into Assisi Hall meeting rooms AH007 and AH151 and the
academic labs.
Scheduling Procedures
Classroom Assignments
Before each semester/term and after the Registrar and the appropriate Deans have assigned
classrooms; the Registrar will reserve the rooms into the Banner System. After the Registrar
completes this reservation process, the Office of Events Management may reserve open
classroom space for the use of on-campus and off-campus groups.
Event Scheduling
Rooms are booked on a first-come, first-serve basis. All offices, faculty, clubs, organizations, and
external groups will notify the Office of Events Management of planned events by submitting
the appropriate facility request form at least SEVEN DAYS prior to the event date. This allows for
all programs and meetings to be included in the weekly printed calendar of events, as well as
scheduling necessary equipment and labor.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Internal Facility Request link: https://formsrv.cbu.edu/events/EM/internal.php
External Facility Request link: https://formsrv.cbu.edu/events/EM/external.php
No planning, arrangements, mailings or logistics should be arranged until the event has been
approved by the Office of Events Management.
Once the event has been approved and scheduled, the group will receive written confirmation
of the event’s booking normally within 2 -3 business days. Groups will be held responsible and
liable for good use of the space.
The Office of Events Management reminds the campus community in the spring and again in the
fall to reserve the space needed for the various activities of the following academic year.
Conflict Resolution
When conflicts arise from several groups needing the same space at the same time or when one
group has an immediate need for the space previously reserved by another person or group, the
conflict should be negotiated by the parties involved or by their immediate supervisors. The
Director of Events Management should be involved in any change of space reservation or
utilization in these situations.
The Office of Events Management balances the various needs of the University and the
Memphis community and offers hospitality to outside groups. This hospitality and cooperation
with the needs of the outside community serves as an advantage to the CBU faculty, staff, and
students directly by providing diverse activities on campus and indirectly through public
relations efforts and information.
Audio-Video Resources
An audio-video technician is required as part of the package whenever the Montesi Executive
Classroom, Spain Auditorium, or the University Theatre is utilized by an on-campus or an off-campus
Audio-Video arrangements are made by both on-campus and off-campus groups through the
Office of Events Management.
For issues regarding audio-video equipment in on-campus classrooms and event spaces, please
contact the Office of Events Management at extension 3525.
Food Services
ARAMARK Food Services is the exclusive catering provider for the University. All food
& beverage requests on campus must be arranged directly with ARAMARK at extension 3560.
Long-term Exclusive Use of Campus Space
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
The President shall approve the use of any CBU facility on an exclusive basis. This excludes normal
rentals that are handled by the Office of Events Management.
Special Rooms
The Office of Events Management reserves the following spaces in conjunction with the persons
De La Salle Chapel (Stritch) and St. Joseph Chapel (Barry Hall) Directors of Campus Ministry
De La Salle Chapel (Stritch) and St. Joseph Chapel (Barry Hall) Dir. of Campus Ministry
De La Salle Canale Arena (Gym Arena) Admin. Asst/Dir. of Compliance/Basketball Coaches
De La Salle Hall Athletics Hall of Fame Conference Room (Gym) Admin. Asst. to Athletics
De La Salle Hall Aramark Hospitality Skybox (Gym) Admin. Asst. to Athletics /Basketball Coaches
Stritch Lounge and Dining Room Director of the Brothers’ Community
LLC Lounge & Classroom Director of the LLC Learning Community
Maurelian Hall Lounge Director of Student Housing
The Office of Events Management does not reserve the following spaces. Use of these spaces
requires special permission and must be scheduled through the persons listed:
Mollerup Conference Room Administrative Assistant to the President
Rosanne Beringer ITS Training Computer Labs (ITS Lab1, Lab 2 and Lab 3) ITS Help Desk
Assisi Hall 007 & 151 Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Sciences
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that budget lines are honored and that equitable
treatment is provided for all faculty and staff in both hiring and salary decisions. To further this
objective, CBU has developed and implemented a Compensation Plan that will be updated on a
regular basis and will be the basis for providing salary increases to staff and faculty.
1. All new and replacement positions must be approved by the President and/or Executive Vice
President for Administration/CFO and Director of Human Resources of the University. The
Personnel Authorization Request must be accompanied by
Position description, applicable justification and
Salary range, which identifies position characteristics and available funds, and
the correct Org Codes to be charged.
2. Salary increases, when funds are available, must be approved by the Vice President
responsible for that area, by the Vice President for Administration/CFO and Director of
Human Resources.
3. Salary increases for staff members of the University must follow the guidelines approved by
the University and included in the Compensation Plan. These guidelines can provide for
merit increases and/or address market inequities and performance. Department chairs and
program heads must consider the following:
Salary ranges appropriate for the position and this region of the country,
Years of service, and
Performance, as judged through the annual evaluations and/or observed
growth and development
4. Salary increases for faculty and school deans must follow the guidelines approved by the
University. These guidelines can provide for merit increases and/or address market
inequities and performance.
Faculty salary increases to address market inequities are to be based upon
salary ranges for rank and discipline. (Information is available from the CUPA
Study in the Office of Human Resources, or from other market compensation
data or consultant information.)
Faculty salary increases to address merit are to be based upon salary ranges for
rank and discipline as well as annual evaluation (teaching performance, service,
and professional contributions.)
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
After consultation with the Campus Police and Safety Director, the Vice President for Academic
Affairs and Student Life will make the decision concerning day class cancellation no later than
5:45 a.m. on the day of the closing. The Vice President for Communications & Marketing will
notify television channels WREG-TV 3, WMC 5 -TV (includes WMC790 AM and 99.7 FM),
EYEWITNESS NEWS ABC24/CW30, and WHBQ 13 so as to report the closing as soon as possible.
In addition, the following methods of announcing cancellations/closure will be implemented:
The CBU Website will be updated with the latest information regarding class
cancellations and school closings.
The ADT mass notification system will deliver closure and cancellation messages on
multiple devices to those individuals who opt in to the system. Individuals may identify
as many as three telephone numbers and one CBU email addresses (automatically) for
receiving emergency notifications. Both voice and text messages can be sent to cell
phones. Registration for the ADT system is online at:
Email notifications will be sent to faculty/staff and student listservs.
Announcements will be posted on appropriate social media sites (i.e., Twitter,
Facebook) for individuals who have opted into these sites.
In the decision regarding closing, CBU will ordinarily follow the lead of the University of
Memphis, unless special circumstances warrant a different decision. The decision to cancel
evening classes is made by the Dean of Graduate & Professionals Studies no later than 3:00 p.m.
on the day of the closing. The Vice President for Communications & Marketing will notify the
stations listed above to report the closing and the additional methods of announcing
cancellations/closure will be implemented as appropriate.
In the absence of the Academic Vice President, the Associate Vice President for Student Life will
make the appropriate decisions.
Critical personnel expected to report for work unless so advised are: ARAMARK
Campus Police and Safety
Physical Plant/Maintenance
Telnet, NOC, and Systems Administration Teams
If day classes are cancelled, the following areas should be (if at all possible) opened to serve
Plough Library
Beringer Center of Computer Studies (with staff living on campus)
Canale Arena
Alfonso Dining Hall
The decision concerning evening classes (undergraduate and graduate) is made by the
Dean of the College of Adult Professional Studies in collaboration with the Graduate Program
Directors no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of closing. The Vice President for Communications
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
& Marketing will notify the stations listed above to report the closing and ensure that the
additional methods listed above will be implemented.
The Dean of the College of Adult Professional Studies (with appropriate consultation) will also
make the cancellation decision regarding weekend classes, following procedures presented in 1.
In the decision regarding closing, CBU will ordinarily follow the lead of the University of
Memphis, unless special circumstances warrant a difference. In notifying stations about CBU,
the word UNIVERSITY should be emphasized, so as to distinguish the University from the High
School. Notices should also specify either day or evening classes.
The Maintenance Department will take immediate steps to sand, de-ice, and/or shovel
driveways and parking lots to the extent feasible and necessary. Special attention should be
given to sanding or shoveling steps, entrances, and the principal campus walkways.
The Telnet Team Leader will arrange for a message to state that the University is closed due to
inclement weather. Callers to (901) 321-3000 will hear this message. The message will include
the current date and specifically state the status of day and of evening classes. The message
will need to be changed each day. This can be done remotely.
The timing, stations and other methods of notification should be also published in The Compass
(student handbook), and in the Faculty Handbook, along with a request to faculty and students
not to call the University for information unless absolutely necessary.
At the beginning of the winter season, all Directors (especially the Maintenance and Security
Directors) should review the School Closing Policy and all necessary arrangements with their
staff members. The availability and location of all necessary equipment should also be
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Christian Brothers University expects its students, faculty, and staff and administrators to treat
other persons with respect and dignity and will not tolerate any form of sexual assault whether
directed at males or females or whether committed by a stranger or an acquaintance.
It is an unfortunate fact that many individuals in our society may become the victims of personal
violence. The victim is deluged with choices which deal with: Taking care of her/himself
physically and emotionally; maintaining options to pursue charges later; and understanding
resources which are available. In the event a sexual assault or rape occurs at Christian Brothers
University, the needs of the individual are the initial and foremost concern. The role of the
University is to assist the victim to make the best decisions for her/himself.
It is the policy of Christian Brothers University to ensure, to the fullest extent possible, that any
student, faculty or staff member who is a victim of sexual assault committed on the campus or at
a university sponsored event, shall receive treatment, support and information. Victims of sexual
assault will be encouraged to make full use of these provisions. Referrals for treatment will be
provided, and ongoing support will be offered to victims. To protect the privacy of the victim,
confidentiality regarding the name of the victim, except on a need to know basis, will be
maintained. (See Sexual/Harassment Policy above).
Sexual assault may also be viewed as sexual harassment. If a sexual assault is deemed not to
have occurred, under this policy, the events may be considered under the sexual harassment
policy above.
Immediate steps to follow in case of sexual assault
In the event that a Christian Brothers University student, faculty, or staff member becomes a
victim of a sexual while on campus, the following course of action is highly recommended: Call
Campus Police and Safety immediately (321-3550, available 24/7). If needed, there are four (4)
Emergency Phones on campus at these locations:
Between Rozier and Maurelian residence halls
In Buckman Quad, between the Engineering and Science buildings
In the Central Lot: one at the entrance to the lot, and one near the back of the Science
In the event of Sexual Assault, Campus Police and Safety will assist you by:
Ensuring your immediate safety;
Securing medical assistance as needed,
Contacting the necessary law enforcement agencies,
Preserving any evidence;
Calling the support team you request, e.g. friends, family, the Counseling Center (321-
3527) or the Memphis Sexual Assault Resource Center (272-2020, available 24/7), and
appropriate University officials, and
Assisting you in making a written statement about the incident.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Follow-Up Procedures
After the immediate safety steps have been followed, the victim should decide whether or not to
bring criminal charges against the perpetrator and/or file sexual assault/harassment charges
within the University.
If the perpetrator is believed to be on campus, or is a CBU student, Campus Police and Safety will
conduct an immediate internal investigation and determine if the accused needs to be removed
from campus pending an inquiry.
If the victim is a student and the student wishes to bring internal charges against the perpetrator,
she/he should meet with the Dean of Students (321-3536) to determine the course of action the
student wishes to follow, as outlined in Section 7 of the Student Code in the Student Handbook.
If the victim is a faculty or staff member and the faculty or staff member wishes to bring charges
against the perpetrator, she/he should immediately contact the Director of Human Resources
(321-3474). The Director of Human Resources, in collaboration with Campus Police and Safety
will investigate the incident and ensure that appropriate action is taken.
Off-Campus Incident
The victim is advised to call 911 immediately. When returning to campus, we recommend that
the victim advise Campus Police and Safety and other appropriate University personnel (e.g.
Director of Residence Life, Director of Counseling, Associate Vice President for Student Life) of
the incident to assist the student in any of the procedures stated above.
Campus personnel who have been trained to help students through the proper steps including
reporting/counseling/further referrals include the following:
Associate Vice President for Student Life ……………………………… 321-3531
Dean of Students ………………………………………………………… 321-3536
Director of Residence Life ……………………………………………… 321-4102
Director of Health Resources …………………………………………….. 321-3260
Director of Campus Police and Safety …………………………............. 321-3550
Director of Counseling ……………………………………………………. 321-3527
Director of Human Resources ……………………………………………. 321-3474
Director of Ministry and Mission ………………………………………… 321-3528
Director of Student Activities …………………………………………….. 321-3529
Resources available
Christian Brothers University is committed to on-going programs of education to its students,
faculty, and staff about sexual assault, including prevention, safety tips and counseling services
for victims. Detailed information can be found on the University’s Websites:
Campus Police & Safety: cbu.edu/studentlife/security
Counseling Center: cbu.edu/studentlife/counseling
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
(For crisis telephone numbers for community resources providing 24-hour
assessment/assistance at no charge)
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
To ensure uniformity, clarity, safety and ADA compliance with CBU signs, both internal and
external for buildings and grounds; to provide convenience for faculty, staff, students and
visitors; and to maintain the historical beauty of the campus.
This policy applies to all University faculty, staff and students who work in the CBU facilities and
on the University grounds.
Policy and Procedures
Requests for placement, replacement or upgrading of University signs, either internal or
external, will be initiated through the Physical Plant Maintenance Request Form at
https://www.facilitytree.com/cbu/public/ondemand1/creat_wo.cfm and sent for approval to
the Chief Operating Office, the Vice President for Administration & Finance, and the Vice
President for Communications & Marketing. All requests for interior, exterior and temporary
signs will be directed to the Communications & Marketing department to provide guidance on
design and composition, and also to ensure that University standards are followed. All signage
will be installed by the Physical Plant department.
As new construction is implemented or renovation of departmental space occurs, Physical Plant
director and /or the Vice President for Administration & Finance is responsible for including
required signage in capital improvement project budgets and for coordinating the architectural
design of projects with the Communications & Marketing department.
The Physical Plant shall coordinate with the Communications & Marketing department on
signage for new construction or major renovation projects.
Personnel and departments involved in all signage installation, especially the Physical Plant and
the Communication and Marketing Departments, should have copies of the ADA requirements
at their disposal.
Orientation Maps
The design, annual review and budget requests for updates of vehicular and pedestrian maps is
the responsibility of the Communications & Marketing department.
Donor Signage
CBU recognizes the generosity of its financial donors. All requests for signage identifying major
donors on new or existing buildings, as well as, donor plaques both interior and exterior, will be
coordinated with the Communications & Marketing department by the Office of Advancement
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
for design and placement to ensure a unified appearance and adherence to the CBU signage
Temporary Signage
The approval and monitoring of all temporary event signage shall be under the purview of the
Communications & Marketing department in collaboration with the sponsoring department (s).
Temporary signage must be removed immediately following the date of the event. Temporary
directional signage may be installed by Events Management in conjunction with specific events
but must be removed immediately following the event. The Physical Plant shall be authorized to
remove any signage remaining beyond this date.
The posting of handbills on campus signage is prohibited. Handbills must be posted on
approved bulletin boards according to Policy B.4.
Information on Signs
Signs that designate permanent rooms and spaces will have only official permanent room
identification. All other information such as room designation (classrooms, conference rooms,
personal names, etc.) will be displayed on a carrier sign, which can be easily updated as
Cost of Signs
In the budgetary planning process, funding for campus signage should be allocated to the
Physical Plant, after receiving requests across the campus. Any signage not submitted with the
normal budgetary process will be the responsibility of the requesting department.
Replacement of Non-conforming Signage
Any non-conforming signage, with the exception of existing building monument signs, should be
replaced as funding sources become available.
Unique Requests
Any unusual circumstances or site condition that precludes direct compliance with this policy or
any other requests for exceptions to design standards must be referred to the Vice President for
Communications & Marketing.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
All Christian Brothers University faculty, staff, students and visitors (including vendors and
Smoking and use of tobacco products is prohibited in and around all property owned or leased
by Christian Brothers University, except in clearly marked designated smoking/tobacco usage
areas. The University campus includes all buildings, grounds and parking lots leased, owned or
operated by Christian Brothers University, as well as any vehicle leased or owned by CBU and
any privately owned vehicle on University property. No one may smoke along any pathway or
walkway leading to or from the designated tobacco usage area, nor may individuals
smoke/consume tobacco products at the picnic tables nor outdoors in any of the grassy areas or
the parking lots.
This is an effort to create a safe and healthy environment for members of the CBU community
and visitors.
Tobacco products include any form of tobacco, including but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars,
pipes tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, etc. Also included in the ban are "smokeless cigarettes"
and "e-cigarettes."
Enforcement of this policy will depend upon the cooperation of all faculty, staff, student and
visitors not only to comply with this policy, but also to encourage others to comply with the
policy, in order to promote a healthy environment in which to work, study and live.
Christian Brothers University will offer the following assistance to those members who wish to
overcome tobacco addiction.
Provide education and information to the campus community in the form of employee
assistance programs and other campus support resources.
Violation of this policy will result in corrective action under the Student Code of Conduct,
Employee Handbook, or other applicable University Regulations or policies. Visitors refusing to
comply will be asked to leave campus.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
The following persons are responsible for ensuring that this policy is communicated to faculty,
staff, students, visitors and others in the CBU community:
The Dean of Students (for students)
The Director of Human Resources (for faculty/staff)
The Executive Vice President for Administration and Finance/CFO (for visitors including:
vendors, contractors, lessees, etc.)
The policy will be communicated to all members of the campus community. Education regarding
the University's Tobacco-Use Policy will be included in formal orientation for all incoming
students, faculty and staff. The policy will also be communicated in appropriate university
publications and contracts. University publications include but are not limited to electronic
notifications, handbooks, brochures and other university-generated materials.
Sufficient signage will be posted to inform members of the campus community and its visitors of
the policy.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
The mission of Christian Brothers University is educating minds, touching hearts, and remembering
the presence of God. Christian Brothers University is a Catholic university founded on the heritage of
Lasallian education. While large enough to provide educational opportunities in the arts, business,
education, engineering and sciences, the University is small enough to promote teaching as ministry
and to provide challenging student-centred learning and personal growth. Students of diverse
cultures and religious traditions are encouraged to grow in their own faith. The University welcomes
students into an educational community of faith and service, one that is committed to academic
excellence, the betterment of society and the care of God’s creation.
The University is a place that embraces academic excellence and the pursuit of truth through open
discussion and at times vigorous debate. The free pursuit of truth requires both academic freedom
and the recognition that speakers and events representing a diverse array of perspectives provide
our students and our community with challenging educational opportunities.
Christian Brothers University reserves the right to prohibit a speaker from addressing the members
of the Christian Brothers University community on campus if it is believed that the speaker’s
ideology or actions are in contradiction to the stated mission of the university.
For academic speakers, those invited by faculty for classroom or non-public lectures, the channel for
approval is through the Department Head, the Dean of the School, and the Vice President for
For other internal or external speakers, including any speaker whose presentations will be open to
the general public, approval must be granted by the Vice President for Academics in consultation
with the Office of Mission.
In the interest of due process and transparency in any decision to prohibit a speaker or event, the
decision may be appealed through Faculty Review (see and 2.9.3) within one week of
notification of prohibition. For external speakers and events, a faculty member may sponsor an
If the Faculty Review Committee agrees with the appellant, its chair will immediately notify the
President of Christian Brothers University, who will make the final decision. The President’s ruling
cannot be appealed.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Grievance Policy
It is the policy of Christian Brothers University to provide an avenue to students for the
resolution of a grievance or complaint when the grievance is not one that automatically requires
judicial action.
The grievance procedures are intended to encourage resolution of the student’s grievance
informally and at the earliest possible stage. At the same time, where such resolution is not
possible, these procedures provide for a more formal review of the situation by individuals not
party to the case, and a final review by the appropriate dean, director or vice president. In
providing these procedures, it is the intention of the University to carry them out in an equitable
and timely manner. However, in extenuating circumstances, it may not be possible to adhere to
established time frames, and extension of time shall not be construed as failure to follow
established procedures.
The grievance procedure does not replace or supersede the judicial system. The University may
charge persons through the judicial system even when the student files a grievance under this
Grievance Procedure
Step 1: If a grievance arises, the student should first approach the other(s) involved to try to
resolve the situation privately.
Step 2: If the student is unable to clarify or resolve the matter, the student should confer with
and submit a written statement of grievance to the Dean of Students. The written statement
should include the following: the name of the student, faculty member, or administrator whose
action gave rise to the matter, the type of grievance alleged, a statement of the injury, and the
type of solution sought. In the event that the grievance concerns actions taken by the Dean of
Students, the process will be conducted by the Associate Vice President for Student Life.
Step 3: The Dean of Students should refer the charge to the appropriate department head or
director. The department head or director should seek to mediate the charge, and thereby
effect an informal resolution of the matter. Failing resolution, after consultation with both
parties, the department head or director shall make a decision concerning the charge that shall
be conveyed in writing to both parties and the Dean of Students. This phase of the grievance
procedure shall be completed within 15 days of the initial written grievance.
Step 4: If the student is dissatisfied with the decision and wishes to take the matter further,
he/she may then follow the process for Disciplinary Procedures as outlined in Section 7 of the
Student Handbook.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
(SACSCOC Standard 14.2)
Christian Brothers University Substantive Change Policy & Procedure
CBU’s Substantive Change Policy & Procedure is based on Southern Association of Colleges and
Schools Commission on College’s (SACSCOC) Policy Substantive Change for SACSCOC Accredited
Institutions (http://www.sacscoc.org)
CBU will work to ensure all incidences of substantive change are reported in a timely manner. The
University will establish a process for adherence to the policies and guidelines of SACSCOC related to
institutional change. In accordance with SACSCOC policies, the University will notify the Commission
on Colleges of substantive changes and will seek approval prior to the initiation of changes when
appropriate. SACSCOC requires all substantive changes that occur after an institution’s decennial
review to be submitted in the next Compliance Certification.
SACSCOC policy states, “Substantive change is a significant modification of expansion of the nature
and scope of an accredited institution” (SACSCOC, 2016). The accompanying Substantive Change for
SACSCOC Accredited Institutions specifies substantive changes with approval and notification
requirements as identified by SACSCOC.
Persons Responsible
The Associate Vice President of Academics & Strategic Initiatives serves as the SACSCOC
Accreditation Liaison. The Accreditation Liaison monitors all institutional changes under
consideration, oversees substantive change processes, ensures necessary documentation is
prepared, and provides training on substantive change as needed.
CBU’s President, Vice Presidents, and academic leaders (Deans and program Directors) and
faculty members report initial campus considerations or stakeholder discussions of future
substantive institutional changes to the Accreditation Liaison.
Proposed substantive changes must be formally submitted to the Accreditation Liaison at
least 6 months prior to proposed implementation of the changes.
The Accreditation Liaison coordinates review of proposed substantive changes with
appropriate committee(s), the Vice President for Academics and Student Life, the President,
and other units of the University as necessary.
For each proposed substantive change, the Accreditation Liaison will assign responsibility to
appropriate divisional personnel to work with him/her to complete the required materials
for submission (e.g., prospectus, letters, etc.).
The Accreditation Liaison will notify the President prior to submission of any related
documents to SACSCOC, and the President will notify the Board of Trustees of the
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
substantive change at the next regular meeting of the Board (not less than three months
prior to the college submitting materials to SACSCOC).
The institutional documentation and submission must comply with the current Substantive
Change for SACSCOC Accredited Institutions policy for all prior notifications, contact time,
and/or prior approval.
The President and Accreditation Liaison will send completed substantive change documents
to SACSCOC according to the Commission’s reporting timeline.
The Policy is published in CBU’s Administrative Policies & Procedure Manual and is available in the
Academic Affairs office and the President’s office.
The Policy was approved by the President’s Cabinet on June 4, 2019.
Implemented & Enforced
The President is responsible for ensuring this policy is implemented, and the Accreditation Liaison is
responsible for its enforcement.
ADOPTED: 06/2019
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
The Christian Brothers University swimming pool is maintained for the benefit of the students,
employees, and alumni of Christian Brothers University and is operated under the supervision of
the Director of Athletics.
Dates and hours of operation are posted seasonally
Groups wishing to rent the swimming pool should direct requests to the Director of Athletics.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Any faculty or staff member, or administrator who wants to sponsor a trip outside the
continental United States, using the University’s name, involving faculty, staff, administration,
students or alumni, and/or raising funds for such a trip, should receive approval from the
President of the University upon the recommendation of the appropriate Vice President.
Traveling Abroad Course
Faculty interested in developing a course for traveling abroad must contact the Study Abroad office;
complete the Faculty Responsibility and Proposal for Study Abroad Form, and have it signed by their
department chair and dean.
Study Abroad and Exchange Programs
Students wishing to participate in study abroad or exchange programs should contact the Study
Abroad office and complete the Application Booklet for Exchange Programs & Semesters/Summers
Abroad, as well as the Request to Enroll in Off-Campus Course form. For semesters and exchanges,
CBU must have a signed contract with the university in which the student will be attending. These
contracts last for three years and are signed by the CFO, Executive Vice President for Administration
& Finance.
Expense Approval and Reimbursements
Any faculty or staff member or administrator who wishes to apply for travel funding and/or
reimbursement should submit an Application for Professional Development and Travel Funding to
the dean of their school or appropriate director.
All fund raising needs to follow University policies.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Reimbursement or payment for expenses, charges, and/or invoices when acting on behalf of the
University generally fall into one of three categories:
When traveling on University business, all employees are required to submit original invoices, bills,
or credit card receipts for items over $10.00 to substantiate travel advances made and/or to request
reimbursement. A CBU Travel Expense Form must also be completed and approved by the
appropriate supervisor before any University check or payment will be made.
Effective June 1, 2008, CBU will reimburse individual employees for personal use of automobiles at
the rate of 45 cents per mile.
While there is no set “per diem” amount for food and/or lodging, all employees are expected to
keep expenses at a reasonable level. Vice Presidents, Deans Department Chairs, and Directors are
expected to monitor all budgets and expenditures.
Out-of-Pocket Expenses
When seeking reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses made on behalf of the University, all
employees are require to submit original invoices, bills, or personal credit card receipts along with
either a CBU Petty Cash Form or CBU Check Request Form signed by the appropriate supervisor(s)
before any cash or University check will be issued.
University Credit Card Payments
When requesting payment on a University-issued credit card, all employees are required to attach
original invoices, bills, or receipts with their credit card statement. A description of who and/or why
the charges were University-related should also be made either on the original receipt, on the credit
card statement, or on a separate sheet. This statement should be approved by the appropriate
supervisor(s) prior to submission to the Business Office for payment.
University-issued credit cards should never be used for personal charges.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
(Relates to Non-Employees)
Purpose of the Policy
Tuition discounts are awarded to encourage life-long learning and to provide recognition for
particular services or relations to the University.
General Policies
1. All registration procedures and Tuition Discount Forms must be completed and
approved before the first day of the classes.
2. All academic policies listed in the Catalog (e.g., admissions requirements, course
prerequisites, etc.) must be followed.
3. All university fees, if applicable, are not discounted and are the responsibility of the
4. Discounts are not available for special seminars, workshops, or programs unless stated
1. Eligible persons wishing to receive a tuition discount must first contact the appropriate
admissions office, the Day Admissions Office or the College of Adult Professional
Studies, for admittance into the university.
2. After general university admissions eligibility has been determined, the individual must
complete a Tuition Discount Request Form and submit it for approval to the VP for
Academic Affairs. Documentation with proof of eligibility, e.g., letters or verification of
employment, copies of degrees, etc., may be requested at the time of the submission of
this form. A Tuition Discount Form must be submitted prior to the beginning of EACH
semester that a student wishes to receive the discount.
3. Once the course discount is approved, course registration is accomplished through the
services of an assigned advisor, the Dean of Academic Services (Day Program), the
Academic Director (Evening/Summer Programs), or the appropriate Graduate Director
(MBA, MEd, MSEL, MAT, or MEM Programs).
4. Registration is completed upon payment of tuition and appropriate fees.
5. Students who have an unpaid balance on their student account may neither begin a new
term of classes nor be eligible for a tuition discount until their account is paid in full.
6. The Vice President for Administration and Finance must approve all tuition discount
requests and will be responsible for the final interpretation of all discount policies.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Available Discounts
1. Full-time faculty members currently employed in Catholic Schools of the Diocese of
Memphis will receive a twenty-five percent (25%) tuition discount for both
undergraduate and graduate courses.
2. Full-time faculty members holding an apprentice or professional license who are
currently employed by a local board of education or who are currently employed by an
independent school system at an equivalent status will receive a ten percent (10%)
tuition discount for graduate education courses when they are enrolled in the MEd or
MSEL programs. This discount does not apply to the MAT program or to faculty
members, employed in Catholic Schools, who are eligible to receive the twenty-five
(25%) tuition discount noted above.
3. Students who have received an undergraduate degree from CBC/CBU will receive a
twenty-five percent (25%) discount for any additional undergraduate classes that they
wish to take. Students who have received a graduate degree from CBU will receive a
twenty-five percent (25%) discount for any additional undergraduate or graduate
classes that they wish to take.
4. Internship Supervisors (persons supervising CBU students currently enrolled in credit-
bearing internships, e.g., student teaching, will receive a twenty-five percent (25%)
tuition discount for one (1) undergraduate or graduate course.
5. Persons auditing a class for no credit will receive a one-half (50%) tuition discount. (For
additional information regarding auditing a course at CBU, please refer to the
University's Catalog.)
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
(Relates to CBU Employees and Dependents)
1. After a period of six (6) months of employment, all full-time employees are eligible for full
tuition remission for undergraduate classes up to a maximum of six (6) credit
hours/semester and fifteen (18) credit hours/academic year.
2. Employees who work less than full time, but at least twenty (20) hours per week are eligible
for one-hundred percent (100%) tuition remission for up to 3 credit hours per semester and
9 credit hours per academic year of undergraduate courses after two (2) years of
employment and a minimum of 2,000 hours worked or (5 semesters taught if they are
faculty members). Their spouses and their dependents are also eligible for one-half (50%)
tuition remission for undergraduate courses after two (2) years of employment and a
minimum of 2,000 hours worked or 5 semesters taught if they are faculty members.
Employee Dependents
3. Completing one (1) year of employment qualifies an employee’s dependents for one-half
(50%) remission and two (2) years qualifies for full (100%) remission.
4. Spouses and dependent children of full-time employees are eligible for undergraduate
tuition remission according to the number of years worked by the employee. Likewise,
nieces and nephews of Brothers who are currently employed full-time at CBU are eligible for
undergraduate tuition remission according to the number of years worked.
5. Spouses and dependent children of full-time employees are eligible to take up to 18 credit
hours per semester. Remission will be paid based on the number of years worked by the
6. All retired employees with at least 10 years of service and who are 55 years old along with
their spouses and dependent children are eligible for full tuition remission benefits.
1. After a period of six (6) months of employment, all full-time employees are eligible for full
tuition remission for graduate classes up to a maximum of six (6) credit hours/semester or
(15) credit hours/academic year.
2. After two (2) years of full-time employment, spouses and dependents are eligible for one-
half (50%) remission for graduate classes up to a maximum of six (6) credit hours per
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
3. All full-time Resident Directors and Graduate Assistants (by virtue of their employment) are
immediately eligible for 100% tuition remission for up to six (6) credit hours of graduate
level work per semester and (15) hours per academic year. Depending upon international
visa requirements, additional hours per semester may be granted on an individualized basis.
Spouses or dependents of these employees are not eligible for any tuition remission.
1. Spouse and dependent children status will be determined by IRS definition.
2. Termination of employment (whether voluntary or involuntary) will result in the immediate
termination of remission benefits for the employee and his/her dependents. If this
termination occurs prior to the end of a semester or term, the employee will be responsible
for the payment of any tuition/fees applicable for the remainder of the semester or term
unless other arrangements are made with the Vice President/Administration and Finance.
The final date of employment will be used for purposes of calculating the pro-rated amount
3. Reduction of hours to less than full-time employment status constitutes an immediate
change in eligibility for remission benefits available to a part-time employee. If this change
in employment occurs prior to the end of a term or semester, the employee will be
responsible for the payment of any tuition or fees applicable for the remainder of the
semester or term unless other arrangements are made with the Vice President for
Administration and Finance.
4. If an employee/dependent becomes eligible for remission after the beginning an academic
semester or term, benefits will not be applicable until the beginning of the next semester or
5. Employees, spouses, or dependents who receive full remission benefits are not eligible for
any other institutional financial aid, including work study.
6. Tuition remission scholarship is a last-dollar scholarship, meaning it will cover the cost of
tuition not met by Pell, Hope, or the Tennessee Student Assistance Award. Please note, fees
and housing are additional costs and not included in the tuition remission scholarship
7. If a dependent was awarded an institutional scholarship/grant prior to being eligible for
tuition remission, the dependent's institutional aid will be reduced by at least one-half (50%)
during the first year he/she receives the remission allowance. At no time will the remission
benefit and the institutional aid exceed the total cost of tuition.
8. Employees or their dependents (including nieces/nephews of Brothers) who is interested in
taking part in the Tuition Remission Program and who plans to enroll in an undergraduate
degree program for a minimum of 6 semester hours per semester must complete a FAFSA
(Free Application for Federal Student Aid) before they begin classes and are allowed to
participate in the program. In the event that the student is eligible for any direct Federal or
State grant(s) as a result of their FAFSA application, the student's Tuition Remission
allocation against their University charges will be reduced by a corresponding amount.
9. Employee's spouse or their dependents (including nieces and nephews of Brothers) who are
Tennessee residents and who plan to enroll in an undergraduate degree program at CBU
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
must apply for the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship (TELS/HOPE) before they are
allowed to begin classes and to participate in the program. If the spouse or their dependents
are deemed eligible for participation in the TELS Program and should they receive an award,
their Tuition Remission allocation against their tuition charges will be reduced by a
corresponding amount.
The Vice President for Administration and Finance must approve all tuition remission requests and
will be responsible for the final interpretation of all remission policies.
Provisions and Conditions
1. All fees and other expenses incurred are the responsibility of the employee or dependent.
2. Dependents who enroll in more than eighteen (18) credit hours per semester are
responsible for the per credit hour cost related to this course load.
3. Employees or dependents who have an unpaid balance on their student account may
neither register for a new term of classes nor be eligible for tuition remission until their
account is paid in full.
4. Tuition Remission for employees and/or their dependents is NOT applicable to the Master of
Science in Physician Assistant Studies.
5. Employees or dependents enrolled in graduate courses where books and meals are part of
the tuition charge are responsible for a per credit hour fee (currently $60 per hour).
6. The employee or dependent wishing to receive a tuition remission must first, if they have
not done so already, contact the appropriate admissions office for acceptance to the
7. After admissions eligibility is determined, the employee must complete a Tuition Remission
Request Form and submit it to their immediate supervisor. The supervisor will then forward
the request to Human Resources who will determine eligibility under the University’s
remission policies and then submit it to the appropriate Vice President who will determine
eligibility under the University's remission policies, then submit it to the Vice President for
Administration and Finance for final approval. Tuition Remission Forms can be obtained in
the HR Office and in the Office of the VP/Administration & Finance. An Application for
Tuition Remission Form must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the beginning of EACH
semester that a student wishes to receive the benefit.
8. Employees may not enroll in courses during their designated working hours without prior
approval from their immediate supervisor and the appropriate Vice President. Employees
granted this privilege must re-arrange their work schedule, in conjunction with their
supervisor, to make up all time missed and ensure the completion of their responsibilities.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Statement of Purpose
In accordance with the educational and spiritual aims of the University and for the enjoyment
and edification of the student body, faculty, and the community at large, art of both high quality
and visual interest shall be acquired for display throughout the campus. Works proposed for
accession into the collection, for de-accession, or for educational or expendable purposes shall
be reviewed by the Visual Arts Committee (a subcommittee of the Advancement Committee) for
recommendation to the Advancement Committee, which shall, as and when it deems
appropriate, present the matter to the Board of Trustees for its information or decision.
(Throughout this Policy, the “Board of Trustees” shall refer either to the Board of Trustees or to
the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees.)
Types of Collections
The University shall possess three types of collections: (A) Accessioned, (B) Educational, and (C)
Expendable. The University shall designate the collection category to which material is assigned
at the time of acquisition and may change the assigned category as collections and direction of
the University evolve. Records of the receipt and disposition of all items in the three types of
collections shall be maintained.
A. Accessioned Collections: Items in the Accessioned Collections shall relate directly to the
Mission Statement of Christian Brothers University and shall be used solely for exhibition,
research publications and exhibition loan.
B. Educational Collections: Items designated to this category will be a part of the University’s
accessioned collections but will be used solely for educational and research purposes.
C. Expendable Collections: This is material which the University shall collect only in the form of
donations or bequests. Such items shall be used for utilitarian, trade or sale purposes. This
material will not be considered as Accessioned Collection or Educational Collection material.
Role of Visual Arts Committee
The Visual Arts Committee shall be empowered by the Advancement Committee to approve or
decline works of art for accession and to de-accession works subject to such final approval as
the Advancement Committee deems appropriate: either by the Advancement Committee or the
Board of Trustees through the Advancement Committee.
Methods of Acquisition
The University shall acquire its collection through purchase, gift, bequest, exchange, field
collection, or any other transaction by which title to objects is transferred to the University.
Unless otherwise approved by the Advancement Committee upon recommendation by the
Visual Arts Committee, the University shall acquire objects unencumbered by conditions
imposed by the owner, donor, or consignee, the nature of the material itself, or, to the extent
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
possible, restrictions imposed by federal/state/local law including copyright law. If an
expenditure which exceeds the Visual Arts Committee’s and the Advancement Committee’s
available funds is required to comply with the conditions imposed, approval by the Board of
Trustees shall be required prior to acquisition.
Prior to a purchase, the University will attempt to acquire the object or comparable material
through gift, bequest, or exchange. The University will avoid accepting items which its
professional staff believes will not be utilized. Only items which the University’s professional
staff believes can be given proper care for an indefinite period of time will be acquired.
With the exception of donations requiring no expenditure or no more than a minimal
expenditure of funds, which donations may be accepted by the Advancement Committee upon
the recommendation of the Visual Arts Committee, donations are subject to approval by the
Board of Trustees upon recommendation of the Advancement Committee. All encumbrances
shall be stated clearly in an instrument of conveyance, shall be made part of the University’s
permanent record, and shall be observed by the University. In the absence of indication to the
contrary, the University shall assume that all donors are sole owners and shall have no
responsibility for confirming ownership.
The University reserves the right to accept or refuse any bequest of collection material or any
part thereof. In reviewing a bequest, the University shall follow the same policy as for
Recommendations to purchase art shall be made by the Visual Arts Committee to the
Advancement Committee. All purchases shall be authorized by the Board of Trustees in advance
of an expenditure of funds, except purchases of items of minimal value, which may be
authorized by the Advancement Committee, as it deems appropriate.
In order to enhance the collections of the University, the Visual Arts Committee may
recommend the exchange of items in the collection for material of equivalent or superior value.
Such a transaction shall be subject to approval by the Board of Trustees, except an exchange
involving items of minimal value, the exchange of which may be authorized by the Advancement
Committee on recommendation of the Visual Arts Committee.
Other Transactions
Other transactions by which title to material is transferred to the University shall be subject to
approval by the Board of Trustees, except a transaction involving material of minimal value, the
acceptance of which may be authorized by the Advancement Committee on recommendation of
the Visual Arts Committee.
University staff members shall not provide appraisals, either of donations or privately owned
materials, although they may assist donors in securing appraisals in cases where the University
may benefit from such assistance
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
The University maintains the right to de-accession items from the collections. Only material
which is no longer considered relevant or useful to the purposes and activities of the University
will be considered for de-accessioning.
De-accessioned items shall not be returned to donors. However, the donor shall not be
precluded from purchasing material at its current fair market or appraised value at public sale in
the event a public sale is conducted. When an item has been de-accessioned and objects or
monies have been received in exchange, the University shall attempt to keep the intention of
the original donor in mind when acquiring replacement material and shall transfer the original
donor’s name to such newly-acquired material, when practical. All monies received from the
de-accessioning of material shall be placed in a fund restricted for acquisitions, after costs from
such activities have been deducted from the revenue.
No University employee or Trustee may directly purchase de-accessioned items from the
Exempted from the above policies are items which must be de-accessioned due to inherent vice
or vermin; items in such a condition where repair or restoration is not possible; or objects,
materials, or supplies which are of such trifling value that the proceeds would be negligible. A
complete and open file of all de-accessioned material shall be maintained by the University.
In de-accessioning, the University shall give preference to retaining in the State or Nation
material that is part of the artistic, historical, cultural, technological, or scientific heritage of the
State of Tennessee or of the United States, respectively.
Loans To or From the University
The University will accept and initiate long term loans only from or to institutions, organizations,
or foundations whose aims and goals are consistent with those of the University. Such loans will
be approved only to enhance the purposes of the University. Loans from individuals will be
accepted when the loaned items shall be used for exhibition, study purposes, or in anticipation
of a future gift. The University shall not accept items only for storage.
Loans of art to the University shall only be approved when consistent with its programs and
activities. All such loans shall be for a specific period of time and shall be approved, following
recommendation by the Visual Arts Committee, by the Advancement Committee and, when the
Advancement Committee deems appropriate, by the Board of Trustees. Only the professional
staff of the University may negotiate loans of art.
All rules and regulations governing loans of art to the University shall be clearly stated in a
contractual document and agreed to by the lender and the University prior to the University
taking custody of loaned material. If the lender does not agree to hold the University harmless
in the event the loaned material is damaged or destroyed, the material may be accepted for
loan only if the applicable University insurance policy provides adequate coverage in the event
of such damage or destruction or if, with Visual Arts Committee approval, other adequate
insurance is obtained.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
All loans from the University, except those released for conservation, shall be approved by the
Board of Trustees.
Object Return / National Patrimony
If the University should, in the future, come into the possession of an object which can be
demonstrated to have been illegally exported from its country of origin (and/or the country
where it was last legally owned), or if the return of an object in its possession is sought by a
country which can clearly prove that the object is an essential part of its national patrimony, the
University will, if legally free to do so and given adequate monetary reimbursement, take
reasonable steps to cooperate in the return of the object to that country.
The return of objects clearly demonstrated to be essential parts of national patrimonies is not
retroactive from the date of adoption of these guidelines; demonstration of illegal export from
country of origin and/or country where the object was last legally owned must take place within
thirty-six months of the date of purchase of each object sought for return.
To deviate from any of these policies shall require the approval of the Advancement Committee
and, if the Advancement Committee deems appropriate, the approval of the Board of Trustees.
No member of the staff, the Visual Arts Committee, or the Board of Trustees shall personally
receive, directly or indirectly, any favor, promise or thing of value which could, or could appear
to, induce, discourage or influence a recommendation, decision or action affecting accessions,
de-accessions, exhibitions or related activities by the University.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Broadcast voice mail messages (via campus wide phone system) are those messages sent to all
students, faculty and staff, or any one or more of those segments.
Broadcast messages are only used for announcing emergency situations, including updates and
instructions regarding University closings or class cancellations due to weather, security threats,
and major service issues involving utilities or computer services, last minute changes to
schedules and other critical information.
Broadcast messages are not used as a method for general announcements or announcements of
events, or “reminders,” etc. The CBU Connection, the weekly electronic and published campus
newsletter is the official and recommended means for general announcements, fine arts
programs, athletic events, special events open to the campus community, etc.
The Communications & Marketing department can also disseminate general email
announcements for faculty and staff when announcements are needed that do not fall
conveniently into the weekly deadline for items published in Connection, the official University
newsletter. Connection news items are due to the Director of Creative Services each Friday
afternoon by 3 p.m.
General news and announcements can also be posted on both the CBU intranet Website
through the IT Webmaster or the Vice President for Communications & Marketing. News
releases on campus events and programs are prepared by and distributed to local and regional
news media by the Communications & Marketing department and are also posted on the CBU
Internet Website Campus News pages.
Approvals and Best Practices
Voice Mail: Broadcast voice mail messages to the CBU campus community are initiated and
approved only by the Communications & Marketing department, Office of Campus Police and
Safety, ITS (computer and systems emergency announcements), any Vice President, and the
The ITS Office of Telecommunications and the Communications & Marketing department are
responsible for and initiate all campus wide broadcast messages.
CBU resident students are required to check their CBU assigned voice mailboxes to ensure they
are receiving important announcements.
Email: CBU students are also required to check their CBU assigned email addresses
regularly. All important University announcements via email are sent to CBU assigned email
Official Campus Emails and Mass Audience Electronic Messaging
Official campus wide email messages distributed by and approved by the Communications &
Marketing department to all faculty, staff, and students as appropriate are:
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Announcements from the President’s Office and/or Communications & Marketing
Official Campus newsletters
Campus Police and Safety announcements and advisories
Inclement weather and University closing information
Informational Messages to the University Community, distributed via specifically designed listservs
with assistance from ITS and approved by the Communications &Marketing department are:
Club and Student Organization Announcements
School Announcements
Alumni Newsletter
Registrar’s Office Notices to students
Other emergency email (distributed campus wide as needed by ITS and approved by the
CIO/Dean of Information Technology Services or the appropriate Vice President are:
A. Campus Utilities
B. Campus IT Services
C. Campus Police and Safety Advisories when necessary
Program email (distributed by automated program)
Admissions information to prospective students and accepted students
Alumni newsletter to alumni who have chosen to receive this newsletter
Reminder to sign a loan check by the Financial Resources Office
Mass emails, or listserv emails will not be used for any personal matters such as lost items,
property for sale or rent, etc.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Christian Brothers University recognizes the educational value and societal significance of the
World Wide Web (WWW). Therefore, CBU supports students, staff and faculty in the electronic
publications of information and collaboration.
The University encourages its members to make innovative and effective use of the World Wide
Web within a framework which provides standards for the quality and content of information
and ensures compliance with the laws of the United States, State of Tennessee and the CBU
Code of Computer Practices.
CBU's web policy seeks to ensure that its web pages present a consistent, timely and accurate
image of the University which complies with ethical and legal standards.
Official web pages are information representing the University and are authorized by the
Communications & Marketing department with the cooperation of schools or departments in
accordance with the mission.
Personal web pages are representing only the individual author and not specifically CBU,
although, some instances may reference CBU academics or departments. The University
acknowledges concerns about academic freedom and rights about freedom of speech and press
under common and constitutional law which may apply to the pages created by individuals
associated with CBU. Therefore, the University recognizes two categories of web pages, official
and personal.
Official Pages
Because CBU is a Catholic institution of higher education in the tradition of the Christian
Brothers and because it provides students with an education founded on Lasallian principles, its
web publications must adhere to commonly accepted standards of the CBU community.
Official information available on University servers is governed by the Code of Computer
Practices, which sets forth moral, ethical and legal standards for University computing activity.
The Code of Computer Practices is available online at:
Information distributed on web pages must be the intellectual property of the individuals
distributing it and must not contain explicit copyrighted material that has not been cleared by
the copyright holder for distribution.
The use of images, recorded sounds, copyrighted materials, trade secrets and trademarks is
subject to legal restriction. No one may use photographs, artwork, text, video or sound clips, or
other materials that are subject to copyright, trademark or trade secret restrictions without
written permission of all parties, as applicable.
For reference purposes, it is recommended that each web page contain contact information for
the person responsible for maintenance of the web page. This information may be provided as
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
text in the document or as a link. This encourages the page manager to keep it current thus
protecting the viewer from unknowingly reading outdated information.
Purpose of Official Pages
The official University pages communicate with internal as well as broad external audiences,
including prospective students, alumni, constituents and the general public. It is recommended
that information intended strictly for internal audiences be posted on the myCBU Portal
(my.cbu.edu) rather than on the external Website. The content and design of official web pages
must be in compliance with the CBU mission and graphic standards. The web graphic standards
are located at:
These standards are maintained by the Communications & Marketing department with direct
oversight by the Director of Creative Services.
Content of Official Pages
The official CBU web pages are official publications of the University. Official pages include
content related to admissions, academic programs, administrative and student support offices,
programs and services, official University programs and intercollegiate athletic teams and
Text, photographs and graphics appearing on the official pages of CBU's Website are
copyrighted by CBU and should not be reproduced or altered without written permission.
Responsibility of the Official Pages
The Communications & Marketing department and Information Technology Services (ITS)
provides for the overall management of the web pages, operational practices and policies and
for the presentation of a consistent design within the University's graphic standards.
Each academic or administrative department with web pages has the responsibility for the
editorial content of these pages. These departments will designate a person responsible for
maintaining their web pages either from within the department, contracted services or
assistance from ITS. Final approval of the content will be the responsibility of the
Communications & Marketing department.
ITS is responsible for maintenance of the Web servers.
Location of the Official Pages
The official University home page is the document located at: http://www.cbu.edu/
Organization Pages
Only an officially recognized student organization, in good standing (in compliance with the
Student Government Association guidelines), may establish a home page within the CBU
Each organization with web pages has the responsibility to maintain its own pages by at least an
annual review. A designated Student Life individual must approve the contents of the
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
organization's pages prior to their appearance on the network. Each organization that wishes to
participate in this effort must formally designate a web page manager. Each organization's home
page must feature a section which gives information about the purpose and administration of
the page. It must include the name and contact information for its own web manager.
Organizations should consider providing information beneficial to the CBU community by
making it available on the campus-wide intranet.
Personal Pages
These pages are more loosely regulated than the University's official pages. They are, however,
still subject to the universal policies described below.
CBU does not pre-approve, monitor, or edit personal pages.
CBU recognizes the individual and educational value of personal publishing on the Internet, and
so as a matter of policy allows and encourages students, staff, and faculty to experiment with
producing personal web pages. Due to the free-form nature of this process, the University
accepts no responsibility for the content of those pages.
The personal home pages of CBU students, staff and faculty do not in any way constitute official
University content. The views and opinions expressed in the personal pages are strictly those of
the page authors, and comments on the contents of those pages should be directed to the page
Despite the above disclaimer, personal web pages must conform to the commonly accepted
standards of the CBU community, because CBU is a Catholic institution of higher education in
the tradition of the Christian Brothers and because it provides students with an education
founded on Lasallian principles.
Personal home pages available on University servers are governed by the Code of Computer
Practices, which sets forth moral, ethical and legal standards for University computing activity.
The Code of Computer Practices is available online at:
The contents of web pages must adhere to the policies of CBU and to local, state and federal
laws. This requirement also applies to all direct links to other pages.
Information distributed on web pages must be the intellectual property of the individuals
distributing it and must not contain explicit copyrighted material that has not been cleared by
the copyright holder for distribution.
The use of images, recorded sounds, copyrighted materials, trade secrets and trademarks is
subject to legal restriction. No one may use photographs, video clips or sound clips or materials
which are subject to copyright, trademark or trade secret restrictions without written
permission of all parties, as applicable.
For reference purposes, it is recommended that each web page contain contact information for
the person responsible for maintenance of the web page. This information may be provided as
text in the document or as a link. This encourages the page manager to keep it current thus
protecting the viewer from reading outdated information.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Presence of the University on External Websites
Official web pages representing the University and requiring authorization by the
Communications & Marketing department include external sites such as Facebook, other social
networking sites and any other official external presence on the Web. The Communications &
Marketing department must be notified prior to any official CBU pages being posted and "going
live" on these sites. The Department will review the pages in order to maintain a consistent
identity for the University, to ensure accuracy of information, and to make sure that various
pages are cross-linked to maximize the visibility and networking capability that these sites offer.
This policy does not apply to personal pages, student or alumni group pages, or any other page
not officially affiliated with CBU.
Presence of the University in Mobile/Smartphone Device Applications
Official CBU applications (apps) distributed for mobile/smartphone devices must be approved by
and developed in conjunction with the Communications & Marketing department using the
University’s iOS Developer Program License. These apps are the property of the University and
are distributed to the community at no charge. The icon used for each app will be provided to
the developer by the Communications & Marketing department to ensure a consistent
University identity and distinct design. The Department will review the app to confirm that it
features design, content and functionality of the highest standard and is in keeping with
universal best practices and the expectations of our constituents. This policy does not apply to
unaffiliated apps created by students, faculty or staff using personal equipment and licenses.
Violations of this Policy
In the event that web pages are discovered which violate any of the policies and guidelines
outlined in this document, the web page will be removed. The owner will be given an
opportunity to correct the violations before those pages are re-posted.
Any user of the CBU network hereby releases the university from all such liability by their
accessing or receiving information through the CBU network. The violator shall be subject to
disciplinary action, which may include revocation of access privileges to the University network,
exclusion or suspension of a student, or suspension or termination of employment for a staff
member or faculty, in accordance with the terms of the Student Handbook, Faculty Handbook
and the Computer Usage Policy.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Christian Brothers University is committed to providing all members of the University
community, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, vendors, and guests with a safe and
productive environment. If any member of the University community has reason to believe or
reasonably suspect that the University or any of its agents is acting contrary to any applicable
federal, state, or local laws or regulations, or contrary to any established University policy, that
person may report such action or activity without fear of reprisal or retaliation.
Any University employee or student with reasonable suspicion of such illegal or improper
activity should notify the University’s Director of Human Resources or the Director of Campus
Police and Safety to register a complaint.
Any vendor, guest or alumnus of the University, or any other interested person with reasonable
suspicion of such illegal or improper activity should also notify the University’s Director of
Human Resources or the Director of Campus Police and Safety to register a complaint.
After notification of alleged illegal or improper activity, the University’s Human Resources
Director will conduct a thorough investigation and recommend appropriate action, including
possible termination and/or legal prosecution, to the University’s President or, if more
appropriate, to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. All such allegations shall be logged and
kept under seal in the University’s Director of Human Resources’ Office.
Should retaliation actually occur, such act shall be considered a serious violation of University
policy and will be dealt with appropriately and could result in termination. Encouraging others
to retaliate is also a violation of this policy and will be dealt with as well. Those who file
fraudulent or bad faith complaints pursuant to this policy will be subject to disciplinary and/or
legal action as well.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
I. Bylaws of the University
II. Administrative Structure Chart
III. President and VP Position Descriptions
IV. Revision Index
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Memphis, Tennessee
Section 1. The Corporation shall be known by the name of Christian Brothers University (“University”).
Section 2. In the event of dissolution of the University the assets of Christian Brothers University will be turned
over to Christian Brothers La Salle High School, Memphis, Tennessee, a Tennessee nonprofit educational
corporation, and in the event said corporation is not in existence, then to Christian Brothers of the Midwest, Inc.,
Burr Ridge, Illinois, an Illinois nonprofit corporation.
Section 1. The governance of the University shall be vested in the Board of Trustees (“Board”), the members of
the Board of Trustees being the sole members of the University, there being no shareholders or stockholders. The
responsibilities of the Board of Trustees shall be to:
(a) sustain the principles and purposes on which the University was founded in keeping with the
philosophy and purposes of the Christian Brothers;
(b) manage the business and affairs of the University;
(c) select, appoint, and remove the President;
(d) confer honorary degrees;
(e) establish and review the educational programs and degrees of the University;
(f) approve annually the operating and capital budgets of the University which shall be submitted to it
with the recommendation of the Finance Committee and Executive Committee; and
(g) institute and promote major fund-raising efforts of the University.
Section 2. The Board of Trustees shall consist of at least 15, but not more than 45, members. The Board shall
include at a minimum:
(a) A minimum of 5 of the Board members shall be Christian Brothers or their designees;
(b) The President of the University who shall only be a non-voting ex-officio member of the Board;
(c) The Provincial of the Midwest District of Christian Brothers;
(d) The President of the National Alumni Board.
Other than the President of the University, no CBU faculty members may be members of the Board.
Section 3. Board members, except those by right of office, shall be elected for a three-year term, and may be
re-elected for a maximum of two consecutive additional three-year terms. There shall be at least a one-year
absence from the Board before a member who has served nine consecutive years may be re-elected. The nine-
year maximum may be extended, on an annual basis, by Board action for an active member who is serving as
Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary or Treasurer of the Board.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Section 4. A member may be removed from the Board by an absolute majority vote of the members of the
Board present at any regularly scheduled meeting or any special meeting called for that purpose.
Section 5. A quorum of the Board of Trustees shall consist of one-third (1/3) of the members of the Board as
then constituted.
Section 6. Any sale, pledge, mortgage, or transfer of the real property of the University in any amount, and any
purchase, loan, pledge, lease, transfer of personal property, or multi-year agreement which is outside of the
approved budget which exceeds an aggregate of One Hundred Thousand Dollars must be approved by an absolute
majority of the Board of Trustees.
Section 7. Meetings of the Board may be held at any time upon forty-eight (48) hours’ notice at the request of
the Chairperson of the Board, the President, or seven (7) members of the Board. Board Meetings shall be held at
least three times annually.
Section 8. All meetings of the Board shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order Revised
unless the Board decides otherwise.
Section 1. The officers of the University shall be a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, President, Secretary, and
Treasurer. These officers shall serve for a one-year term or until their successors are elected. The offices of
Secretary and Treasurer need not be filled by members of the Board of Trustees and may be held simultaneously
by the same individual.
Section 2. Except as established by the Executive Committee, the Chairperson will determine the Board
Committees to be established. The President and Chairperson shall serve as an ex officio member of all such
committees. The Chairperson shall approve the size of the membership of each standing committee and the
persons appointed to fill those positions. The Chairperson may defer the establishment of any Board Committee
except the Chairperson must establish the Executive Committee and the Committee on Trustees or other
committee responsible for nominating members of the Board.
Section 3. The officers shall have such authority and perform such duties as are customarily incident to their
respective offices or as may be specified.
Section 4. Officers shall be elected at the meeting of the Board held in May or June of each year by a majority
vote of those present. Any vacancy existing in the offices shall be filled by vote of the majority of Trustees at any
regular meeting or any special meeting called for that purpose.
Section 5. The Chairperson shall preside over all meetings of the Board and shall supervise the preparation of
the agenda in consultation with the President.
Section 6. The Vice Chairperson shall perform all duties of the Chairperson in the event of the absence, death,
or disability of the Chairperson. In the event both the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson are absent, the
members of the Board present may appoint a temporary chairperson.
Section 7. The President
The President of the University shall be the chief executive officer and shall be responsible for the
management of the University within the limits of the policies established by the Board.
Section 8. The Secretary
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Board meetings; ensure that all notices are duly given in
accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws or as required by law; serve as custodian of the corporate records
and of the Seal of the University; and, in general, perform all duties incident to the office of the Secretary and such
other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Chairperson.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Section 9. The Treasurer
The Treasurer shall have custody of the corporate funds and securities and shall keep full and accurate
accounts of receipts and disbursements and books belonging to the University and shall deposit all monies and
other valuable effects in the name of and to the credit of the University in such depositories as may be designated
by the Board. The Treasurer shall render to the Board an account of the financial condition of the University at
such times as the Board or President may specify.
The Treasurer may delegate any of the above powers to employees of the University with the approval of the
Executive Committee of the Board.
Section 1. The Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson(s), President, Provincial of
the Midwest District of the Christian Brothers, Chairpersons of the various standing committees, and such other
Board members selected by the Chairperson of the Board, from time to time.
The Executive Committee has the authority of the Board in the governance of the assets and business of the
University. The Executive Committee shall act only in the interval between meetings of the Board and shall meet as
frequently as deemed necessary by the Chairperson. Six (6) members of the Executive Committee shall constitute
a quorum of the Committee. The Chairperson of the Board shall be the Chairperson of the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall set the policies to determine the reasonableness of the compensation and
financial benefits of the President, Vice Presidents of the University and any and all other employees who are
“Disqualified Persons” as that term is defined from time to time by the Executive Committee.
Any Trustee or officer of the University, whether or not then in office, and the executors, administrators, or
other legal representatives of any such Trustee or officer shall be indemnified by the University against all
reasonable costs and expenses (including the cost of reasonable settlements made with a view to curtailment of
the cost of litigation) and counsel fees paid or incurred in connection with or arising from any action, suit or
proceeding either civil or criminal, actual or threatened, to which any such Trustee or officer or such person’s
executors, administrators or other legal representatives may hereafter be made a party by reason of such Trustee
or officer having been a Trustee or officer of this University. Such indemnification shall be subject to the following
(a) In any such action, suit, or proceeding prosecuted to final determination, such officer or Trustee shall
not have been finally adjudged therein to have been guilty of misconduct in the performance of duties as a Trustee
or officer; and
(b) In any such action, suit or proceeding terminated without a final determination on the merits, such
officer or Trustee shall not have been determined, by the vote of the disinterested members of the Board, to have
been guilty of misconduct in the performance of such person’s duties.
(c) As provided by Tennessee law, T.C.A. §48-58-501, et seq., as supplemented and amended.
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Section 1. Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended by an affirmative vote of three fourths (3/4) of all Board members present
and voting at any duly constituted regular or special meeting of the Board, provided the proposed amendment has
been distributed to the members at the time of calling the meeting.
4843-6466-4873, v. 1
Updated and approved at October 2015 Board meeting
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Position: Vice President for Administration and Finance
Reports to: President
The Vice President for Administration and Finance serves as the chief administrative and
financial officer and is charged with ensuring effective and efficient plant management, food
management, IT operations, Safety and Security, fiscal operations, human resources and
purchasing, administration and bookstore operations in accordance with the Mission and
Goals of Christian Brothers University.
Duties and Responsibilities:
To model the University Mission through dedicated job performance, excellent service to
constituencies, respectful collaboration and active support of the University's Mission as
well as the Catholic and Lasallian Identity in higher education.
To negotiate and approve all major contracts for the University, including grounds
maintenance, custodial services, campus food management and bookstore operations, and
construction projects.
To provide overall supervision, guidance, and direction for the day-to-day business
operations of the University.
To secure and monitor appropriate insurance plans for employees, the physical plant, and
To develop and update policies and ensure the development of Institutional Effectiveness
programs for all offices reporting to the office of Administration and Finance.
To annually prepare and submit for approval by the President and the Board of Trustees a
comprehensive planning document of the University's finances. Said plan shall include
the means for effective budgeting, cost control measures, auditing practices, and long-
term financing and investment projections.
To provide interpretation and enforcement of personnel and administrative policies.
To prepare and effectively administer the approved annual budget for respective areas of
the University.
To prepare the University's fiscal budget and ensure budgetary integrity; to assemble and
disseminate annual budget manuals as instructed by the President.
To coordinate the activities of the Administrative Officers (Business Office Manager,
Controller, Director of Physical Plant, Director of IT, Director of Safety and Security,
Food Services Director, Bookstore Manager, Human Resources Director, and Director of
Custodial and Grounds Services to ensure cooperative leadership, goal achievement and
optimum efficiency and effectiveness of manpower, time and funds.
To recommend employment, advancement and termination of all personnel reporting to
the Vice President for Administration and Finance.
To serve as member of the President's Cabinet and as Secretary for the Finance
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Committee, the Investment Committee, IT Committee, Compensation Committees, and
the Plant and Grounds Committee of the Board of Trustees.
To perform other similar activities as assigned by the President.
Strong supervisory and interpersonal skills, including significant leadership experience in
Finance and Administration at a College or University
Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Business or related field required; Master's Degree
Ten years of direct responsibility and experience in Finance and Administration
Licensed CPA preferred
Record of significant community involvement on non-profit Boards
An understanding of the Mission of a Catholic Lasallian University
Proven ability to manage in a complex organization
Excellent written and oral communications skills
Proven record of working well in a team setting
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Position: Vice President for Enrollment Management
Reports to: President
The Vice President for Enrollment Management reports to the President and is responsible for
leading the University's enrollment management, overseeing enrollment growth and retention
and managing related departments that are responsible for recruiting and retaining students.
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Oversee enrollment growth and student retention and take responsibility for
admissions, financial aid, academic services, the registrar, and the career center.
2. Develop strategies for recruitment of students and provide oversight and leadership
to all enrollment management functions.
3. Evaluate new initiatives and coordinate campus constituencies, particularly academic
affairs and student life.
4. Provide leadership for an integrated program of student engagement and success as
measured by high retention and graduation rates.
5. Oversee the development and successful completion of strategic and operational plans
within enrollment management.
6. Evaluate operations, staff, programs, and services within enrollment management to
effectively and efficiently meet the stated goals and objectives
7. Work with the president and the University‘s executive team in prioritizing
initiatives in accordance with the University‘s strategic plan.
Minimum of five years of demonstrated experience in enrollment
management, admissions, and/or financial aid
Extensive and progressive leadership experience in enrollment management,
recruitment, financial aid, admissions, or other highly related fields in higher
Master’s degree required, doctorate preferred
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Position: Vice President of Academics and Student Life
Reports to: President
The Academic Vice President is the chief academic officer. The officer is the academic leader
who is responsible for a high quality faculty, a current and outstanding curriculum which
supports the Mission and Goals of the University, a viable student enrollment, and the high
caliber of the graduates of Christian Brothers University. The AVP is also responsible for
effective operation of the instructional areas (the four Academic Schools and the Library) and
the academic support areas (the Registrar's Office, the Office of Day Admissions, the Office of
Graduate and Professional Studies, Academic Advising, and Off-Campus Programs) in
fulfilling the Mission and the Goals of the University.
Duties and Responsibilities:
To plan, create, and implement academic policies and programs with the faculty in
accordance with the University academic objectives: to introduce and terminate
academic programs.
To maintain and improve the caliber of the academic programs, specifically with regard
to regional and professional accreditation.
To recommend to the President all faculty appointments, promotions, and
To supervise the budget preparations and to approve budgets in the academic areas as
well as monitor expenditures within the approved budgets.
To coordinate activities with the President, the Vice President for Administrative
Services, the Vice President for Student Life, and the Vice President for Advancement.
To serve as member of the President's Cabinet and to serve as Chair of the Rank and
Tenure Committee, Chair of the Academic Council, Chair of the Strategic Planning
Committee and Chair of the Calendar Committee; to serve as Secretary of the Education
Committee of the Board of Trustees; to serve on other University committees as required
and as appointed by the President.
To prepare annually a comprehensive report on the Academic Affairs areas.
To assure professional growth for those in the academic areas, preparing
subordinates for current and probable future responsibilities and for effective
communication with the various parts of the campus.
To recommend changes in University policies, directions, and procedures to the
To perform administrative duties as assigned by the President.
To interpret and enforce University academic policies.
To supervise, evaluate, coordinate, and assure quality achievement of administrators in
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
the academic areas: the Deans of the Schools, the Librarian, the Dean of Day
Admissions, the Dean of Graduate and Professional Programs, the Registrar, the Dean of
Academic Services, the Dean of Information Technology Services, the Director of the
Honors Program, the Director of Student Disability Services, and the Director of
International Initiatives.
To assure quality academic advising for the students.
To assume other duties as assigned by the President.
Successful record of appropriate administrative experience
An understanding of the unique Lasallian mission of the University in both local and
global contexts
An earned Ph.D. or other terminal degree meriting tenure in an academic department
Proven record as an advocate for programmatic and pedagogical initiatives
Experience identifying and developing partnership opportunities externally that help
position an institution in the local area, regionally, and internationally
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Position: Vice President for Advancement
Reports to:
The Vice President for Advancement is responsible for the development, management and
implementation of a comprehensive development and public relations program. This individual
will develop and supervise all benefactor programs including those focusing on alumni, friends,
and parents of the University which will stimulate financial support and enhance total growth
of the University.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Participate in strategic discussions and develop programs to strengthen the financial
resources of the University.
Maintain a dynamic portfolio of high net worth individuals and secure major,
capital, and planned gifts, as well as, advance annual gifts and endowment
Hire, train, inspire and guide direct reports and the entire Advancement team
toward accountable, goal-oriented outcomes.
Maintain close working relationships with members of the Board of Trustees and key
alumni, parents and friends to the University.
Advance the mission, vision, and short and long term goals of the University in concert
with the University President and members of the President’s Cabinet.
Create and execute fundraising plans that best utilize best practices in annual,
major and planned giving programs to meet fundraising goals.
Serve as an exemplary University advocate in the community, with local leaders,
religious organizations, business and corporate partnerships, and other leaders, and build
relationships that closely link the community with the University, its President and
members of the President’s Cabinet.
Play an integral role in supporting the University President’s efforts to advance the
CBU’s priorities and represent the University’s position on issues with national, state
and local government officials. This role will cultivate and foster bipartisan alliances to
address issues of importance to the University and search for appropriate funding and
resource opportunities to support CBU.
Serve as the liaison to the Advancement Committee of the Board of Trustees
Perform other duties as assigned by the University President
Bachelor’s degree is required; Master’s degree preferred
High level of enthusiasm to enhance the Lasallian mission.
Ten years of direct responsibility in fundraising with a successful record
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Knowledge and understanding of the Mid-South and Memphis fundraising markets
Proven ability to manage in a complex organization
Experience in non-profit fundraising and/or higher education sector is desirable
Excellent written and oral communications skills
The ability to function well in a team setting
Strong supervisory and interpersonal skills
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
Position: Vice President for Communications and Marketing
Reports to: President
The Vice President for Communications and Marketing (VP-C&M) is responsible for the
high quality of campus communication as well as local and national university marketing.
VP-C&M serves as the university’s chief media liaison and spokesperson. She/he supports
the university’s strategic communications objectives and implements the institutional
marketing plan. She/he maximizes positive media coverage to enhance the university’s
reputation, market position and prominence. As the University’s principal communications
strategist, understands CBU’s mission, strategic goals, issues and challenges, how the
University is viewed by internal and external audiences, and identifies, creates and
implements communications programs and tools appropriate to each situation and audience.
Maintains a broad understanding of contemporary issues affecting institutions of higher
learning, anticipates how these issues may impact CBU and its key audiences.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Provide leadership and direction to the university president to ensure that all
communications, marketing, advertising and promotions present a positive,
informative and cohesive image of the enterprise.
Work collaboratively with the president and other campus leaders to develop
the long-term communications and marketing strategies to advance the mission
of Christian Brothers University.
Ensure the development and implementation of communications and marketing
strategies that promote enterprise-wide initiatives and activities, including
enhancing the university’s visibility and prestige among target audiences.
Oversee the university’s image and brand, both internally and externally, through
management of marketing, communications, market research and web services.
Ensure the effectiveness of marketing programs and initiatives, measure
ROI, and seek to continuously improve methods and outcomes.
Serve as the principal and strategic communications advisor to the enterprise
Oversee a media relations program that will present a positive, informative and
cohesive image of the enterprise.
Provide strategy for internal communications, ensuring collaboration between
Communications & Marketing, Human Resources and the leadership team.
Provide the enterprise vision for web presence by overseeing the design, and
developing, executing, and monitoring a strategy to drive web traffic and
build vibrant online communication and communities.
Identify challenges and emerging issues faced by the enterprise, and work with
leadership and staff to recognize internal and external marketing and
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
communications opportunities and solutions, and define and execute appropriate
strategies to support them.
Recruit, hire and supervise staff, including creative directors, graphic
designers, application developers and media professionals.
Curious with a passion for higher education;
Strong qualitative and quantitative research skills;
Strong data visualization and report writing skills;
Skillful use of statistical software to manage and organize information;
Expertise of or ability to quickly grasp with Excel, PowerPoint, SPSS and
qualitative data analysis tools such as ATLAS.ti or NVivo, Exceptional
communication abilities;
Minimum 10 years marketing, public relations or pother relevant experience,
Higher education background preferred;
Bachelors or advanced degree in marketing or public relations, business or
management, economics or psychology, sociology or social sciences
(Masters preferred)
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
IV. Revision Index
How To Use This Manual
Procedures for Formulating and Adopting of
Mission, Catholic Identity, Core Values,
Lasallian Principles, and Strategic Goals
Administrative Structure
Admissions Committee
Benefits Committee
Budget Committee
Calendar Committee
Mission and Identity Committee
President’s Council
Scholarship Committee
Strategic Planning Committee
Sustainability Committee
A.1 Equal Opportunity, Harassment and
Retaliation Policy January 2019
A.2 Allocation and Management of
Resources February 7, 2018
A.3 Allocation and Use of Information
Technology Resources June 24, 2002
A.4 Anti-Harassment Statement November
8, 2016
A.5 Purpose, Scope, and Policy of the
University Archives January 2019
B.1 Communication with the Board of
Trustees December 4, 1997
B.2 Brothers’ Recruitment Policy July 19,
B.3 Bulletin Boards & Information Display
On Campus August 9, 2005
C.1 Children on Campus Policy November
12, 2004
C.2 Communicable Diseases February 1,
C.3 Conflict of Interest Policy May 23, 1995
C.4 Copyright Compliance Policy use of
Copyrighted Materials September 2016
C.5 Copyright and Patent Policy
Originators November 2016
C.6 Crisis Communication Plan October
C.8 Determination of Credit Hours
November 23, 2015
C.9 Compliance with Commission (SACSCOC)
Policies October 26, 2015
D.1 Accommodation Policy for Students
with a Disability November 2016
D.2 Drug Free Workplace Policy May 2018
D.3 Personal Appearance and Dress July 14,
D.4 Distance Education Verification of
Student Identity November 23, 2015
D.5 Distance Education Protection of
Student Privacy November 23, 2015
D.6 Distance Education Additional Costs
Associated With Identity Verification
November 23, 2015
E.1 Emergency Procedures November 2016
E.2 Endowment Allocation Policy August 7,
E.3 Entrepreneurial Revenue Sharing
September 2004
E.4 Evaluation of Staff Performance
December 10, 2010
F.1 Office of Advancement Policies May 18,
F.2 Policies and Guidelines for Naming
Opportunities February 13, 2007
G.1 Gifts to CBU & CBHS Dated Prior To 1965
January 26, 1976
H.1 Honors and Awards October 24, 2016
H.2 Human Resources Policy October 2016
I.1 Immunization Policy April 2017
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University
M.1 Media Policy of the University August 7,
M.2 Mission Related Paid Time-Off October
24, 2005
M.3 Advisor Policies and Organization
Responsibilities April 2017
O.1 Office and Work Space Allocation
January 25, 1999
P.1 Personal and Professional Qualities of
Faculty, Staff, and Administration June 6,
P.2 Personal Communication Allowance
March 31, 2008
P.3 Postal Services November 2016
P.4 Property Acquisitions July 23, 2001
P.5 Purchase of Computers June 24, 2002
R.1 Employment of Relatives November
R.2 Reservation and Rental of Campus
Buildings and Grounds October 24, 2016
S.1 Salary Increases October 2016
S.2 School Closing Policy February 15, 2010
S.3 Sexual Assault August 14, 2006
S.4 Signage Policy July 14, 2011
S.5 Tobacco Use Policy November 2016
S.6 Speakers’ Policy – Internal and External
August 2013
S.7 Student Grievance Policy and Procedure
July 14, 2011
S.8 Substantive Change Policy (SACSCOC)
S.9 Swimming Pool December 5, 1997
T.1 Sponsored Travel outside the United
States April 2017
T.2 Travel and Expense Reimbursement
Policy June 1, 2008
T.3 Tuition Discount Policies February 20,
T.4 Tuition Remission Policy January 23,
V.1 Visual Arts Collection Policy October
V.2 Voice Mail and E-Mail Policy August 7,
W.1 Www Home Page Guidelines November
1, 2010
W.2 Whistle Blower Policy March 16, 2009
Policies and Procedures Christian Brothers University